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Everything posted by DeviousDi

  1. Thank'ee m'lady, me 'n' me ship be flattered
  2. She was carrying the name Enterprise when she fell into my hands last year. She has been re-fitted and will sail this year as Nefarious Enterprise. She be a speedy 24 footer but rather long in the tooth and sails out of Rheault Bay (near Kenora, Ontario) - freshwater pirates be we . If I can find a crew, she'll sail against the merchant ships on Lake of the Woods. She may not be wood and sail but she be a REAL pirate ship!
  3. Ah, going from piracy to Cowboy .... I came from Cowboy to piracy ..... thinking of trying to convert some of my old posse to privateers LOL! Be sure you check out the Single Action Shooting Society. Also do a search on Cowboy Action and you will find LOTS of information.
  4. "Woman"? Not necessarily!
  5. Peaches, First Mate aboard Nefarious Enterprise http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t286/diannebest/Bloodhounds/June19.jpg
  6. Aye, winter .... miserable time fer a landlocked sailor! Seems ta go on forever ..... But this winter I been busy re-fitting Nefarious Enterprise. Just 'acquired' her last spring and had no time fer anything but keeping her afloat so now's the time to outfit her for next year's mission - to sail against the rich ships of the gentry 'n' leave 'em a little lighter (if I ever find a crew!). Still lots of work to be done but still lots of winter left....
  7. None other ....
  8. Aye Captn' Mac, I know yer agony! Here I sit in southern Manitoba. I've got a ship (in dry dock for the winter), I've got a magnificent lake only two hours away, I have me eye on treasure ships just begging to be plundered (with crews that'll offer little resistance), but I'm ALONE! I can'a find a single soul to sail with me Still trying to find able seamen with a taste for adventure .....
  9. The hook itself is definitely factory-made rod, not made by a blacksmith - too smooth. The oldest buckles I have seen with rollers were on horse harnesses dating from the 1880's and after. I have never seen a smith-made buckle with a roller though factory made buckles may date back to the 1700's to furnish the harness makers (who were not smiths).
  10. It might not be "traditional" but I could afford to buy it, I can afford to sail it, and it IS going to be an active pirate ship next year (IF I can find a crew!)
  11. Aye, 't'is so sad .... lonely pirates in far flung places 'n' I can not find enough freebooters fer a small crew here in middle-Canada though thar be ships ripe for plunder .... Welcome aboard Beowoulf
  12. From the album: Devious Di

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  13. DeviousDi

    Devious Di

    Various Images
  14. AVAST!!! TARGET PRACTICE! All crew to the rails!
  15. Aye, she's a fine lookin' ship she is! Me own pirate ship be a compromise as well, being a tinny, but she be mine! Fair winds and gentle seas to ya both!
  16. Welcome aboard! Always nice to see another woman among the ranks!
  17. Aye, piracy be fallin on hard times! Only five million? Petty cash!
  18. Aye, a fine list Mistress Rackham 'n' much to be considered. Thar be no talk of coin bein' offered (yet). Them involved will have to see profit in this venture before they will be inclined to open their purse but it may come about a'fore all is said and done.
  19. The whole SIMPLE idea of scrounging up a few scruffy pirates to board the M.S. Kenora (out of Kenora, Ontario) next summer and relieve her wealthy patrons of some of the excess gold seems to be growing into something much bigger than I had figured! The ship's captain has been bought (he likes the idea) and the owners will look the other way (seem keen on it), and now the City of Kenora might be interested in having pirates ashore to, particularly during their Harbour Days (August long weekend). The need for "a few scruffy pirates" is quickly turning into AS MANY AS I CAN GET! I NEED PIRATES! Where in blazes do I find pirates???? The two nearest cities are Kenora (16,500 pop.) and Winnipeg (620,000) - surely to blazes there MUST be pirates among that many people but how do I flush them out??? Idears? A shilling for every good idear!
  20. Aye, a dream .... I have one 'n' she be a simple one - to raise a crew and sail out agin' the M.S. Kenora next season. There be pockets laden with coin waitin' to be lightened but ... a crew? There are them who've a mind fer it but be too long in the tooth 'n' there be them of stalwart build who don't have the heart fer it! Beginnin' to wonder if'n it'll be one ol' hag agin a whole ship .... maybe them be even odds?
  21. "Day job"? Does ye mean where do I pillage to support ship 'n' crew? Then that be as a Network flunky, designing wiring for new buildings and renovations, long-haul data circuits but most of me time is spent designing and administering 'network based video' like video conference, web-cams, etc. No wonder I like to go low-tech when the day is done!
  22. I be known as Devious Di, captain of the good (????) ship Nefarious Enterprise on Lake of the Woods (NW Ontario) and I be lookin fer them of strong back and questionable ethics fer pyracy upon the lake next year. I've quarry picked out and the right people bribed to provide good plunder but still shy on souls. If'n ye be looking fer REAL adventure on the high seas, ya know were I kin be found.
  23. I be a sailor ... pronounced so after surviving a Whole Gale on Lake Erie in a 18 foot wooden boat Now captain the Enterprise
  24. From the album: Devious Di

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  25. Aye, a demented lot all ..... I feel right t'home.
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