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Capn Antonio Malasses

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Everything posted by Capn Antonio Malasses

  1. The pressure chamber releases the air into a cup that pushes the balloon out of the cannon. So the air is not hitting the balloon directly and the cup distributes the force throughout the whole balloon.. The cup is tethered to the inside of the cannon so it does not go flying as well. Capn Antonio Malasses
  2. We have made confetti cannons in the past for parades. This is just a much larger scale and can fire almost anything. There is a pressure chamber inside the cannon that makes sure every shot uses the same amount of CO2. Then when ready to fire there is a black lever on top. You just turn that 90 degrees. The faster the turn the further it shoots. With half a days practice we got pretty good at hitting our targets. Capn Antonio Malasses
  3. Ahoy Maties! For this years Rock Hall Pirate weekend another crew member and I built a CO2 powered cannon. This thing will fire any type of ammunition that'll fit in a 3" tube and is under a certain weight but for this weekend we stuck to water balloons Here be a few photos of the finished product: The Cannon itself measures 54" Long and the carriage is 36" long and about 21 inches high. We were running off of a 20lb CO2 tank that is tucked away in the carriage. We fired over 50 balloons and BARELY put a dent in the CO2. Firing at around 60 psi we were averaging a range between 40 and 50 yards. Since we were constantly moving on the water it was touch to get an accurate distance. All in all we could not be happier with this project. We have a few modifications to make before our next event but it's safe to say we made one hell of a SPLASH! Once I can get video of the cannon firing I will post that as well. Capn Antonio Malasses
  4. Still recovering from Rock Hall's Pirate Weekend

  5. Here are more photos from the 2010 Rock Hall Pirate's Weekend. Mike Ermilio's Pictures Capn Antonio Malasses
  6. I looked for ye at the docks, but there was heavy fire. Anyway, I started my crew using meetup.com. It took a few months to get going, but once I got a dedicated set of people and a centrally located meeting place the crew took over andwe've been going for two years now.

  7. Rock Hall Pyrates is this weekend. Who all is going? Capn Antonio Malasses
  8. Packing everything up and getting ready to set sail to Rock Hall

  9. Who's all going to Rock Hall this weekend?

  10. My avatar means that there is a REALLY HOT wench who for some reason fell in love with a scurvy pirate like me. That and Never take a picture of a person looking into the sun Capn Antonio Malasses
  11. Major set backs on the cannons But still looking forward to Rock Hall

  12. Totally mixing up these forums by posting on old threads. LOL

  13. Me real name be Tony (Anthony) thus the "Antonio". Malasses is purpose mispelling of Molasses a key ingredient in my favorite beverage RUM! The reason for the misspelling is a) It's more piratey and 2) I am a Huge fan of the show Firefly/Serenity and the Captain in that show is Malcolm Reynolds (Mal). (We're even naming our baby after a character in the show. That obsessed!) While making the name I wasn't sure if Antonio Malasses would be a cool name or not. that is until I noticed that if you break down my spelling of Malasses you get "mal" the Latin word for "Bad" followed by "asses". Thusly translated I am Tony Bad Ass. LOL! Capn Antonio Malasses
  14. Capn Bloody Sam Rackham, We be setting sail from ports just outside of Philadelphia. Silas, You raise a good point about not needing a crew. As long as these forums can keep me up to date on events. I can just attend ones I can make it to. If I fall in with a crew then so be it. Bilgewater Browne, Aye we'll be at Rock Hall. My Father-Out-law has a ship at the Rock Hall Dock so we'll be there all weekend. If ye be going to the races look for the floating island. I'll be dressed just as I am in the picture to the left plus me hat. Mission, Count du Monet? Gotta Love Mel Brooks! Capn Antonio Malasses
  15. Thank Ye All for the Welcome. The port we call home be Philadelphia. (or rather a small town 5minutes outside of the city) Capn Antonio Malasses
  16. Maybe we can down some grog when we arrive at Rock Hall on the 14th of August.

  17. Thank Ye Mission. There is quite a lot of information there and I have read most of them before. I guess the main question I was looking to get answered taht I didn't directly see in these threads already is if the members of this forum are more re-enactors or more Renn Faire attendees. I have seen many profiles that say the person is part of a re-enactment group. I was wondering what these groups do exactly and how the person got involved in the crew. Thanks again for the Great links Capn Antonio Malasses
  18. I be Tony. Thus the reason for Antonio. Capn Antonio Malasses
  19. I realized I should have probably put a little bit in here about meself as well, I am not technically a part of a crew. We have a band of us who get together for Rock Hall's Pirate Weekend but it's only once a year. I'd be interested in getting together with a group more frequently. I have never been part of a re-enactment group but the idea sounds REALLY COOL to me and I'd love to find a local group. Because I am not yet with a re-enactment group my costume is more theatrical and less historically accurate. I have never fired a flintlock pistol or a cannon. Although i would like to I just don't know anyone who owns one. I am very interested in Pirate history and have read many books and websites on the topic (even though i can never seem to retain the information as well as I would like) I am an artisan. I make a lot of different items from leather and metal. Usually they are for personal use or for friends. I don't normally sell them. Again tahnks for ye help Capn Antonio Malasses
  20. The amount of questions I have for all of ye rivals the amount of rules in "The Code". That being said the best place to start is at the beginning. Who are ye? And What do you do? I've been looking over the forums for a few days and have learned quite a bit however I'd like to just come out and ask. Are ye, the members of this forum, mostly re-enactors? If you are, how did you get into it? How did you come up with your pirate name? I see there are a few artisans here. Do you sell your goods online or at shows? I've noticed that this forum seems spread out across the US. How does one find a crew or even start their own? Are you focused on being historically accurate or do you follow more of a modern view of Pirates? So many questions. Hope I didn't go overboard. Thank ye in advance. Capn Antonio Malasses
  21. Ahoy! I am Capn Antonio Malasses but my friends call me Tony. The gorgeous wench in the picture to the left is my amazing wife, the Lady Redz. We are currently expecting a new addition to our crew towards the end of this year. And could not be more excited to teach the young las the pillaging ways. I have ALWAYS been a fan of Pirates, as far back as I can remember. Sadly I don't know of any local reenactment groups so I settle for going to costume parties, murder mystery events, Renn Faires, and the Rock Hall Pirate Weekend. Currently me and a few crew mates are building a Pirate Bar in my house as well as working on compressed air based cannons for next week's event. Other interests besides pyracy include Martial arts, Leatherworking, and Contact juggling. Oh and Rum! Lots of Rum! We're hoping to meet some of you at events and expand our knowledge of "pre-emptive nautical salvage experts" (aka Pirates) Until then May there always be wind in your sales, powder in your cannons, and rum in your hands. Capn Antonio Malasses
  22. Building the ULTIMATE in powderless cannons for next week's Pirates Weekend

    1. Grey Fox

      Grey Fox

      Would you be using Carbide for that cannon? Or hair spray like the potato cannons?

  23. Preparing me garb and gear for Rock Hall Pirate Weekend

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