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Everything posted by Korisios

  1. I thinks exotic stuff would have been very much in demand and to the liking of the people of the time. Taken the fact that they also used turtle shells for cunpouder flasks and ivory for making loods of other things... Exotic woods for furniture and stuff. I would say using exotic animal skins would be in the line of these things... Never the less other than the pouderflask I would not have direct evidence...
  2. Can't wait to see what your going to make out of it!!
  3. This shop also has an MIquelet lock in their collection, only the pictures are to small to get a real idea of what they look like ... And sinds it's new I quess there's no one jet that has seen any of these from up close... And 99 British Pounts is not something you just take a change with..
  4. Korisios


    There's a militairy base there, so I quess that makes it just more savely...
  5. There you have it! 167 picture's, I know there's a lot of them dubble, but for me, if you study something, you just can't have enough... Enjoy!!
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