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Everything posted by Korisios

  1. The one I have seen says 1940...
  2. I ran into one such a tankard! What period is that??
  3. Oh and you can find them here on "Marktplaats" (the dutch e-bay) cheap also...
  4. It whas me wo asked the question. I lately run into a guy who sandcasts tin, indeed like the guy in the link Jendobyns posted here. And there's rather a lot of this stuff here around in Holland. So I wondered. Sometimes it's nice just to buy something from a guy you can look in the face and talk to in real life, instead of placing another order by the internet... (-; And there's a lot of secondhand stores here in my city that might have this tinnen stuff that you can buy cheap every now and then... Thats wy I asked....
  5. So do I understand correctly, that sandcast tinnen mugs and plates are not period correct for lets say 1700 ??
  6. Thank you! I wil look into the book, and wait for your other respons.
  7. I would like to have some one do some (a lot) 1700 emboidery in the future. She now a day's does verry good and fine traditional Roemeniƫn things, so i asked here if se could also do something like this: to be honest it scared here of a bit, and she wanted to know more about the techique. So I wondered what more is there to say and know about this style of embroidery..? So are there (online) explinations about how to approache this kind of work and what technigues to use?? Thanks!
  8. Verder woon ik zelf in Deventer, en ben van plan een coloniale Spanjaard uit te gaan beelden die in Guatemala woont en "werkt". Deze persoon wordt dan de kapstok om mensen het een en ander over Guatemala als Spaanse kolonie te vertellen. Ja, ik heb iets met Guatemala omdat ik er 8 maanden gewoont en gewerkt heb als vrijwilliger en omdat ik er nu een paar projecten voor financiele hulp h...

  9. Hoi Goldwolf ik bedoelde geen groep in het bijzonder, de enige groep die "piraten doet in Nederland die ik ken is, http://www.allemansend.com

    Ik ken iemand van de groep via Facebook maar heb al een tijdje geen contact meer met haar gehad. Ook de groep heb ik al eens benaderd, maar heb volgens mij geen reactie gehad. Kijk zelf maar eens even, ik zal zelf ook nog eens proberen contact te...

  10. Ook leuk om te weten dat er meer Piraten-fans zijn in de lage landen XD

    Ik woon in Barneveld, en nee, ik ben geen lid van een groep in Nederland...

    Wat voor groep bedoel je? kun je me uitleggen wat de groep in kwestie doet?

  11. Thanks a lot guys, I will look into these options.
  12. I am in the market so to speak for a Spanish pistol and/or musket. 1650/1750 (is that to big a timespann?) Moost Spanish guns and pistols are Identifiable by the little ring on top of the (how do you call that in English??) Thay don't have to be functional, rather not!! that would save me a lot of trouble with the authoroties here... My entiere outfit would be for educational purpose the have a start from where I can explain about Colonial Guatemalan life and work back in the days. I know to find a desent new spanish musket but i would like one a little less expencive... So who has one on the shelf for me??
  13. The last three weeks i have been in Guatemala (again) and visited the Lago Izabal and Rio Dolce area. So I can now ad some my own pictures here... The above building was the formerly store that is beliefed the "warehouse" that the english pirates plunderd recularly... I think is was build somewhere around 1800 so it's not exactly GAoP... but it's stil old. and above the castillo as it is now... unfortunatly I havend been able to enter the buidling but that would be something for the next time... This is a vacation park at the Lago Izabal conviniently called El Paraiso, because that's simply what it is... and then the amazing scenery, I don't know about you all, but when I reenact I would like to get a feel of the landscape in wich the history took place. For me this is it, to start with... cheers for more pictures, see my Gallery here on Pyracy.com or on my facebook page (where it's a lot easier to upload pictures. More on clothing is also coming soon...
  14. Korisios

    Guatemalan Pirate lands and waters...

    Pictures from the El Estor aeria and Lago Izabal
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