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Capt. J...

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Posts posted by Capt. J...

  1. Mates any name will do! I want to fire them all !!!!!! Finsihed cannon school today with all my fingers and eyesight in tack,,,,,,,,I am now certified..or certifiable as the case may be.......make ready the 6 pounder......powder monkey Traiga el cartucho !!!!!!!!

    Yo Ho!

  2. Here we be on the new ( new to me) boat, made sail and only used the trolling motor to ramp out....storm blew in. Now I just need to name the boat!!

    She's a 1972 Macgregor V-21...21 foot long, sleeps 4 (gotta learn to spoon!) 24 foot mast and moves along quite nice!




    And yupper, I flew the colors!!

    Lake Carlyle??????????

  3. Just a reminder that today is the deadline! Get your registration in the mail today!!!

    If we still have any space left once all the registrations are in, then I will be able to accept a few late registrations, but don't take that chance! If your registration is postmarked today, (JUNE 1ST) then you are guaranteed IN. Otherwise it's first-come, first served until I send in the numbers for insurance. Once that's done, no one else will be allowed to register. Don't wait!

    Hello Mate

    Can you confirm that you received our registration ?

    Thx Mate

  4. Wow, I am so thrilled with the photos! Thanks so much to Kate, Bob, and MadPete! The photos are superb, and I am so excited about all the different angles even on the same events! I appreciate all of you sharing so very, very, much! And to Janet and Captain J, thanks so much for the good food and care given to my fellas! And I will make very sure that Amish bread and Scotch eggs are a consistent part of events from here on out, as I hear they were a hit! Maybe by the next time you all get together, I can have some of the scrapbooks put together to share with you. Thanks again, I have enjoyed seeing the photos that go with all the excited stories! You are the greatest!

    Thanks again!

    The Bo'suns Mate

    BC........your Scotch Eggs rock............Yo Ho..........

  5. we we're greatly praised by factions from the fort.

    Huzzah Mercury!

    capatain, mostly due to william...

    Ohhhh no. I have to pass credit along to those who fed and furnished. John, Janet and Bo did more than me. I just wear one hat among the many good people of the crew.

    Thx Quartermaster.................

  6. I just read about a 4.2 shaker that happemed in the St. Louis area. Everybody OK I hope? Glad it didn't happen while we were all at DeChartres!


    Once the Mercury Crew left....the ground began to shake.........a sign???????????

    The center was a few miles from the house.........the dogs were going nuts.........but everythng is ok........Yo Ho !

  7. Hey all Bo'sun Carl's mate here, just wanted to pass some info and a request. First off Janet, rest assured that I made a correction in the number of scotch eggs coming based on reading the posts, there will be more like 4 dozen. Given that most attending are growing boys, and men, I thought it prudent to make a few more! LOL I will also be sending some Amish bread, in lieu of cookies. We will also have a large cooler with iced tea, green tea, gatorade and water.(something I always do)

    Now for my request........most of you know by now that I am a scrapbook artist. My request is, it does not matter if I send a camera the guys they don't remember to use it. Please please please, take lots of photos like last year and please please share! I feel like I get to come that way! LOL And I can make Master AJ his memory books to relive the great times with great folks!

    And for Captain J, Master AJ says to tell you your pitt dager is hitched, varnished, sheathed and ready to bring to you at fort! He is very excited! LOL

    Thanks to all,

    The Bo'suns mate

    Thanks to AJ, I will bring pleanty of Coin for him.......Yo Ho

  8. Will anybody from the crewe be there thursday to show me where/how to arrange tent set-up?

    We're with the military groups near the gate, but I don't know who will be there Thursday. I would like the Mercury set up in a circle open on one side or an open square if possible, with all tents facing into the middle for a shared fire, so once Darrell or someone else from the fort shows you the spot, try to imagine the best setup towards whatever avenue we face.

    Also, do you need me to bring the collapsible table I sent last year?

    I don't remember the table, but I'm sure we could use it.

    I am bringing three dozen fresh eggs and ten pounds of taters, some onions and stuff to donate to feeding the crew.

    I think my lass has everything covered for the cooking needs.......

    Thank you.

    I have a few props but not much. If someone close can bring a cardboard box or two that can be wrapped in canvas and tied to look like shipping bales, I have some canvas that can be used for a couple of those.

    I'll make sure we get some boxes.

    Any of my iron cookware needed?


    Someone else will have to answer that. I don't know who's bringing what for cooking.

    Janet has signed on as cookie so she has everything covered................................

  9. Well there is some hope... Mark G has expressed interest in going with us... with his wanting to come, it MIGHT change things for us, which means we MIGHT be able to make it after all. I'll let everyone know when we have things figured out.

    Setting us up to break our hearts...........again.....anyway i need a fiddle player....im bringing the guitar and printed out numerous sea shanties......

  10. Will anybody from the crewe be there thursday to show me where/how to arrange tent set-up?

    We're with the military groups near the gate, but I don't know who will be there Thursday. I would like the Mercury set up in a circle open on one side or an open square if possible, with all tents facing into the middle for a shared fire, so once Darrell or someone else from the fort shows you the spot, try to imagine the best setup towards whatever avenue we face.

    Also, do you need me to bring the collapsible table I sent last year?

    I don't remember the table, but I'm sure we could use it.

    I am bringing three dozen fresh eggs and ten pounds of taters, some onions and stuff to donate to feeding the crew.

    I think my lass has everything covered for the cooking needs.......

    Thank you.

    I have a few props but not much. If someone close can bring a cardboard box or two that can be wrapped in canvas and tied to look like shipping bales, I have some canvas that can be used for a couple of those.

    I'll make sure we get some boxes.

    Any of my iron cookware needed?


    Someone else will have to answer that. I don't know who's bringing what for cooking.

  11. The list shows some 27 people if Jon and Paula attend.

    Hello Mates.... Look like most of the crew will be sailing in on Friday.......looks like we have a great showng Mecury Crew....our Quartermaster wiil sail in with some of us on Friday........... ....cant wait to see you all again.........regards.....J....

  12. Greetings all........spoke with Darryl at the Fort......all is good....I told him about 14 tents will be ours......we will be in with the French and British Military area this year.......when checking in just tell the folks at the gate you are with the Mercury Crew and they will let you in without a cost to you......we will be able to participate in the skirmish....they are corriagraphing(?) our part now.........QM William can you post the menu ?.....MP thx for the offer of help.........Most of us will be there Thur night and friday...Please look at the Forts web site for the rules........Yo Ho.......

  13. Ahoy and greetings to all,

    I be a little known pillager known as James Smythe. Growing up on the gulf gave me an early intrigue to pyracy in its forms and the habits grew healthy. Currently I have been land-locked but I due make my pilgrimages back when I can. I came in hopes of finding a community to aid in my needs for pillage and plunder.

    Welcome ! Me and the Lass are up the road from you near St. Clair.......land locked as well.........grab your essentials and meet us at the Fort....we need an additional strong Lad for the tug o war..........Yo Ho !

  14. Just a reminder, this event is rapidly approaching... It looks like it will be a good sized crowd (well over thirty by my count)... And we already have a couple of handful of auction items on hand by various generous donors (the first three donors to get their donations in, were all pubbers! Thanks guys and gals!).

    So please sound off if you are still coming, or thing your coming, or hope your coming, or if you found out you unfortunately can't make it. Looking forward to this one!

    we are still comming mate. If i send you a couple of bed rolls can i get them stuffed with straw there ?????? j...

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