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Everything posted by madPete

  1. well well... another birthday. Have a great one! mP
  2. bummer... Any bites towards purchase of the ship yet? mP
  3. Also if you dampen the leather, an awl works wonders for manipulating/opening the hole enough to get a needle thru... mP
  4. Excellent!
  5. if you can't get at it with a curved needle, likely would take the rest of the stitching out to repair and stitch the whole thing again. mP
  6. oh, but to have such a decision to make ...LOL please post pics! mP
  7. First, I appreciate that you want to do a project with the woodworking skills, and I can only say for the work and effort you are likely better off spending the time on a new rifle. I have a Traditions kentucky with a 2 piece stock that I built from a kit. it was $225 when I bought the kit and I bought it as an entry level way of participating in a Morgan's Riflemen group impression. I've gone back and forth over restocking it with a one piece stock in a nice chunk of walnut, just to make it more "correct looking". After considering the cost/effort to replace the stock, I then considered replacing the lock, turning the octogon barrel down on the forward end, and the other hardware necessary, i decided long term it was better, and more cost effective to just build a new rifle. In the end, I accepted my traditions rifle for what it is, a non authentic, but accurate shooting, reliable flinter and I am spending my efforts elsewhere. it will be used as a loaner for those starting out with nothing. I have also seen used examples that are much closer to what I envision in the $400-$500 range which is what you will have in it when you are done anyway (if not more). mP
  8. Looks awesome! alas too many obligations in September already - maybe next year. mP
  9. sign me up - camping 10X10 tent mP
  10. no this party goes year round! mP
  11. I second capt Bo. course I've a long ways to that coast... mP
  12. Barnes and Noble just notified me that they shipped my order! Pressure is on now, GregF! LOL mP
  13. Careful Stynky. You know what she can do! mP https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/iUwa1YRFqBjPQHh200r7BtN_t80vfrc1ybQf2JqNQww?feat=directlink
  14. Awesome! adding to my list. mP
  15. May 11, 1891 - On this date in 1891, the leaders of the Namoa pirates were executed by Chinese authorities beheaded at Kowloon. The group was named after the steamer they had captured six months earlier. Thanks to Jamaica Rose and No Quarter Given: https://mbasic.facebook.com/notes/no-quarter-given/today-in-pyrate-history-tm-may-11-1891-the-namoa-pirates-are-executed/200969226606412/
  16. Resurrecting an old thread. How about storing in this: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/iliNkwI2pHp0tw21MTV4MtMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink mP
  17. Welcome to authentic pirate history - where you make what you can't buy! mP
  18. very nice!
  19. Here's a rum (or three) to ye mate! Hope to see you someday soon! mP
  20. So I suppose that means I'm not allowed in camp without it this year? lol
  21. nice!!! can't wait to see it mP
  22. Raises a mug... Happy Birthday! mP
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