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René la Gaffe

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Everything posted by René la Gaffe

  1. GOOD LORD ABOVE! iv nnneeeevvveeerrrrr seen clean dutch! and clean up vveeryy well he does!...of course he pales in comparison to the beautiful Madame Grace! clean dutch should show up more often...maybe......
  2. theres one woman here with the most horrible and frightening weapon of all......yee all know of what i speak........it stirrs the pot, and whacks the head......bbuut iv never personally been threatened with it........though i have meet lady browers meat cleaver......i fared alot better than the ham......
  3. I cut my finger, and a good friend immediately attacked me with these..... they make cuts look...delicious.....(note:picture is NOT of me.......not quite tan enough....)
  4. for some reason i always wanted one...CURSE YOU STEPHEN SPIELBURG!!! .........though id want it in burgandy...i love antique cars...model t ford= love ..............wow in comparison to all the sports cars..mine seem very......slow.......
  5. AAAHHHHH! peoples are whispering dark nothings about me to strange men who iv been told smell.........it was the canadian...he shall pay..after all canucks cant fight....can they?...and yee shall have that drink sir!...after i have two..or three. Till we meet then mate!
  6. !Curse the devil, and the angles above!!! Confounded timing, i swear im going to it next year! Great cover shot mad dogg..iv heard alot about you....dont know it thats good or bad....i shall take good ,monsieur......
  7. May your future days be much happier silkie! i must admit, the car incident really came our rather well all things considered........oh yeah....the post office is the devil!
  8. good lord, hes got quite the business going......hell take us all over and steal our monies.........someone STOP HIM!!!
  9. Ebay, Monsieur... Ebay. Ms. Kate let me in on a little secret (sadly, I am not good at keeping them!) that ebay is a great place to find fabric.... So with her help I found this and several other chunks of wool for the Sean and Clint's Jackets. (She is a terrible influence on me, I find myself doing a great deal of shopping while chatting with her...) In any case, it cost less than 40 in fabric and probably only 3 hours in time thus far (the edges are unfinished) so if you are trying to save coin, I highly recomend making one. =) with the left overs you can stitch up a pair of mittens and maybe a hat. i must say, i have yet to ever use ebay for anything, iv always been a bit apprehensive of online buying.......but that may just be me...being paranoid....i shall see what i find.......any tips?
  10. ..........im afraid....the button holes alone are enough......this is why im glad to be working on stuff for mmmmee and mmeee alone
  11. Im with lady brower, because i generally type how i talk, i often say aye in real life and well at tis and other antiquated words...bbuutt i do try my best to put them in the right place. Funny enough , when im dressed up , i dont even attempt an accent(french of english) and i can actually do a pretty good english accent, because most of my family is from brixton(near london...well in it really)........................ on a side note, i must say that callenishes accent quite good(forgot to complement you on it at blackbeards)...............especially at events where we are trying to convay an accurate portrayal to the public, over the top accents should be right out, bbuutt if we are all just out for a good time, do what makes you happy......p.s. i hope no one thinks my little french bits are serious, just fooling till french classes start..adieu
  12. My dear sir I don't know what translator you use or not for your French but it always put a smile on my face. I mean that in very friendly non-condescending way. It's always very close but not quite rigth. Keep it up I like it LOLOLOLOL i swear i was waiting for someone to call me on the bad french lol, i havnt started classes yet, so im gooing of what i can piece together with the help of the internet lololol, im glad it makes you smile...for it does the same to me Callenish, bless yee sire, for i almost forgot to put gloves on my list of things to get, i think jas townsend may get an order from me soon.........i wonder if its easier to buy a cloak or make.......iv also seen people just use blankets pinned about their person as cloaks, i know it was done in the revolutionary period, but was it don in the early 1700s too? i would imagine so, but ill still ask........... Mike, i was looking at a copote myself, for it is easier to make than a great coat, and more than likely cheaper(yyaayyy) I havnt seen any period artworks with it depicted on a civilian, but i have seen on on a painting of soldiers in the f&I war...though admittedly later in time..... Lady brower i do love the color of your cloak-y thingy..whatever it, tis great, but it inspires another question......where'd you get the fabric.........?
  13. ffiinnnneeee vous criez le bébé! I shall invite the canadian to bless us with his knowledge........ *le sigh
  14. apparently i too have what it takes, but same as alot of you, i work as a sailor anyway so i guess its appropriate....but i must say the answer choices weren't all to expressive...adieu
  15. Bon jure mes amis! Soon the icy winds of hiver will be upon us, as well as the cool days of automne. So, what are you guys making to keep warm? Personally id like a watch cloak, a sleeved wesket or to, and a greatcoat would be.......great..lol....... Im pretty sure that a wool jacket would do, for most sailors/pyrates, but what are the common folk wearing in hiver? oh...and this question doesnt apply to michael, canadians dont need winter clothes...... au revoir, pour maintenant
  16. though not quite cut out for a sailor...im making a wool greatcoat , sleeved wesket ,and a cloak for this winter....cant be a pyrate all the time, bbuutt i suppose a good wool jacket should do you ok....be sure to get some wool gloves though!
  17. very well done sir! i dare say that those wool slops may help save your bacon in november!
  18. Its a real shame that she went up like that.......so very few of them left........so very beautiful...... im very glad no lives were lost, though the crew may feel otherwise.......however unlikely, twould be nice to see it rebuilt.......but it would seem very unlikely......adieu, mon beau navire......adieu *tosses handkerchief <h3 class="r"> </h3>
  19. I'm interested, especially in building the dory. What is the colonial maritime festival going to consist of? Mark lol i must say the dory building caught my interests quite a bit as well !.....alot of my interest....
  20. yyyyyyyyeeeessssss, i would lloovve to do this...but when is it? and where.......though im sure its in the thread somewhere........mabey.......
  21. beautiful work as always mate!....i still dont have a sword.....hhuuummmmm...........the spiral faceting should look quite stunning, i await photos sir!
  22. Good lord im a few days late! Happy belated birthday my dear Callenish!!! and many many more my friend, see you at the next event(which ever one that may be lol)
  23. I mean SERIOUSLY, why dont we have anything like this.....thats goggle wearing goodness that place! Absoultely gorgeouse to boot....but im sure its expeeeennnsssiiivvveeee......mabey.........
  24. My lady yee doth inspire me to list me own musical accoplishments...I play, violin(learning now), guitar, and pennywhistle...im working on making all 3 better befor moving on to mandolin.....eventually
  25. A big hello to yee willoghby, I always enjoy a song with you! (tis me, reggie, the black kid....i love how that sums up me identity lol) My their be more in the future, for i know eeevveenn more lovely sea shanties now yyaayy
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