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René la Gaffe

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Everything posted by René la Gaffe

  1. sir that may be one of the best shoe mods i have yet seen, where on earth did you get the idea?...i think i want a pair of boots to cut up now..lol(nvmd i just saw the thread lol)
  2. I will also have a bit of clothing to lend, as it is i have two outfitts to loan out, while im wearing the other(including stockings, hats, neckwear etc.) and ill have more then, the only things i dont have more of are sho......oh, nvmd i forgot i do have an extra pair, size 11, though they are modified and not 100% accurate(but that look the part qquiitee a bit). I also have extra bags and a few things.....good lord i didnt realize how much stuff i had brought/made.....its a shame......if anyone need stuff they are welcome to it!
  3. "Lastly, many people think that colorful clothing was out of reach for common people in the 18th century. That's simply not true. There was a thriving trade in second-hand clothing in the 18th century; and servants also received cast-off clothing as part of their wages. Look at Pennsylvania Gazette runaway ads for examples of some very vivid clothing worn (or stolen) by runaway servants. If you're doing a lower-class impression, why not have a colorful item that's about 20 years out of date and well worn / patched? You could also have a brighly dyed silk handkerchief, since pack peddlers sold cheap silk handkerchiefs and ribbons." Captain Sterling i dare say i love you...*cough......well that helps quite a bit! I also dare ask if you have any similar articles to share?This also makes me wonder just how long the life span of a garnment could be.......alas, sometimes i wish i could simply not care, but as the captain stated...im a bit of a history freak......for shame........I thank all for the advice.....i think ill take the natural route suggested by callenish, lady brower and silkie, and let it fade...though i like the salt water idea...or the pool idea.(lady constance seems to have tried this aalloott lol)
  4. women are so smart....bbbuutttt in a strange way i kinda want black...or close to it that is, i just dont want such a dark and pretty looking black.....but that leads to the "is it above me to have it" part. For some reason even though its our thing, i dont always portray a pirate, sometimes im just a free black, sometomes i portray a slave......im really trying to figure out if black was common enough that no one would have though it indecent for a black man to wear it....after all whether free or not, you dont want to draw attention/ jealousy from anyone white. I must say it adds quite anothe rlevel of difficulty when you factor in that im of extreamly swarthy complexion(lol). So far as my research has concluded, the earlier, the more things a black man could get away with.....as in its better in 1720 than 1780....but not saying it was flowers and roses either.....huumm i seemed to have digressed a little in that lol So the actuall question this is really, is it above me to wear black?(im gonna lighten it anyway to age it , but youd be able to tell that it was once black)
  5. As an update on me(the pyrate formally known as mr.tignor, im not so far along in getting regular(1720) stuff together, bbbuutt im still gonna try to get a buccaneer kit going....i just doubt ill look qquuiittee as good as the rest of yee...lol Ill be camped at the mercury's site but ill definitely spend quite abut of time literally chewing the fat with you guys...lol
  6. A VVVEERRYYYYY happy birthday to yee silkie!!! and many happy returns!
  7. Well mates, a lucky thing occured. I was gifted 4 yards of linen....only problem is...its jet black.........and i dont want anything i make from it to seem rich...or as if i was mourning.......im aware that black wasnt the most uncommon color, but I feel its too black for a black man to afford.......wow that sounded.........*cough......... SOOOOO whats a good way to fade it quickly? though i could indeed use the sun, but id like to get it to an even coal grey.......OOOORRRR am i just freaking out, and it isnt all that much a problem .......i was thinking of making a sleeved waistcoat out of it, and mabey breeches if theres left overs...but not to wear at the same time........what say you guys?
  8. Hopefully Callenish will see this... But if I can't go (and I still very much hope to make it), Callenish is the closest to me who I know is driving, and I am in Pittsburgh enough that I am sure I can get it to him between when I expect to find out one way or another and the time he will be leaving (some time in November). Ya know, this might be a good queue to revive the "Driving to PiP" thread, as there are others that may need help with similar situations. I will repost this there (sorry for the duplication). OOh say it isnt so!!!! mike yee just hhaavveee to go, iv never had an event without you!!!! What on earth would i DO!! *cries..... if there any service i can do you to help ill gladly do it(im driving ) ....large trips seem...difficult...i swear...and getting money for them seems worse....*sigh
  9. You also may want to check out the striped linen "LMTS-NB-60" at Periodfabric.com. The stripes patterns is so similar to what jack used, I almost thought I was seeing him in my breeches! LOL i though the same thing........youll be in for a shock sense i doooo have the exact same fabric lol..........Very well done mr.roberts! I must say im glad you posed it, for im basically making the same thing this weekend....and it looks.....the same.....*sigh .......... Fine craftsmanship mate!
  10. Happy birthday Mr.Thatcher, and many merry returns! Have a wonderful time with your family mate, and enjoy that apple pie!
  11. hehe.. Yis, we are all a bit mad aren't we? Hm... Now what could Monsieur Rene do for funds? are you not a pirate? wee a pirate i am....but a police man be my upstairs neighbor.......oh the sadness....this got me thinking, i sshhooulldd pick up a trade to do with all this............would be educational, for me and the public....yyeessss....yyeessss........i feel a new thread comming on.....
  12. Though we have never yet met..........Glad yee made it to the area safely Animal(when ever you read this), welcome to this little corner or Virginia! I hope you enjoy it here....strangely enough, there are a lot of piratical things to do! If you ever need any advice on good things to do im glad to give it (i live across the river from you in portsmouth ) Cheers mate!
  13. Huzzah! Im glad to see you expanding your money making endeavors lady brower(i need to think of something myself lol...who knows what id do..)! I hope it all goes well, heaven knows this is an expensive hobby........we must all be bleeding crazy....lol
  14. Happy natal day mate! Many returns, and many good times....and be sure to enjoy the company of your new bonny lass!
  15. I thank you kindy for the complements sir...but looks can deceive. ....lol.....do please try pockets, so very helpful, and not too hard....but i wish IIII had tried out my first one on cheaper fabric............
  16. A very happy birthday to our Cheeky Actress!!!.... and i suppose its Bess's birthday too...hhumm.......... i hope they both have a smashing day!
  17. Quite the pile of clothes there Mr. Thatcher! Very well done.....i dare say i would stea........borrow one of your fine waistcoats......
  18. Many who attended the last lockhouse can attest to the interesting substances left by canadian geese. A large flock had recently spent the night on our field.....so the next day...when ever you died, you got an extra funny colored stain.....a stain which doesnt wash out to easy(and doesnt smell to good either). Personaly i agree that simply wearing you kit when doing near anything messy will give it a true lived in look. Dont wash it(though i did try to scrub the goose droppings out some), and you get a natural smell too......One of the most beneficial things was the rain storm at this years blackbeards festival(and all the mud that came with it), and simply camping out and firing weapons in your gear will do wonders. Also, eating in your gear will do great to...especially is you dont have napkins......one of my best looking stains....... is from cake........
  19. Confounded i really wish marcus hook, and the santa maria event were on different days...sadness. Well i hope to attend one of these on TLP day...whichever one i can bum a ride to that is.........lol
  20. good lord, if eevn half the people on the list show up, we will have QUITE the turnout......the beach will be veeeerrryyy crowded .....oh yeah i used to be Mr.tignor, new name...lol yay confusion!
  21. Iv found some of my best things in thrift stores. Look for anything you could use, dont go in looking for a specific type of shirt, for a particular outfit, and then expect to find one. Instead look for anything you could use, and put an outfit together later. Also dont be afraid to butcher some poor helpless piece of apparel to suit your needs......the ends justify your means......no stitch shall be spared...........
  22. Congratulations to the Archangel crew...so long as you dont point it at me that is.....Captain jim is right , something about a one eyed man with a cannon seems....frightening....
  23. Strangely,mike, i think i was the one that pulled the trigger on that one misfire......how ironic....lol...i dare say i need to learn morte about guns and all before i buy one....i only hope it doesnt need TOO much work done to it...*sigh
  24. I glad the site was of good help....... though fly fishing still is a rather frivolous sport...i still enjoy it....i see a kit purchase in the future yyyyeeeeeeeee
  25. Check out John Buck's website. I own several of his pieces and they have never failed to impress me with their durability. http://www.musketmart.com/index.html I had the good fortune of meeting Mr.Buck and having a look at his selection, i was very pleased with what i saw(though unhappy about my lack of funds). The most common thing iv heard, is that his arms are quite good. Speaking of good and not, with the india imports, about how much do people generally do to make them better? Im pretty sure my first gun will be an import, and im wondering quite a bit about what ill need to do with it....
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