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Cuisto Mako

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Everything posted by Cuisto Mako

  1. Well apparently there is not much evidence regarding waxed or tarred canvas bag during 17th c in general, so probably a safer bet to go with leather...
  2. According to well mater and social etiquette from 17th and 18th c...yes. No doubt, the outfit of a boucanier would be considered indecent at the time.
  3. Blood dirt and patina would be good on that. (Shorts? They wore shorts? I can think of several events where that would be nice...) Dutertre use the term " Caleçon" not breeches or brayet, so it really means underwear, mine on the pictures are actually 15th c linen braie, but base on my research the design would still fit.
  4. Thanks for sharing this, that's awesome!
  5. Thanks for sharing this, that's awesome!
  6. I'll take a chance. Do you have a paypal account? you can send me an email : meninge"at"hotmail"dot"com thanks
  7. I would take your loyalist shoes. My only worry is that they are too small. Depending on manufacturer I wear 9 or 91/2. I think this was discuss earlier on another post, but I don't remember the result, do loyalist run small or big?
  8. No they would not be ball-end but rather hand made loop end and possibly made of brass wire like on the cittern Aquilla makes amazing nylgut strings for plucked instrument, they look a lot closer to gut string than nylon, sounds very nice and are way more reliable regarding climate change and humidity than gut string. I don't know if they make some for violin though
  9. you have put modern strings on it?
  10. Very Nice! Congrats!
  11. do a wheel lock pistol and than do a converted to flint extra lock for the same pistol. It would expand the possible time frame of such pistol. I have seen some wheel lock musket like that on Track of the Wolf. I think they were made by Leonard Day. But on a pistol it would be even cooler!
  12. Hi folks, While making myself a nice 17th c French filibuster outfit, I decided to make myself as well a 17thc boucanier kit, perfect for summer weather. It is a work in progress, it will be even better with some moccasins that I commissioned. I'm gona also add some blood, dirt and patina. I'll try also to make a new hat, more similar to a tapabor. And the next step...my fusil boucanier!
  13. Ohé de l'équipage! While making myself a nice 17th cFrench filibuster outfit, I decided to make myself as well a 17thc boucanier kit, perfect for summer weather. It is a work in progress, it will be even better with some moccasins that I commissioned. I'm gona also add some blood, dirt and patina. I'll try also to make a new hat, more similar to a tapabor. And the next step...my fusil boucanier!
  14. Found another one, late 17th century le rémouleur by Giacomo Francesco Cipper dit Il Todeschini
  15. the one with the sabot reminded me of Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin, but a google search of his painting didn't come up with the knife grinder scene, so propbably not him...
  16. Love it! Very cool idea!
  17. Thanks for those great pictures Mister Couper!
  18. Zut! I was hopping for those dozen of pictures you guys usually take every events. But I'm glad your wife had more time to enjoy herself and be part of the fun rather than behind the camera. I just wish I had been there too!
  19. Very cool! We don't see a lot of those in reenactor's kit, always nice to see news toys to scare people
  20. Very Nice!
  21. On my side, I have the chance of being part of multiple music band and get plenty of occasion to entertain and be in contact with the public. But when I do reenactment I don't care for the public, I don't want to explain to him what I do, how and why. Private events seems to be rare in the US other than small trekking expedition in the woods. Here in Quebec there is a "big" hardcore 15th century event not open to public, so 50-60 person will gather and reenact their period with a common storyline for the weekend. I find it way more fun and more immersive yet relaxing for the mind. Kind of a similar feeling I had when I was larping 15 years ago. Even though I never had the chance to meet you in person mister Hand, from what I have heard and red on this forum, I think you would have fun in a setup like this. Why not give it a try?
  22. So, did any of you have worked on their hunting trousse "boucanier" style? Any chances of seing some work in progress pictures?
  23. actually it looks more like a pearl ear pendant so not exactly your typical "gypsy" massive golden earrings that hollywood associate with pirates...havent seen many guys wearing those...
  24. Yes it is an hollyday weekend in Montreal....hum 10 hours drive...tempting...when a share the ride Beowulf? ....aaargggg so many cool things to do but they are so far away... will have to negotiate with the wife
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