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Cuisto Mako

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Everything posted by Cuisto Mako

  1. Niiiice, really nice!!!!!! Can you run with this? Who cares! When you look bad ass like that, people in front of you are the ones running!
  2. I would like to see those buccaner pieces, Hurricane if you don't mind...
  3. Hi there, I was reading "Un flibustier français dans la mer des antilles" and the author mention that while passing near the coast of Africa, they found ostrich egg shell and that many member of the crew pick some and used them as drinking cup. Pretty neat I think! :) oh, and this is happening around 1618-20....
  4. Hey I didn't know that one! :) Thanks for sharing! By the way, is there even shores in Regina? I've only been to Mossejaw...
  5. I stumble on this thread while searching on lantern, very interesting... so...did Hawkyns ever posted his pictures of his minimalist camp?
  6. Can someone tell me the precise date on that French drawing? I really like your copy by the way PoD.
  7. Hi Michael, thanks for that, but when you say the earliest "true" flintlock...how early are we talking, 1670? 1680? 1690?
  8. I'm trying to figure what shoes I want for my kit. Do latchet shoes were still in use by common people in early 18th century? Basically I'm trying to have one pair that would be ok for both 17th century (mid to late) and early 18th...Any thoughts?
  9. I just want to say that I spent the last 2 or 3 lunch hour at work reading this tread that I find amazing! Great job everyone on searching and digging for clues and idea on this matter and of course especially Patrick. I feel very connected to this subject since well as a French-Canadian... I speak french. Also the Quebecois word for smoke is still "boucane" (as far as I know the word is not use in France) so I'm guessing there was more interaction than one might think between boucanier and the New-France population. I will have to investigate that... Regarding the boucanier musket, what lock was common at the time on the French side? I'm guessing not English lock, rigth? By the way, if you guys need any translation from French, don't be shy just ask looking forward for PiP buccaner photos! :)
  10. So many ideas so little time! Steampunk is such a fertile ground for fresh ideas, fun projects...but too often, I just procrastinate over and over again. But here's a couple example of stuff I would really like to make: - a steampunk tin-can banjo. This one I hope I will do but I have already other intrusment waiting to be build/refirbish, a small hurdy-gurdy, a medieval gittern, a cigar box guitar... - a steampunk melodica or small button accordeon. If I found a nice toy accordeon, I will probably buy it just in case one day I found the time for... - a steampunk moped. You know the old european style ones with pedals. I would like to convert it to electric and make it super steampunky, but I can just imagine my wife saying: Nice, but to go where?....hum well....a...to ....a steampunk event?... (as far as I know, there is none in Quebec for now...) Yep this one is going to be hard to sell! How about you? Any nice projects you dream of having time to make?
  11. General: http://www.smoke-fire.com/ http://www.flyingcanoetraders.com/
  12. Wow! this is a super bad ass ray gun! Very cool!
  13. "Heck she loves running around in the goggles," Who wouldn't? Actually, steampunk might be a good way to sell them to wear protective gear: "Common sweaty, you know you can not go skateboarding without your goggles, golden spiked helmet and your anti-plasma gloves !"
  14. She's super cute! I hope my 12 weeks old toddler will too eventually join me in all my geeky adventures! :)
  15. La cité des enfants perdus is very very steampunk to me and been my favorite movie for many years. The looks of that movie is so unique it is a must see movie! You can not go wrong with a fishtank brain with big brass side horn and the voice of Jean-louis trintignant.
  16. Here is a picture of me with my other early music band (so not Cuisto Mako) We played yesterday at a small museum near Montreal during a F&I war event. Very nice gig, unfortunately our fiddler could not be with us.
  17. Closer to the GAoP period there is in Quebec the story of Dollard des Ormeaux. In 1660 with a small group of young men they decided to attack a bunch of French allied indians that were coming to Montreal to trade some furs. Unfortunately a large group of Iroquois had the same idea. Dollard encounter the Iroquois and try to hide himself in a small shabby fort. A faux-pas with a homemade grenade made the fort explode with Dollard and his man. Many Iroquois died in this explosion as well and so their project to raid Montreal was cancel. So for many year Dollard was celebrated as a true hero who save the colony, while in fact historian now consider he was more of a unlucky pirate/thief
  18. I agree with you but then, what about pirates raiding a village by land or by the port? What about Henri Morgan? How would they fit in that definition?
  19. Wow! A Pirate pop-up tent trailer!!! I got to see that. Please keep us updated on this.
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Regarding the French jokes, I really consider myself as a French-Canadian, not a French, so I,m not offended by those jokes since I don't really connect to them. It's like trying to make fun of an American with Australian jokes. It doesn't really fit. Now the ethnicity of Mako, my character, is even more complicated, but it doesn't mean you can not still make joke about him. Au contraire. Any publicity is good publicity Ajourd'hui vivant! Demain mort! Mako
  21. If you check out Roguespierre on myspace take a look in my photos and there she is. It is a new made Olympic Musical Instruments "Orca" model...had it about 1 1/2 year and still learning....the rest of the family is there too.... Isn't this the "Chinook" model? either way orca and chinook are very good hurdy-gurdy names for a pirate. Those are very fine instrument indeed. I'm trying to save some money to buy myself a knew gurdy next year or so. One from Neil Brook, a UK luthier and definetely one my favorite gurdy makers. Happy turning! Mako
  22. Merci ma bonne dame! I already posted our myspace link in the Sea Shanties section, but hey, just for you, I'll post it again! http://www.myspace.com/lesmurenes Now what event would that be that you are refering too? Very curious to know about it. Piratement votre, Mako
  23. Merci mon bon seigneur! That's what I was looking for. How about events? Is there a list somewehre in the pub? Mako
  24. Ohé de l'équipage! I just found out that I should have presented my self here before posting, how rude of me! But this pub is so huge I didn't have notice this place before. ^^ So here I am, Cuisto Mako, cook of "La Murène" and also member of the pirate musical band "Les Murènes". We are a bunch of French flibustiers, stationed for now in Montreal. Our first CD should come out later this year. We hope eventualy to be able to attend pirates events in the US since there is...none in Quebec...at least for now. Even thougth Les Murenes are very theatrical on stage, I'm personnally very interested in the reenactor version of pyracy. I'm also part of an early music ensemble that focus on the colonial time and play on period instrument and period costume. Is there a place in the pub were we can see where people are from? Like a map or a directory? I would like to know which group or events are closer to Montreal. Aujourd'hui vivant! Demain mort! Mako
  25. the more the merrier! or Does it mean we need to have a gurdy show-down... ? Can we see yours? Mako
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