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Cuisto Mako

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Everything posted by Cuisto Mako

  1. Very Nice! Good job Mister Souris. How about a picture of the inside?
  2. Wow! now that's a very efficient marketing...I need it! ...but it is not distributed yet in Canada
  3. For me reenactment is about doing real things. Sure it would be more accurate and fun to have a bunch of gals seting up a whorehouse tent, but what are you gonna do with them? Faking intercourse? What's the point of that? No matter how good is your impersonation, gears and knowledge of the period, I'm still a married guy from the 21 st century that loves his wife and would n't want to have sex with a fake whore to be more period. I feel the same way about gore stuff, I don't like it because it is fake, not because it might offend the public. I have no problem with somebody bringing live animals and eating them during an event. Best way to preserve fresh meat in a pc way. I'm talking fake amputation, torture and such. To me that's theatre, not reenactment. If you want to educated the public about those realities, I prefer a small presentation or lecture with period artefact or reproduction than theatre. Mes deux sous...
  4. I'm not saying it is not healthy to go out with a new born, I'm saying it will change your reenacting experience. To think the contrary would be naive. I had a reality check (and a small baby blues) when my son was around 3 month old and I realise I could not go back to my ancient way of life. I must admit I had a high maintenance baby that sleep very little and for a while always wanted to be in our arms. In our case the lack of sleep was pretty intense and made it really not tempting to try a long road trip to an event were I would basically take care of my baby in costume rather than play pirate. Reenacting is not my main hobby, I did manage to keep a sort of personnal life, but I had to put things on hold, for me it was reenacting. For others it could be something else. Parenthood is a beautifull thing, but it is a challenge that will show the best and the worst of you. :)
  5. It depends. I use to be part of a XV century group. We were about 15 member and at one point there was in camp between 3-4 babies plus couple of toddlers. I must admit I did fell it was interfering with the reenacting part. But it is really a case by case situation. And to tell you the truth, until you get pregnant and have a baby, you can not know for sure what you will feel comfortable doing or not with your baby. A baby is not a blank canvas, it already has is own personnality. You may think I can do this, but than face the fact that it might not be the best scenario for you and your baby. That being said if you breastfeed him it is a lot simpler to attend any outdoor activities, and I think it is easier when they are a bit younger and not yet "mobile". That way you don't have to baby proof the all camp
  6. I think the first thing you should ask yourself is what do you like doing during those events. Would you still have fun or would you still be able to perform those activities if you were pregnant or with a baby? If the answer is yes than give it a shot. I know many people who did reenacting with very young babies, but I personally decided not to do so. Of course, some people have easier babies than others. We've just celebrated the first anniversary of my little boy and even though I love him very much, he was and is still a handful. I find it is already tough and lots of work to take care of him in a modern and safe environment so why make it even more complicated by trying to do it pc? when I do rennacting I want to be able to work around the camp, do martial stuff, drink and have fun with my friends not taking care of a toddler. Maybe when he's older if I feel he is really interested in it I'll bring him along.
  7. Are the dates for the 2011 edition already pick?
  8. Bonne FĂȘte monsieur Souris! :)
  9. Very nice! Are the gourds grenado documented? Is it pc?
  10. I want a sword like that! ....and for that price! Very very nice work :)
  11. I'm a sound designer in a video game company I also play early music in a couple of band in Montreal
  12. Very interesting painting, thanks for sharing this! :)
  13. actually with all those rubans it look more 1650s to me...the fashions during 30s 40s is more simple, neutral, millitary inspired
  14. Carefull there, these images of french sailors from the 17th and 18th century are actually contemporary stuff from the early 20th century
  15. Ok, am I the only one that find the hat and hair style of the 1670s French cavalry officer on those illustrations totally COOL!!! :) Anybody knows if at one point other soldiers or maybe even civilian had this hair style or was it strictly for cavalry?
  16. You're welcome! And I totally agree with you regarding the extrapolation to late 17th early 18th century on cocked hat. I tryed to hide a small clay pipe on my tricorn and it is stays in place very well. The felt of my tricorn is very stiff though so maybe with a softer felt you would have more chance of loosing it at some point...
  17. Yep 17th century but not on a tricorn: http://www.arco-iris...hetoricians.jpg http://www.casa-in-i...y_1674_1678.JPG I saw it also in 2 illustrations from osprey book that could explain the reenactorism...
  18. I remember seeing this in some dutch painting of the 17th century, not on tricorn. I'll double check....
  19. Thanks! But no worries, we are in an open relationship.
  20. In French it is call a rosace
  21. I got my "Portuguese" baroque guitar yesterday. I bougth a bout a year ago an old viola da terra (small tradittionnal portuguese guitar) It was probably from the 1930s but it was not in very good shape. I knew that the size of the instrument would make a nice baroque guitar so I removed the damaged table and finger board and brougth it to my luthier. about 13 month later, here it is: It also features a dual passive transducer connected to a 1/8 mini jack nicely inserted in a water buffalo horn endpin. The pegs are actually 4:1 planetary pegs that imitate the look of traditionnal wooden pegs but with the versatility of modern guitar tuners. I'm very happy with the result. It has cost me half the price of new baroque guitar and half the waiting time. Now I just need to find myself a teacher :)
  22. Awesome! Those are very good! more more! :-)
  23. Pictures! Pictures ! we want to see some pictures! :)
  24. You do have a very good point there. I'll think about it. Thanks Hawkyns!
  25. clever! actually, real black powder can also add a bit of punch in a drink. Try this: a beer, a shot of rhum, and gently sprinkle black powder over it not bad I tell you.
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