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Posts posted by ThomasBlackthorne

  1. Are you seriously asking if you can pour hot coals down the barrel of a loaded fire arm? :D

    Well, not necessarily, just wondering if that was just Hollywood being Hollywood or if something like that was even possible.

  2. I just finished watching Captain Blood for the first time, and I was wondering about something.

    Would firing hot coals in front of your ball even work?

    Personally I think the coals would be destroyed from either the force of the blast or the ball itself. I don't think that they would prove to be a good accessory to your regular shot...

    Anyone care to shed some light on this for me?


  3. I am sincerely sorry for my actions. No one should question that, however, was I REALLY the only one to have committed ANY kind of felony last weekend?

    I have it under authority that I was not the only "troublemaker" at the festival.

    I have heard things about DWIs, underage drinking, drunken fights, drug use, etc...

    I do know that my actions have brought a bad light on upon us all, and for that I am truly sorry, as well as for committing the crime itself.

    However, I have owned up to my own crimes, but I refuse to be the scapegoat for other crimes.

    As if I am the only person on here who has done anything stupid in their life...

  4. Not that this is needed, I just have to say this myself.

    I am very grief stricken with the things that are coming out now because of this. I have really messed up in the biggest irreversible way possible.

    After knowing what the repercussions may be for the stupidity I portrayed at PWPF, I am "retiring" from piracy all together.

    I will not be at any events that have anything to do with piracy or ren faires, unless specifically invited...which is unlikely.

    I am doing this for a few reasons:

    1. Obviously I am too embarassed to ever show my face again.

    2. I don't deserve to be amongst the awesome people I have known in my time of "piracy."

    3. This is never going to go away. It is going to haunt me until death, I am damn sure.

    I will, if welcome to, remain as a member of this board, just to keep up with anything important, but I am still bowing out, forever.

    It's the least I can do to not bring any further bad publicity to this awesome community.

    Thank you, and fairest winds to you all.

  5. Blackthorne....

    A LOT of people "deserve" the Title of Pirate Lord or King or whatever else... but they aren't so arrogant as to take it on, whether self-proclaiming or voted in.

    All in all, I'm stepping away from the issue of said titles. All I say is many others have been in the "biz" far longer than you... or even I. Especially those who've been at the piracy for 10 years or so.

    Being a good pirate doesn't come from titles... but ones actions at events and participation. And how long they have been attending events.

    ~Lady B

    True, you are very correct indeed in everything you have said, however, I did tell you the real reason I took said "title".

  6. First of all, I must say that I am truly sorry for my actions.

    Not just because I did something completely horrific and stupid, but because of all of the steam I had going about how I want to help the midwest and such, but because what I did directly hurt everyone involved. It hurt the vendor themselves, it hurt the festival and it hurt its patrons. I can never fully live with that. Especially if I have now endangered the festival from ever happening again. Needless to say, if it does continue after this, you will not see my face there again.

    The question why it happened no longer matters here.

    The facts are there, we all know about it.

    There were witnesses, speculations, accusations and now my confession.

    I do have enough humility to admit to the travesties I have laid upon all of the involved parties. I will not tuck my tail and run.

    I want to publicly out myself on my own behalf, for it is the right thing to do anyway. There need not be rumors.

    I did steal the flask from the vendor. It is the biggest mistake I have ever made in my entire life. I have never stolen anything from anyone.

    I really hope that you all can find it within yourselves to accept this apology.

    If anyone wants to speak to me about this, I will answer any private messages about it.


  7. I too got to meet a whole new bunch of folks. Unfortunately, I also did not cross paths with several people, but alas, it was a busy, great weekend. Me mate from Cali enjoyed himself very much, as did my brother in law, both first timers at port this year....

  8. My meeting went suprisingly well, and I think my point was made. However there was a certain someone who just had to keep speaking over/for me, and that really pissed me off, but even though I am a pirate, I am still polite...

  9. So, yes, this could end up being ridiculous, but you never know unless you try, so I guess I will be the one to try it...

    This has nothing to do with authenticity or fantasy, this is about pirates, all kinds from all over the midwest.

    Kid, ya got moxie. For that, my hat's off to ya.

    Well thank ye kindly.

    I just hope that in the future, people do hear about the midwest as being a place where awesome events are held.

    As for the rest of ye who keep wanting me reason for the title of pirate lord, I think Hawkyn's signature says it best:

    "I do what I do for my own reasons.

    I do not require anyone to follow me.

    I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

    if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends."

  10. I see you joined a scant month ago, and I can't help but wonder what makes you pirate lord of the midwest?

    Pirate Lord of The Midwest?

    Surely he doesn't mean he is the one and only?

    By my reckoning, they must have at least 10,000 "Pirate Lords" in Minnesota alone! One for each lake!

    There are others who have been here a long time, and with crew and experience.. what do you bring to the table, sir?

    Aye sir! Do tell us the tale of how you came by this "title".

    Well, as stated before, the title was free, so I adopted it.

    Actually, that's not completely true but, if you're REALLY THAT concerned about a title, pm me and I will explain me'self.

  11. tho...i think i am hesitant also.....with the whole "council of pyrate lords" ...monicur as well....speacially considering the midwest groupos that i am aware of have vastly different ....agendas

    some vie for ultra "authenticity"....while others ultra "fantasy"...most some where in between.....not sure i can see a common goal out of such...an endeavor....unless it was too only get more of a who's who list...more a of database....to call on for new events.

    We shall just have to see how it goes, because I know a lot of people that I have talked to, feel the very same way about some of the things on my own agenda.

    So, yes, this could end up being ridiculous, but you never know unless you try, so I guess I will be the one to try it.

    This has nothing to do with authenticity or fantasy, this is about pirates, all kinds from all over the midwest. That's all it is about, just attend the meeting if you will be in the area. You shall see.

  12. Update: Weather Conditions as of 10:50 AM today.

    Jun 5 FridayMix of sun and clouds. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the mid 50s.

    Jun 6 SaturdayShowers possible. Highs in the mid 50s and lows in the low 50s.

    Jun 7 SundayShowers possible. Highs in the mid 60s and lows in the low 50s.

    Hit or miss...we'll have to see when it gets closer.

    Well that sounds like crap now doesn't it...

  13. Hi all!

    I've stepped up to help Dean out with scheduling the volunteers so if anyone wants to volunteer, shoot me an email. I know I need people for crowd control, raffle tickets, etc.

    Quickest way to reach me is:


    Please put "Port Washington" in the subject so I open it First!

    Calico Krys

    So, does that mean that my crew is ok doing the cruises and breakfasts?

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