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Posts posted by ThomasBlackthorne

  1. I know I be pullin' this thread from Davy Jones' Locker, but I just wanted to chime in with one of me favorites.

    I know the actin' be deplorable, and what not but...Cutthroat Island.

    I have a fierce love for it because I watched it many, MANY times as a young lad...either that or it was just Geena Davis...

  2. Some of you will recognize my name, some of you may not.

    If you do recognize me, I am back, but I am cleaner, more "grown up" and hopefully a great deal wiser.

    I would really like the help of an admin, I need a question answered. Please pm me.

    ~ Thomas Blackthorne

  3. This be a glorious day, celebrating the fact that yer a dad, a father, a stepfather and/or a grandfather.

    So I would just like to take a moment and wish everyone who falls into any one of those categories, even me'self, a happy father's day!



    (I didn't think anyone would take that seriously . . . I didn't.)

    Well now ye know ye can at least count on me for when ye be in need of a good laugh.

    (I tend to not catch jokes right away...it's kind of a curse)

  5. It sounds a bit 80s, but perhaps wearing leg warmers would keep the boots up?

    I thought it. Wasn't going to say it, but thought it.

    Legwarmers under striped pop-piratey socks . . .

    I think I would rather staple the boots to my legs as someone previously thought I was doing, lol.

    I was never one for the stripey sock thing, especially now that we're discussing the disgusting notion of COUPLING them with leg warmers.

    In all due respect, I think it is a good idea, just not one I am willing to suffer through.

  6. i would say a fat transplant would be way down on the list for curing this slight problem.. but i will suggest it anyway--there are plastic surgeons who would do this if you asked them---

    Would that constitute as cosmetic surgery? I have been interested in "fat transplants" for sometime now, simply because I cannot gain weight naturally. No matter how much I eat, drink weight gainers, work out, nothing ever seems to work...I am cursed...

  7. I tried using a staple gun as well, which seems to be working pretty well, however, I could use longer staples, to fold the points...as the straight points are just coming loose.

    dosent that hurt??? :P

    I'm sure it hurts the wood pieces I have in the boots right now, but I'm also certain that it would hurt my legs too, so thank god for wood huh? :P

  8. Well, then you need to start running and doing calf raises and your lady needs to cook more high calorie meals... problem solved. Yes.


    We'll get you out here to one of the events and you can watch me eat m'lady. You'll change yer tune, I'm certain of that.

  9. .....and they were MADE to be pulled up and over your knee(scrawny or not)...and then fold down...into the bucket....

    Just to make sure that everyone understands this, I do have them folded over into the bucket or typical hollywood "pirate boot" fashion, and that's what refuses to stay in place, the bucket itself keeps falling down.

  10. I have a pair of sea boots that are made by "Pleaser". They are real leather, not the greatest, but still real, and have a vinyl lining.

    They're pretty darn good boots, they've held up for a year and half of constant wearing so far.

    The only problem is this, I am about 115-120 pounds and I have SCRAWNY lil legs. These boots were made for someone with a larger calf.

    With no internal support system, (which I've tried to do as you shall see below), they just fall down about my ankles and look ridiculous.

    So how do I get them to fit?

    I've super-glued paint strips, yardstick pieces, and neither of them hold up very well. The superglue tears the lining off after a few wears.

    Any suggestions on how I can make them stay up permanently?

    I've had a couple ideas, but I'm curious to see what ye might have to say...

  11. My wife is a Sims fanatic/addict, and I am looking at juicing up our new(old), P.O.S. PC

    It has no speed whatsoever, I am working with an 855 mhz processor, and 512 mb ram... ;)

    So, my question, since I am juicing it up purely for the Sims 3, is can anyone tell me if this chipset will be powerful enough?


    Thank ye kindly...

  12. Nay, me an me mates are all old and stupid too (well, myself not so much, most of the gent's involved are supposed to be "adults").

    Yeah, PLEASE tell me that you are calling yourself old... ;)

    If indeed ye are, I may have found my marshmallow! ;)

  13. Just wood?

    Maybe its cuz me and me mates are young and stupid but we throw more than wood in a fire....Old generators, couches, tires, wooden pallets, rugs...whatever...lol

    Well, unfortunately I live in an area where there is a lot to be seen by everyone else, and most of the people around here are skittish enough without mysterious things burning in my yard...so I stick to wood.

    First we begin with a very large Wicker Man ....and stuff him full of dunderheads, lawyers, politicians, deceitful strumpets, mutineers and/or deposed pirate lords ....Then we light that MUTHA' UP!!!! and sing "Kum Ba Ya"

    Sounds like quite an enjoyable time. ;)

  14. Well, ye both sound like ye may have a bit more fun than me when ye have fires at night...

    I just have a nice lil pit in the ground...in which I burn wood...not couches...just wood...and I'm out of marshmallows...

    I knew that dream meant SOMETHING! ;)

  15. I think we shall have one this night. :rolleyes:

    So how do the rest of ye do it?

    Have ye a fire pit?

    A ring of stones around some dirt?

    I wanna know!

  16. As I was showering (weird time to be thinking about being so dirty), I did have a couple of thoughts cross my mind. :rolleyes:

    1. If you wear your garb constantly and it's full of dirt, dried sweat, rain, god knows what else, would that not prove unsanitary for your body? Wouldn't things like scabies, lice and other gross vermin be attracted to your stench and dirt? Just a question mind you, I'm not saying anything negative here, I just don't know if I am willing to have those kinds of things happen to me, lol.

    2. Yes, I have dyed some of my garb in tea to give a well worn look, but my garb has a lot of wearing authenticity. In fact, most of it's appearance is authentic. I hardly ever wash my trewes, my shirt never gets washed, and I have enough sweat, spilled rum and beer, and after my stupid sword escapades, great bloodstains. Not to mention the various holes and missing buttons, etc...

    I am not sure what my main point is here, but I know my garb is not completely fake, it may not be PC, but it sure aint fake! :rolleyes:

  17. As far as being around "normal" people, it's a different attitude. Yeah, I know I'm a reenactor and a hard core one. But I've never shrunk from telling the public the truth or portraying it, no matter how disagreeable they may find it. I'd rather they back off a couple of feet, rather than bow to their expectations "normal" or Hollywood.


    Well said sir, well said. *applauds*

  18. This question carries the common presumption that we're all reenactors, and have the luxury of allowing clothing to age naturally. For me, waiting for natural aging has two primary flaws - first, I just can't make it to enough lengthy, dirty, outdoor events, so my clothing would end up looking new for a very, very long time. The second problem is regarding hygeine and smell - many times I need to look the part of a dirty pirate while amongst "normal" folks - folks that can appreciate a dirty, period looking pirate, but who might be less keen on historically accurate smells. I'm sure Spareribs would agree that sometimes you've got to be selective in just which parts of piracy you portray around the public, and which parts you gloss over.

    I couldn't agree more.

    I also understand how much better just wearing your clothes seems to work. However, if you have a day job that requires a specific type of dress code, how in the world do you wear your pirate clothes constantly? I am in mine all the time when not working, but have occasionally worn them to work as well.

    I think that if you're not at liberty to be a pirate 24/7 (even if you truly want to be) that artificially aging your clothes is worth it. You might not look as authentic as someone who wears constantly, but ya deal with the hand yer dealt...

  19. I found that tea works well on whites. Depending on the fabric...

    For making my face dirty and other skin covered areas, I use bits of charred wood, from my fireplace.

    The wood bits grind up really easy in the palm of your hand, and then you just apply to your liking, plus, then you get to wipe your now dirty hands on your clothing...two birds.

  20. Likely it was a concious decision to use 'coals' in lieu of hot shot. Using hot shot was a known technique.

    But live coals looks much better on camera!

    I couldn't agree more.

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