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Everything posted by PoD

  1. From the album: My Creations

    This is my interpretation of a King George the 1st Letter of Marque Wallet $43 or $65 with Letter of Marque

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  2. PoD

    Letter of Marque

    From the album: My Creations

    This is my interpretation of a King George the 1st Letter of Marque. It can be customised to show your name, the name of your ship and the type of ship. $26 on its own or $65 with leather wallet.

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  3. I had a go at printing out a couple of 17th century sea charts on my large format printer today to see what they came out like. They dont actually look to bad from a distance (obviously the paper is wrong as these are just test prints) but close up the writing is a bit blurry in places. I think this is mainly down to the scanner rather than the printer. This one i printed off the actual size of the scanned file so its about 56"x44". Not sure if this is correct size or not having never seen an original one. (the skull and tricorn hat are for size reference). Its a sea chart of what looks like the North Sea and English Channel. This map I resized to fit on A1 paper (about 23"x33"). Its a map of what looks like part of North and South America and some of the Caribbean islands. This is a picture of both of them so you can see the sizes: I am basically thinking that if they are meant to be quite big then it might be an option to print them out on the correct paper then maybe go over all the lines and words with ink to make them look more authentic.
  4. My growing arsenal: These are the weapons that I am trying to keep period correct. The majority fit the mid 17th century period of the GOAP. The Guns: My Blank firing English Doglock pistol at the bottom. Above that a 17th century French flintlock pistol. Above the are my 2 early 18th Century Belgian flintlock replicas The Blades: My Mortuary Sword at the bottom. My monster hanger above that (work in progress). A replica Plug Bayonet above that and my Stiletto Dagger above that. The Tools: My marlin spike at the bottom, Boarding axe above that and a billhook at the top Then theres these odds and sods which arent period correct but look good when accuracy isnt an issue: Prussian Dagger at the bottom, the one above that was sold as a replica of Blackbeards sword which it isnt at all. The sword above that was made up of a spare blade and spare hilt i had. Then theres an italian dueling pistol at the bottom and some replica pistol from pirates of the carribean above that.
  5. PoD


    I found this on ebay a while back and finally got the drive plugged back in that I saved it on: Very Rare Italian Bombardiers Stiletto / Dagger Circa 1650 Gunners Scale Complete This is a very scarce piece. It is an Italian Bombardiers or Gunners Stiletto. The Stiletto was a dual purpose piece – a dagger as a weapon, and the blade had a numbered scale which the gunner used to determine the correct size cannonball to use for that cannon. It is circa 1650. It is in fine antique condition. The hilt is iron mounted with very minor age wear, some nicks and marks, this piece was used. The grip is spirally carved dark brown wood or horn. There are nine bone inlays and more brass inlaid tacks. It has been varnished a long time ago. This was a museum practice in the late 1800's. The blade is straight of triangular section as was the style of the time. It is definitely hand-forged and in great condition with a medium gray patina. The reverse panel has the gunners scale numbered from 1 to 120. Please see photos. I have seen one other of these years ago that the scale was almost worn off. This piece the scale is in excellent condition. The tip is perfect and needle sharp. No scabbard, being of leather it is truly long gone. The overall length is 16 ¼" with an 11 ¾" blade.
  6. I got my Aged neckerchief and snapsack from LadyBrower yesterday and I have to say that they are fantastic. Very authentic, professionally made and great value for money. I can't recommend her enough!
  7. Would you share the results of the sales of "new" documents, if you don't mind? I am all curious to see how it affects your sales now. Just to update Mission on the sales so far, I have sold about 15 aged Letters of Marque now and only one non-aged document. So it seems that up to yet the eBay audience prefers the aged look. I'll have a better Idea of how the sales compare when I get my own website up and running in January and start to cater for a more discerning customer. I still havent got to the National Archives yet to look at the Queen Anne Letters of Marque but hopefully I will get there before xmas. May also check out other Monarchs Letters of Marque from the GaoP period. I have now sourced a supplier for real Vellum and bought my wife a new calligraphy set ready for creating a period correct copy. I have a feeling I may need a bigger seal stamp for the wax but thats something i'll find out after my trip down to London.
  8. I have a bit of a soft spot for these too: A C-Type Jaguar. I doubt i'd fit in it though
  9. We used to own a kublewagen from wwII when i was a kid. I love the fact you could take the doors off and drop the windscreen. We fitted a cab heater out of a truck as it was freezing cold in the winter. I am after one now as I have just passed my driving test.
  10. thats cars sweet but i've always wanted one of these: A stryker ICV. It'd look great sprayed up black with my jolly roger painted on it (minus the guns of course, they are frowned upon over in the GB)
  11. I've been trying to find out what GAOP sea charts were printed on for ages. Anyone got any ideas?
  12. Good Luck. Looking forward to seeing it when its up and running again. I know the work you must be putting in as I have been working on a website for a client for the last 2 months and its stealing all my time.
  13. Fantastic sword. I'm definately getting more interested in owning a rapier now. One of these days I will get round to seeing just what I can get through UK customs these days in the way of swords.
  14. It's not. Some of the instruments are stainless and the scissor handles are wrong for period. I'd say it's 19th c. Edit: Looking at the auction they mention that some of the handles are ebony. Those seem to have been popular starting around the civil war period. Definitely 19th c. Plus I think that's kind of expensive for that kit...I notice no one has bought it. Yeah he had put it on as an auction before with a reserve price but no one bought it then either.
  15. This surgical kit is on ebay now but it doesnt have a date on it so not sure if its period correct or not. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270432241155&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3AWNARL%3AGB%3A1123&salenotsupported
  16. Alas, your warning comes too late, Jib. I already have the DVD. I have not yet been able to watch the entire thing, despite trying to wash it down with copious amounts of rum. Oh it gets far far worse before the end. Was it just me or was the ship/set they filmed all the deck shots on a completely different type of ship from the ariel shots of the ship sailing across the ocean?
  17. I'm hopefully going to get another 4 replicas at some point to test that out. The top 4 are just plastic in the picture so with the sword and the bottom 2 actual replicas it holds in place ok.
  18. The lower 2 are just replicas too. The large one with the black barrel in the Replicart 17th century French pistol i got here (I fitted a belt hook onto it myself) and the other is a Denix dualing pistol (Italian i think) i got off ebay.
  19. This is my interpretation of the baldric that blackbeard wore holding his 6 flintlocks. It's very similar to the one worn in the Blackbeard mini series shown on the BBC. My next project is the versions of the baldric as seen in the woodcut images from the period.
  20. cant wait to see it. I love the ones on this site: http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2007/07/...nk-motorcycles/
  21. There was a syringe like that on the Queen Annes Revenge wreck website and they said it was used to treat Sexually Transmitted diseases. (Now how many of you just crossed your legs ha ha)
  22. The drawing is aparently an illustration taken from Memoires d'artillerie by Pierre Surirey de Saint-Remy which was published in 1697.
  23. And at $12,338 you can just keep on dreaming, Pyrate! Pricey, says I. At that price you could order about 30 Loyalist or Middlesex guns or about 12-15 fully custom pieces. Equip the whole crew! Which reminds me, I need a blunderbuss... ha ha aye, you'd certainly have to part with a few chests of treasure for that one
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