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Everything posted by iPirate

  1. iPirate


    I woud think it's safe to say they are the favorite weapons of most of us my how this thread has evolved
  2. Thank you, Sir. You're one of the most amazingly helpful pirates I've ever met
  3. In the next 2-3 years I'm planning on buying a boat. I'm lobbying hard for a ketch but the Mrs. want a modern Sea Ray type of thing. Honestly anything that gets me out on the water will make me happy. In my retirement, I'm planning on take a voyage down the East Coast, from Virginia to Florida. I'm sure there are places along the way I can stop for a night but I have no idea where to even look. Is there a list, anywhere, of public harbors or marinas where you can just pull in and tie off for a few hours or even a night? And of course, I've heard tell of floating bars and general stores and such that you can just pull up to in your boat. How would I find out about those?
  4. great stuff, I especially like the Chinese Junk, absolutely beautiful
  5. oooo... maaaaan.... no more midnight boffer raids on Pentwyvern? *sigh* (Was once called Tormod MacLeod O' Cair MacDonald)
  6. iPirate


    You have no idea what even the mere suggestion of a female bossom does to a male psyche. And that, right there, is quite a bit more than a mere suggestion.
  7. (forgive my absence, I've been busy with some real life affairs. I know my own story line has not impacted the main events but it's still rude to vanish after making a start. My appologies) Tiberius stood at the dock and could scarcely believe his eyes. The ship that had been his only home for the past... ... ... few... years was rapidly shrinking to a dot in the distance. He went over the events of the past few days and came to a dishartening conclusion. The Captain, who had been the closest thing to a father figure he'd ever known, had provided him with clean threads, a fine sword and a pouch of gold. Everything he'd need to make a new start on his own. Then he'd sailed off into the sun without Tiberius. Tiberius wandered the streets, trying to decide what to do next. The sounds of revelry came from a nearby tavern and Tiberius decided that was as good a place to start as any. He congradulated himself on his first decision as a truly free man when he discovered the rum was free.
  8. well.. that went well...
  9. is this available to all users or just ones that used to have it?
  10. somewhere, somehow, such a thing must exist. If I was to search for a modern watercraft, nothing big, mind you, say about 30' or so, that had a "pirate" look and feel to it... where I would look? I've tried a few searches on google and yahoo and come up with nothing so far. I know Smoolie671 mentioned in the "Morning Star" thread that he does some custom work of that nature but are there any other resources for us modern buccaneers?
  11. Pirates 2: Stagnati's Revenge there were a number of very frightening weapons displayed in that movie <.< >.> what?
  12. arrrg!! I'm not the newest newbie anymore.. heheeh.. welcome!!
  13. Tiberius was entirely unsure of how long he spent inside that place. He'd heard of brothels prior to this and had some vague notion as to their purpose, but he'd never imagined what he'd experience there. Molly told him he was sweet but he certainly was NOT in love with her, despite his assurances otherwise. She insisted that the next time he visited, he spend time with one of the other ladies. It was quite allright, she would not be jealous at all, and then he'd have a better understanding. It was raining when he left. He had no idea when it started. He figured some rum would do him good about now, so he wandered off in search of a public house. He had more gold left from what the Captain gave him than he thought he would. Molly had been satisfied with just one of the coins and he had... one... two... th... more than two, remaining in the bag. He also had a handful of his own shillings to spend. And this is when he learned a fast and harsh lesson about how folks behave in a town like Port Royal. "Pssst... Pssst... hey, boy, you there". The voice came from a darkened alley as Tiberius examined the contents of his purse. You see, in Virginia, he'd never had a purse so never had to worry about anyone trying to take it. And there were strict rules on board their ship. The Lads didn't steel from one another. You'd be aquanted with the Captain's Daughter if you even thought about it. (note: I assume this lot would know this but just in case, the "captains daughter" was another name for the cat o' nine tails) Tiberius wandered closer to see who called him. " 'ere... give us hand, Lad". Tiberius peered into the alley. "A hand with what?" "This"! Fast hands darted out pulled him into the alley and he saw the flash of a knife. Now, Tiberius was uneducated. He didn't know numbers nor letters nor even how a wheel could dictate what direction a ship sailed. But he was far from stupid or unclever. He understood the situation at once. He'd spilled blood to get the money he had and he'd spill blood to keep it. He didn't want to draw undue attention with the crack of gunpowder so he put his new sword to good use. The theives had thought him slow, standing in the middle of the street and trying to count his money, but they soon found that he was much faster than them. The blade handled well. It slid into flesh smoothly and withdrew without sticking. If the two men in the alley managed to get to a doctor quickly, they might live. Tiberius cocked his head sideways as that thought crossed his mind and he pierced both men once again through each leg. He smiled to himself, wiped his blade clean and resheathed it. Then his stomach growled so loudly it startled him. He'd start chewing on his own sheath if he didn't get some food soon. "Right, tell me where a good public house is and I'll send some help for you. No? Suite yourself, I'm sure if you crawl out of the alley, someone will pick you up. Folks around here seem good that way". Tiberius walked off down the lane, whistling to himself.
  14. *giggles* That's great, as Hal Roach used to say, "write that one down". My grandparents on both sides were from Ireland. My Father's family was from Cork and my Mom's family was from Mayo.
  15. OH MY GOD That is awesome. I want one.
  16. iPirate


    *nods nods* thanks for all the imput. I think I'll stick with my rapier for now, until I have a few extra copper to spend on a new blade.
  17. yep, i got it
  18. I see, so I just put the name of the font I want, taken from my computer's list of fonts, instead of relying on what the message board shows me. Thanks
  19. Tiberius climbed up on deck and blinked his eyes in the blinding sunlight. Virginia had it's share of sunshine and even humidity but nothing like these waters. Some of the mates complained the heat but it felt wonderful to him. And the sun! The glorius sun! There was something about it's raw power here that invigorated him. Other's wilted in the heat but Tiberius stood proud, drinking in the sunlight like it was rum. He lightly fingered the hilt of his new sword. He'd earned it in their last battle, along with a beautifully made flintlock. He'd single-handedly saved the Captain and turned the tide of the battle. He'd been rewarded with the best blade and pistol they'd captured from the merchant ship. The Captain said it was like a small sword but stouter. Like a hanger with a straight blade. The hilt was a masterpiece. Not a cup like a cutlass but fine bars of shining brass. Not a cage like a rapier either. Two loops of brass formed a guard at the base of the blade and a single bar curved down to protect the fingers. It's balance was superb. Tiberius had never seen a thing like it, and now it was his. "Ho, Lad," cried the Captain, "come have a look here". He handed the boy a spyglass and pointed off the starboard bow. Tiberius looked and saw an island. He could tell it was very large even though it was small in his view. It was get larger as they got closer. " 'Tis very green, Sir". "Aye, very green it is, wait until we get closer, Lad". As they sailed closer to Jamaica, Tiberius felt his jaw go slack. Never had he seen anything like it. "Sir, if we land there, surely our feet will burn to ash". "Eh, what nonsense is this, Lad"? "Oh, Sir, surely this is the Garden of Eden. I don't believe we'll be allowed there". The Captain laughed and clapped him on the back. When they finally made land, Tiberius still half expected his feet to burst into flames. This was paradise! The Captain led their small party into Port Royal. "Ha! Here we are boys! Go spend your gold on women and rum. Spend it all! Haaarrr! There's plenty more for us to find at sea. Ho Lad! I know exactly what you be needing. Something else ye've never seen or had, I'm sure. See that house there, with the red light in the window. Haarr... here Lad, you've earned this. Take this gold, go there and ask for Molly. You'll be a true man by tomorrow"! The Captain laughed and clapped him on the back once more, shoving him off in the direction of the establisment he had pointed out.
  20. Name: Tiberius Age: 17 Tiberius was born in the area that was rapidly becoming known as Alexandria in the Colony of Virginia. Of course, he had a last name but he didn't remember it. His father was the last kindly man that Tiberius remembered knowing. His father always told him that he was named for some ancient Roman king. He used some other fancy word Tiberius couldn't remember but he said it meant "king". He told Tiberius that he was destined for great things. Then the tavern that Father owned had burned to the ground and Father and Mother had vanished along with the entire building. Tiberius managed to live on his own for a whole year before he was caught pilffering food from a window sill. He was lucky in a way, that instead of being thrown in jail, he was taken in as a servant. Even if his master had the warmth of an ogre, it was better than starving. Tiberius was eventually sold to a merchant ship. Not only was he ill used by the crew but they cast glances that made him uncomfortable and often whispered to each other behind his back. He began to fear that they planned something dastardly for him. It was the hallmark of his life that he was rescued from one situation only to be thrown into another even more perilous. His ship was overtaken by pirates. A simple choice he was given. Join their crew or die. It didn't take long to make his decision. The pirates were nothing like what he thought they'd be. During the brief battle with the merchant ship he'd swear they all had horns and brimstone flashing from their eyes. But he soon learned that they were just men. Their humor was crude and they were brutish but once he was a member of the crew they showed him no ill will. He wasn't an equal yet, but he had sure risen high over his former station. He was a free man now, so they told him. Master of his own destiny. When they came upon their next ship and he learned he was expected to fight, he nearly soiled himself. The Captain admonished him. "Get 'hold of yerself, Lad. These be the same sort of swine who've abused you your whole life. Time to pay them back, Lad. Show them you're a free man. Master your destiny"! With that he thrust a cutlass into Tiberius' hand and clapped him on the back. Tiberius could've sworn he had horns on his head and brimstone flashing from his eyes. He fought like the devil. Seeing fat merchants fall before his blade was like... like... well, he didn't have the words for it. He was Tiberius, the King of Rome and his enemy fled before him and begged him for mercy. He showed them none. That's what the black flag with the skull meant. They'd dared to resist and tried to fight so no quarter was given. Life at sea was hard, to be sure, but he was free. He called no man "Master". Not even the Captain claimed that title. He was free... and destined for great things.
  21. iPirate


    I've had passing thoughts of having my rapier shortened to more of small sword size but... it's such a beautiful thing now that I'm loathe to do anything to it. It's the "classical" rapier from Windlass which I believe is no longer produced or sold. At least Museum Replicas doesn't carry it anymore.
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