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Everything posted by iPirate

  1. arrrr.... being in the employ of a respectable museum in Washington DC, myself, this really burns my buttocks. If you are going to open a "museum" and call it a "museum" and poor taxpayer money into it, there should be a law stating that the museum have some historical accuracy. Perhaps a call to the media would be in order?
  2. yar! yes, I believe I found that one too, on the Brute Force website. As far as I'm concerned, she's the Grand Queen of all pirate wenches.
  3. I can't tell you how many people either family members or friends or just people I know that've had their lives hijacked by cancer in the past few years. As with each and every one of them, I'll be storming the gates of Heaven for your nephew. He and your family are in my prayers.
  4. well, I just got my package for the disney cruise I'm going on, last week of october. they're deffinately doing the holloween thing all this month but no mention of "villain season".
  5. ok, I'm confused. I had previously thought that the trio had been captured and tried in Nassau, Bahamas by non other than Woodes Rogers. Of course, I haven't checked dates or tried any validation checks on that, it's just what I had previously heard. Now the wikipedia entries on both Jack and Anne state that they were capture in Jamaica. We all know that wikipedia has it's flaws so which account is correct?
  6. All my best to ye, Lass. I know what it's like to go through lots of poking and prodding I had thyroid issues last year and they did everything from zapping me neck with gamma rays to sticking lots of needles in through my neck. Ultimately they removed the whole damn thing. And oh yes, you know the scene in Iron Man where Tony wakes up in the cave and yanks the tube out of his nose? *nods* Yah, I know exactly what that feels like now
  7. in the first movie, he was just the obligatory bad guy, a very well presented and acted bad guy, mind you, but still... in the third movie he was just plain old fun.
  8. wonder if that applies to the cruise ships, as well. My Lady and I are taking the Red Boat to Nassau in late October
  9. is suddenly reminded of why Brody jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge
  10. "Time flies when you're having rum" that one just kills me but nothing gets me blood pumpin' like a good ole... "HOIST THE COLORS"!!
  11. o.O you know what superhero gets made fun of most often in DC comics right?
  12. I'm in DC, but my participation in groups depends on my work schedule and ... *ahem* my wife.
  13. iPirate

    Best rum ever?

    Well, to my surprise I found some Pyrat Pistol in my local ABC store and I have to say it's rather tasty. I'm certainly no expert, but I like that stuff.
  14. Woah Nelly, that Steel Privateer makes me feel all wobbly. Absolutely beautiful... too bad I could never even dream of affording something like that.
  15. I've always thought telekenisis would be rather useful. If you ever hear of a rash of girls at a beach suddenly losing their tops... I never said I wanted telekenisis, ok?
  16. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I do believe that's the funniest thing I've seen... in... well... fer today at least... *grins*
  17. *pulls out a pair of pistols* Arr, Laddy, ifin ye dodge the shots ye can come aboard *aims*
  18. Well, me lady and I went test driving vehicles yesterday and I have to say we were very impressed with the mini cooper. I especially liked the interior. It was very "sky captain and the world of tomorrow" to me. Almost steamy, I would say... and many of us pyrate types are known to get a bit steamy from time to time
  19. iPirate

    Best rum ever?

    How about the best rum ever... easily available in the average american ABC store?
  20. 'tis a bad joke and probably only funny in me own head
  21. ok, this is making me nervous...
  22. ok, so i'm child of the 70's and I remember fondly my first GI Joe 12" action figure. The ones will real fuzz on his head and face. in the 80's I thought the new line of Joe figures were a bit lame but I did get sucked into the cartoon, possibly out of sheer nostalgia. So... last night I saw the opening of the movie This shows a fledgling Cobra organization before it was even called Cobra and their tactics for obtaining very very horrible weapons is outright... piracy. Indeed, they do right by every mother's son what calls himself a pirate. The movie has one up on the cartoon in that Cobra is in no way buffoonish or stupid. They are smart, crafty, and full on bad-assed. I giggled with glee through the entire movie. Perhaps this topic should be in "beyond piracy" but I feel the bad guys of the movie could very easily have been flying Jolly Rogers.
  23. I started on the Accension Trillogy by Gaelen Foley but gave up half way through the first book. The main pirate hero was well, buggered if I can remember what color his eyes were, I believe it did state it several times the love scenes were right steamy but few and far between. and it was set in the mediterranean, with much hoo-ha about italian bloodlines and lineage and that's what finally killed it for me
  24. yup, i did manage to find that one but me wife is begining to wonder why I'm collecting pics of someone other than her, so I'll beat a hasty retreat from this topic and go buy her something shiney to distract her.
  25. "I have a high art. I wound with cruelty those that wound me" - not sure, saw it in a movie "The only reason people sleep peacefully at night is because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" - George Orwell and my personal favorite : "DEATH! DEATH! DEATH TO ALL WHO OPPOSE US"! - the movie Heavy Metal
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