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Posts posted by iPirate

  1. yup

    Mostly I've resolved to stop beating myself up

    starting with my body. Most of my health problems come from my weight so it's time to do something about it. I've managed it before, I only stopped paying attention when my parents got sick and then passed away. That was 5 years ago so it's time to get myself back together.

    Next is my attitude. I can be abso-floggin'-lutely anal sometimes, and mostly with myself. Things have to be just right or I'll abandon them altogether. I've decided to relax a bit with that.

    A perfect example is my pirate kit. As much as I'd like to achieve historical accuracy, I just don't have the time and resources to do it. My kit is very much on the fantasy side and so far I've let that prevent me from having fun with it. Well.... Sod it! I'm tired of being grumpy and I want to have fun, even if my kit isn't perfect.

  2. when I'm out and about I like to check in with the pub on my iphone. Unfortunately, this site seems to do this auto-dectect thing and defaults to a "lo-fi" format when it senses I'm using a mobile device. Many websites do this but they usually provide an option to switch to the full version of the site. I can find no such option when viewing the pub on my iphone. The end result is I get absolutely no graphics and many features return the error, "can't do this with a lo-fi theme".

    The funny thing is, when I pull up the pub on my LG phone, it doesn't do the auto-detect for mobile and gives me the full site.

  3. Like many, I dream of one day owning my own boat.

    With my current mortgage and car payment, the cold truth is that I may never be able to afford my own boat.

    So, the thought occurs to me, if I can't own one, how about work on one?

    The big question is, where would I even begin looking for such a job?

    The Washington Post employment section seems to have passed over the categories of "boat jobs" or "jobs on the water".

  4. o.O

    You wound me, Sir!

    I am far from an expert on anything but I don`t waste my time with stainless.

    Both are Windlass products. One is a rapier that I`m considering cutting down to a small sword.

    the other is a single edged fanatsy thing that has a skull pommel and crossbones quillions. If it were shorter, it would make a passable cutlass.

  5. ok, this is coming from someone who has no experience with metal-working, at all...

    so, let's say that I have two blades that I think would be much better off being... shorter.

    What is the best way I could accomplish that?

  6. well, me Missus has gotten to the point where she accepts (mostly) my pirate obsession but has not embraced it. So no pirate gifts for me this year. Although, I'm still riding the high of our Disney cruise back in October so I can't complain.

    She did buy me a new monitor for my computer, 20" Dell widescreen, HD, flat pannel. "Pirates of the Burning Sea" never looked so nice ^^

  7. Liqueur Creole Clement. Its rum infused with orange and spices.

    Capt Black

    Irish Mist. Trying to recover from a rough week at work.

    Irish Mist + Capt. Morgan = Irish Pirate

    very tasty and I filled a flask with it a few months ago...

    after my fishies died last night I drank the whole thing...

    with a Cuervo chaser

    or two

    or four

  8. Some eight months ago, my wife and I bought some goldfish as an experiment. Basically to see if we could care for them. If we were successful, we planned on buying some more expensive fish.

    We bought 12 cent feeders, 3 of them. We knew their life expectancy was like, 2 weeks or so.

    Well, they lasted much longer than 2 weeks. And boy did they grow.

    I had never considered fish to be interactive pets. I thought they just sit in their tank, you feed them and look at them and that's it.

    These fish interacted with us. When we walked into the room, they'd come to the front of the tank and wiggle like dogs wagging their tails. If we stuck our fingers in the water, they'd come up and brush against them.

    After two months we realized that the joy they gave us was enough. We didn't need any other "more expensive" fish.

    Last night, 8 months after bringing them home, we lost two of them.

    It may not mean much to most people. You don't hear about people morning when goldfish die.

    I'm not most people.

  9. I must appologize for not being clear, in that while I am FROM dear old Eyre, I have not set foot on her soil for many a year. Allow me to say only that political climate would make it a health hazzard for me to do so.

    ahhh... so who'd you piss off then? lol

    just kidding mate, my grandparents on both sides came over in the 1920's so anyone from the Old Country gets my attention

  10. Badgers! Badgers! We don't need no steeenkin' badgers...


    Haaaaappyyyyyyy Biiiiirrrrrthhhhhdaaaaay

    *big drum*

    Haaaaappyyyyyyy Biiiiirrrrrthhhhhdaaaaay

    *big drum*

    All the candles on your cake

    burn like cities in your wake

    Haaaaappyyyyyyy Biiiiirrrrrthhhhhdaaaaay

    *big drum*

    Haaaaappyyyyyyy Biiiiirrrrrthhhhhdaaaaay

    *big drum*

  11. I've recently started playing and so far I love it. I'm sure you've learned a lot since June, Petee, but so far I've found no need to refill the durability on my ships. Considering you can take a new one every two hours, it's just not necessary.

    The only thing I don't like about the game is the lack of role playing. It's not as bad as some other games that are populated by l33t dEwDs in search of pH4+ l3wt.

    I just thought a game like this would have more RPers.

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