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gunner Gordon

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Posts posted by gunner Gordon

  1. Umm...duh...my *guess*...and thats all it is, since I never saw the movie...yes, I cheated...I looked up the quote (gasps of horror)

    But my guess would be some sort of percussion system, which is, of course, way out of time range. One was featured in the 1976 Richard Lester version of Three Musketeers, when the Eevyl Milady was going to do in the Duke of Buck. with a teeny feminine little derringer...which stood out like a sore and inflamed thumb to my eyes...

    That said, I'm going to have to see if the movie's still in print, get it thru Amazon...

    And Gunner's quote is from...

    Drumroll please...

    Plunkett & Macleane

    At least, I think so.

    CLANG! (crash of cymbols) and Capt Bob has it! Very good, I was beginning to wonder if I had imagined the whole movie. For an adventure with no ships in it ,I have watched it over and over for the story and the historical aspects. Now, Capt. Bob , for the bonus prise, what is the not quite period firearm in this film, and why?

    OH, bad Captain, no donut, looked it up? I feel violated. The weapon thing is far more subtle than that ,and is just about the only example of the hollywood line " I don't care if it's wrong I like it ,use it anyway" or the armorer's line " aww the will never know the difference"

  2. And Gunner's quote is from...

    Drumroll please...

    Plunkett & Macleane

    At least, I think so.

    CLANG! (crash of cymbols) and Capt Bob has it! Very good, I was beginning to wonder if I had imagined the whole movie. For an adventure with no ships in it ,I have watched it over and over for the story and the historical aspects. Now, Capt. Bob , for the bonus prise, what is the not quite period firearm in this film, and why?

  3. Ahhhh that would be Disney, The Hunchback of Notre Dame I do believe.

    Yes, indeed! Such a great Disney movie, not very kid friendly due to some strong adult themes, but that's what makes it great! Kudos to Disney for being bold to do that with an animated feature. :lol:

    gunner Gordon, still not quite sure what your quote is from. I thought Cutthroat Island, but I'm probably wrong. Hmmm....well, it seems like a comedy period piece.

    Here's gunner's quote again: "don't mock me sir, no man mocks me sir !" "I do not mock you sir, I mock the man who mocks the mocker sir"

    While it has a sort of wry period comedy to it, it is not a comedy, but a social study with a twist, using authenticity as a venue for adventure. like the romanticized pirate , these scoundrels become the land based versions on the "highway".

  4. on board the ship, the only one carrying a pistol is someone with nothing to do...

    ... and the guys getting ready to board the enemy ship.


    You mean the guys that are laying down their gunner's implements or leaving their sailing posts who are pulling the preloaded pistols out of the buckets,and drawing their cutasses from barrels or other storage places out of the way of the work to get the ship into the position to board? I submit that none of these could do their jobs wearing pistols on their person or cutlasses in their scabbards, I think from the actual evidence that a holster that would serve the purpose of going from ship to ship would be clumsy given the balance point of the gun and the snag and drag qualities of a flintlock, doglock or what have you. Even the navies of the period who supplied intricate (by comparison) scabbards and carraiges never made a serious attempt beyond belthooks to carry the pistol.

  5. just picked up a used wall tent tonite !! made by panther primitives, flame retardent, too...

    it came with NO poles, a 10x12 fly... it was used twice and then sat in a storage shed for 5 or so years which gave it time for mice to chew a few holes in it, spill some oil on it and get a little dirtier !!

    obviously i have to patch two small holes in the roof, and the others are in one of the flaps...

    some of the questions i have are.....looking for recommendations on making a 2 piece ridge pole, 2x4's for the two uprights inside the tent, and 2x2's for the short walls seem right ?? and 2x2's for the fly ??

    has anyone added a rear door to one ?? it looks like a small bit of work, but do-able nonetheless...

    and i got it for only 200$$ !!!

    I have the same tent, yes on all wood deminsions, made ears out of flat stock (metal) for overlaping ridgepole using carraige bolts and wing nuts, the 2x4 uprights have te same ears to allow the ridgepole to lay in between. don't worry about position, once to tent is taught all poles will stay in place. make sore to round the corners of the metal, alot of radius there .

  6. Marty "That's Eye-Gore" Feldman to Gene"It's Fronk-on -steen" Wilder in

    Mel Brooks' immortal "Young Frankenstein"

    "I'm not even supposed to be here today"

    LOL! :angry: Funny the way the you answered that!

    And to your quote, it's from "Clerks".

    gunner Gordon, not sure what that's from, but it reminds me something from either Mel Brooks or Monty Python, lol!

    I'll continue:

    "Good morning, sir."


    "Are you feeling all right?"

    "I had a little trouble with the fireplace."

    Oh Christine, far afield... hint... very authentic period movie, weapons not too bad, the "sea" is the "highway"said at newgate prison

  7. on board the ship, the only one carrying a pistol is someone with nothing to do, the crew's guns were typically in a bucket I thought, the belt hook woukld be enough for an officer etc. If holsters were more commen, then belt hooks would be less commen I would think.

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