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gunner Gordon

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Posts posted by gunner Gordon

  1. I don't like the Johnny Depp Clone Army. Even seeing them at costume parties or a

    convention gets on my nerves. I am not suggesting that they be stripped of their

    citizenship and be crucified. But rounding them them up and placing them into

    re-education camps might not be a bad idea. Also, our useless federal government

    should be taking steps to see that they do not reproduce or vote in any elections.

    I have nothing against Hollywood pirates. As long as portions of their costume are

    not made of plastic. And were not purchased from Spencer's Gifts at the mall.

    I don't like fake guns. Most of them look like paperweights. I understand that real

    weapons are not for everyone. And many events do not allow real weapons. This is

    especially true for people residing in the Peoples Republic of California. There are lot

    of things you can do with a prop weapon to make it look more realistic. I have painted

    up plastic weapons before that looked well enough to freak out LE.

    Oh! And bad English accents make my arse hurt.

    Anyway that's just my personal opinion.

    Residing for the moment in the "people's republic", it has many many faults but black powder weapopns are not under control at this time, only some local areas have powder restrictions. the trouble is when you've got a law enforcement type that eats bagels and does't know the difference between a glock or a musket. But then I've found those in every state, why are they all coming here though.

  2. Rats....rats...rats....

    I was looking for something else, and found a picture by Hogarth "The Election: Charing the member"..... but it's 1754......


    So it's out of period..... but look at the man (sailor) in the lower middle of the picture with the club and his back towards the viewer...... Slops and a short jacket.... funny red crowned cocked hat tho.........

    Yes, the hat is interesting, the turned up portions are white trimmed black, it appears the crown is red, or is it possible it us cut out for comfort and we are looking at his hair? Just a thought.

  3. Tartan Jack, My experiance in the industry pretty much follows what you are saying, but there is one large factor not addressed. The ego of the individuals in the production. I was retained some time back to inspect and recomend for live firing some reprtoduction guns off of a ship to be used in a movie. My job was to be the developement of period live ammunition, fire it and recuord the sound for the sound track. A major project in itself since they wanted all types of projectiles and the various sized guns as well.Not only was i doing the math on that, but the firing, in my opinion, needed to be over water to be properly done. The sound of guns over water,to my ears , is quite different than the sound over land. Several weeks int this the project was ended because the shipboard FX person wanted to handle everything to do with the guns. He sused a battery of 105s at a military base on a range in the woods. I believe the authenticity suffered, but that was second to percieved career moves.

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