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Posts posted by captscurvy_nc

  1. For TLAPD Blackbeard has decided to part with one of his cutlasses in exchange fer a small amount of plunder on yer part. If ye reach in to yer treasure chest and can find it in yer black hearts to give $1 then yer name will be cast into the captains chest and when midnight rolls around a name will be drawn to receive said steel. It's only a dollar and ye could have another sword to add to yer arsenal. Go to

    www.firstgiving.com/chrissuttle for a chance to win. Surely he can spare a dlar or two for a good cause and a chance to win a cutlass.

  2. Well the votes are coming in for the next crazy stunt for me to do for my fundraiser and so far the #1 idea is to stage a sword fight between a pirate and a guy in a chicken suit with French bread for swords. If I hit $300 by 9 pm tonight then I'll post the video on Monday. Be sure to check out the website at www.firstgiving.com/chrissuttle

  3. Oh dear.... I'm at the halfway mark to hitting $300 by tomorrow night and I already have the suggestion that got the most votes. Looks like if I hit $300 by 9pm tomorrow then I will dress up as a pirate and go to the salon near my house for a full chest wax. I'm all for chariety but I have to admit I did hope that suggestion would not come in first. I gave my word though so if I hit the goal then I will post video of Capt Scurvy getting his chest waxed.

  4. I really do like this episode but when was doing my 3month gig as Blackbeard during the knights of the black exhibit they had it playing on the tv screen in the main entrance on repeat. Still a good episode but after 100 tomes in a row three days a week it got to be a little much...

  5. I carry a small boot knife and three throwing daggers hidden very well in different parts of my outfits. All the throwing daggers were hand made for me by a Native American bladesmith named Silver Eagle.

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