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Posts posted by captscurvy_nc

  1. I have a white and cream waistcoat that is in desperate need of repair. The buttons are almost all gone and the trim I used is fraying badly. I almost tossed it out a few days ago but decided to hold on to it. Looking for someone to fix it up for trade. I do a lot of pirate jewelry and replica coins and hat pins. Any takers?

  2. I have been casting replica coins in various sizes and colors with polymer clay. They are only one sided but still have a lot of detail. Offering special pricing to the pub members. Can do orders of 10, 25, 50 or 100. Email me at csuttle3@gmail.com so I can send you pictures and discuss prices.

  3. sheath5.jpg Put them together (for the second time) yesterday afternoon. Have taken the clamps off since and tested the blade. Still fits so now its time to sand the edges again then on to the leatherwork
  4. Kevin, as someone who has made a living portraying Blackbeard in Ocracoke and numerous festivals for 11 years I found your book to be entertaining an enlighting. Yes some of the statements made require a leap of faith as you stated but I truly enjoyed it. Don't know if I can rewrite my script after so many years of performing it but just wanted to let you know that I found your work very enjoyable.

  5. Pics of the two finished halves coming soon. Just a tip fr anyone attempting this project make sure to draw an outline of the blade insert section on the outside of the sheath so when you start sanding the final form you don't remove too much wood

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