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Sgt Johnson

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  1. They would be worn over the shoulder in the same fashion as a sword hanger.
  2. Post something... I'm thinking of consolidating alla the Buccaneers into one camp..... From what I can figgure ... the "Buccaneer Camp" will only have two (maybe three if Animal can make it).... so why not have one good camp instead splitting up.......... Hey...we are only off by one year.... so I think it's doable........... One year should make absolutely no difference in clothing and equipment. I see no reason why all of the Buccaneers should not be in one camp. Sounds like a great idea to me. I say go for it.
  3. Check out John Buck's website. I own several of his pieces and they have never failed to impress me with their durability. http://www.musketmart.com/index.html
  4. Drake's Men and the city of St. Augustine look forward to hosting all sea dogs making the journey to our annual event. Below is the menu that will be served over the course of weekend. Officers for this event will be introduced on site. The kitchen is looking for all able bodied women (and men) to lend a hand, if interested please let know. If you have a head count for your group please send it along to me. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email. Safe journeys. 904-534-6168 jeffjohnsonfl@yahoo.com Drakes Raid Menu Breakfast (Served early for those camping on Site) Scotch Eggs Apple Pottage Squash Cakes with Rose syrup Lunch Roast pork stuffed with minced meats & pine nuts Chicken Cooked in Brine Black Beans & Rice Yams & Bananas Cabbage Salad Apple &Onion Salad Citrus Salad Peaches in Wine Bread, Assorted Cheese, Fruit, & nuts will be available throughout the day. Join us after the Battle for a savory sampling of Roast Venison, Potatoes, and Vegetable stew. The Kitchen staff welcomes anyone who would like join us in the camp kitchen. Come and learn period recipes and techniques. http://www.lepg.org/goddess.jpg
  5. Add another to the book list: Osprey's Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560-1605 (Elite).You can find them on Amazon. Also new arrival time for the event. You can arrive on Thrusday June 4th after 12pm. The event will start around 3 pm on Friday. Those arriving after that time please be prepared to unload your gear, remove your vechicle and kit out ASAP. Please be aware that in order to participate in the Friday night and Saturday day and night activities you will need to be properly dressed out in period garb. Again there will be no women on the battle field, no tricorns, no skull and cross bones and no non 16th century garb. We thank you for your understanding in theses matters. We are trying to portry an authentic 16th century experenince for the reenactor as well as the public. Food will be provided On Friday and all dsy Saturday. You will need to fend for yourself on Thrusday. St Augustine has many fine eateries to choose from so there should be no problem there. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 904-534-6168, or email jeffjohnsonfl@yahoo.com.
  6. Corsairs was also a term used in the 1500 and 1600's for French pirates/privateers.
  7. Here is some more info on the Upcoming Drakes raid event. The 23rd annual Drake's Raid event commemorates the attack of the land and naval forces of Sir Francis Drake against Spanish San Agustín in June 1586. Encampment setup will take place at the Fountain of Youth Park on Friday, June 5. Drills, demonstrations, and 16th century living history interpretations will be presented from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 6 at the Fountain of Youth Park in St. Augustine. A battle between Spanish town's brave defenders and the English privateers and brigands of Sir Francis Drake will be enacted beginning at 7:00 p.m. The battle will commence at the Santo Domingo Redoubt near the City Gates, proceed down St. George Street, and conclude at the Governor's Palace at the Plaza de la Constitución. The event's conclusion, encampment teardown and cleanups will take place on Sunday, June 7. For more information, contact Jeff Johnson at (904) 534-6168/or by email at jeffjohnsonfl@yahoo.com.
  8. From the crewe of the Cagway and the Officer's and goverening body for Captain Robert Searle's Buccaneer's a big Thank You to all who attended this year's event. We are already planning a bigger and better event for the upcoming 12th annual Raid in March of 2010. Those who attended please be sure to tell those that did not what they missed. It will be even better next year! Hope to see you all at PIP in December!
  9. I was wondering who's that was. I have it. Send me your snail mail address in an email and I will send it up to you. Glad you made it home safe, and I hope you had a great time.
  10. 2009 "Sack of St. Augustine" Encampment, Directions, and Event Officers (and a Special Treat!) THE 2009 SACK OF ST. AUGUSTINE ENCAMPMENT The 2009 Sack of St. Augustine buccaneer encampment will be in the De Mesa-Sanchez Yard at the Colonial Spanish Quarter Museum, in St. Augustine, Florida. The encampment will be open for set-up after 2PM on Thursday, March 5th. PLEASE NOTE: All hands on deck! As much help as possible is needed to set up camp on Friday, March 6th and break it down on Sunday, March 8th – no help = no camp. Lunch will be provided on Friday for those hearty souls who turn to and bear a hand. 2009 camp rules are located online at: http://www.searlesbuccaneers.org/camp_rules.htm DIRECTIONS TO THE 2009 SACK OF ST. AUGUSTINE ENCAMPMENT The Encampment will be located at: The De Mesa-Sanchez Yard THE DE MESA HOUSE MUSEUM 43 St. George Street St. Augustine, FL 32084 (Part of the Colonial Spanish Quarter Museum 29 St. George Street St. Augustine, FL 32084 www.historicstaugustine.com/csq/history.html) • Take Interstate 95 from the North or South to Exit #318 for State Road #16. • Turn East on State Road #16 (Charles Usinas Memorial Hwy) to U.S. Hwy #1. • At U.S. Hwy #1, turn South (right). • At W. Castillo Dr., turn East (left). This will take you past the St. Augustine/St. Johns County Visitor Information Center and the multistory city parking garage, where Event participants may park. The entrance to the parking garage is on Cordova St. We have 35 free parking passes to distribute, first come, first serve. Questions 904-534-6168. • After parking, leave the Visitor Information Center and the city parking garage and proceed through the City Gates and South along St. George Street to the pink De Mesa House (43 St. George Street). • IF CAMPING, however, pass the parking garage and proceed along W. Castillo Dr. to San Marco Ave./Castillo Dr. • At San Marco Ave./Castillo Dr., turn South (right). • As you pass the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument on your left, look for Charlotte St. on your right. Look also on your right for the red flag ("le jolie rouge" or "Jolly Roger") which will mark the location of the De Mesa Yard and the Searle's encampment. • At Charlotte St., turn South (right). • At Cuna St., turn West (right). • On your right, near the end of Cuna St., will be the entrance to the Searle's encampment. • Please unload your camping gear as quickly as possible as a courtesy to those who will arrive at the encampment after you. Get your parking pass (if available) and proceed to park your vehicle at the city parking garage. • You may reach the city parking garage from the Searle's encampment by cutting through the municipal parking lot across from the entrance to the Searle's encampment, turning West (right) on Hypolita St., and proceeding until it dead-ends into Cordova St. • At Cordova St., turn North (right) and proceed to the entrance of the city parking garage. • After parking, leave the city parking garage and the Visitor Information Center and proceed through the City Gates and South along St. George Street to the pink De Mesa House (43 St. George Street). • If the front gate to the De Mesa Yard on St. George Street is closed, continue to Cuna St. and turn East (left). The entrance gate on Cuna St. will be open Thursday and Friday nights for late arrivals. Questions? o phone 904-534-6168. MAP TO THE 2009 SACK OF ST. AUGUSTINE ENCAMPMENT http://maps.google.com/maps?? hl=en&ie=UTF8&q=colonial+spanish+quarter+st.+augustine+FL&fb=1&split= 1&gl=us&cid=0,0,7692040252952893667&ei=uiCsSdvFNY_ftgek5pnzDw&ll=29.8 97731,-81.313291&spn=0.017039,0.027466&z=15 Special thanks to Conrad Matt and Tomm Matthis for their help with these directions. OFFICERS FOR THE 2009 SACK OF ST. AUGUSTINE RE-ENACTMENT The following ladies and gentlemen have kindly consented to act as officers for this year's historical re-enactment: The Spaniards Brian Bowman – one of the best-known, long-time re-enactors in Florida, with several decades of know-how, Brian is president of the Historic Florida Militia and head of the Men of Menendez group. He will portray the amorous Don Francisco de la Guerra y de la Vega, royal Governor and Captain General of Florida, commanding the valiant Spanish floridaños in the defense of the presidio of San Agustín (http://www.searlesbuccaneers.org/Searles_History.htm). Tim Burke –Tim, the founder of Calderon's Company (http://home.comcast.net/~calderon/), is a 19-year veteran of historical re-enacting, with unbroken annual renewals for NPS blackpowder musket certification since 1994. He will command the Spanish mosqueteros as Captain Nicolás Esteves de Carmenatis, who gallantly lead two sortees from the fortress of San Marcos to assault the town's invaders (http://www.searlesbuccaneers.org/Searles_History.htm). The Buccaneers Davis Walker – with 23 years of experience in 17th-century re- enacting, Davis will take the role of Captain Robert Searle and lead the hereticos palidos ("pale heretics" – http://www.searlesbuccaneers.org/Searles_History.htm). Jon Williams – a long-time member of the St. Augustine Garrison, Jon, having spent the past 17 years re-enacting in 17th- and 18th- century venues, will serve as Sergeant of Musket for the crew of the Cagway. Camp Jeff Johnson – another veteran re-enactor, Jeff has been asked to serve as Quartermaster and oversee the buccaneer encampment. Tomm Matthis – a 17th-century re-enactor since 1986, Tomm, the 1st mate of the Cagway, has kindly consented to act as general camp's dogsbody. Kitchen Melissa Johnson – a member of Searle's Buccaneers and a renowned local cook, Melissa will be so good as to run the kitchen at this year's Searle's re-enactment. Safety Chuck Dale – retired NPS ranger, long-time member of the St. Augustine Garrison, Chuck's years of experience on historical sites and as a historical re-enactor uniquely fit him for the role of over- all Event safety officer. As a special treat this year, the famous Bramble Schoole of Defence and the Arts Mylitarie (http://www.bbramble.com/) will be represented by Scott Crawford (Director of the Bramble Schoole). The Bramblers are known for their study of historic swordplay manuals of the 16th and 17th centuries, practicing and teaching swordsmanship and other military skills drawn directly from these sources. Scott will demonstrate the brutally effective fighting techniques of period swords and blackpowder weapons.
  11. Count me in. I am planning on being part of the beach buccaneer people at this years PIP. Will be down with Captain William and Doug, possibly more.
  12. Glad to have you aboard Callenish! I sent you an email. As for everyone else some new information has surfaced that I need to get out to all those planning to attend. Arrival time for the event has been moved up one day! You will now be able to arrive onsite anytime after 12 noon on Thrusday March 5th. This will allow all of the out of towners a more flexible time frame for driving/flying. You can setup on Thrusday afternoon and then enjoy the "Noble and Loyal city" Of San Agustin before the event starts. Again if anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to drop me an email. If you know that you are coming drop me an email with your estimated arrival time. Thanks again, Your humble servant
  13. As soon as new info comes up I will post it. Buccaneer Officer's for the event will be posted soon. Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Officer posting for Searle's Raid. The Company held a meeting at our School of the 16th Century this past weekend. Officers for our upcoming events were cussed and discussed. William Kunze: "AKA Capt. William" Captain of the Buccaneer Forces. Doug Pummel: Ensign and Safety Officer Jeff Johnson: "AKA Sgt Johnson" Sgt. of Musket and Safety Officer Brad Rivard: Gun Captain (yes we have cannons) and Safety officer Melissa Johnson: Head Camp Mistress We look forward to hosting all of you that have expressed interst and that are coming down for this event! If you have any further questions please feel free to email them to me. Your Humble Servent, You wound me sir. You gravely wound me....Who am I kidding I even laughed when I posted it...LOLOLOL!
  14. As soon as new info comes up I will post it. Buccaneer Officer's for the event will be posted soon. Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Officer posting for Searle's Raid. The Company held a meeting at our School of the 16th Century this past weekend. Officers for our upcoming events were cussed and discussed. William Kunze: "AKA Capt. William" Captain of the Buccaneer Forces. Doug Pummel: Ensign and Safety Officer Jeff Johnson: "AKA Sgt Johnson" Sgt. of Musket and Safety Officer Brad Rivard: Gun Captain (yes we have cannons) and Safety officer Melissa Johnson: Head Camp Mistress We look forward to hosting all of you that have expressed interst and that are coming down for this event! If you have any further questions please feel free to email them to me. Your Humble Servent,
  15. As soon as new info comes up I will post it. Buccaneer Officer's for the event will be posted soon.
  16. And for a mere $4500 the cannon could be yours. LOL!
  17. Dutch Slops would be spot on. As Hurricane mentioned petticoat Breeches would work as well. I will tell you that you will not find many people wearing them at the event. Nothing wrong with wearing the ol Rhinegraves, just not many folks wearing them.
  18. Great point Hurricane. Keep in mind that at this period of the Buccaneers (1668) the majority of the men that sailed with the good Captain Robert Searle's were former soldiers from Europe and the English Civil War. At this point we are only 18 years removed from the end of the war. Many of the men with Searle's were there to make a good bit of coin in order to return to their homeland to "retire". The others just had nowhere else to go and nothing to return to so headed out to the Islands to be hired on a crew for the various Privateers working in the area. Being former soldiersthey were some of the best crew to have when it came to land campagins. Remember Searle's didn't much care for sailing around,he likedto get to ground and take the fight to whomever was the "enemy" at the time. There are pictures (forgive me, I do not remember the names) that show battles with line and column in proper military fashion being fought on the Islands. Theses ex-soldiers fought best when under regimented command (Drum call, commands given , etc.) As for the shirt tails being tucked or untucked, I have found no definitive evidence (other than the aforementioned pictires) that there was a right way or a wrong way. I know that most of us that have been doing Searle's raid for the past 10 year tuck the shirt in. I myself am Sgt of Searle's muskets and safety officer and protray a former Royalist soldier from the English Civil War. So Patrick, in a round about explaination to your inquiry, I would say thit it all depends on the character impression that you are trying to portray. Please feel free to comment or rebut. Great thread you've got going here!
  19. Searle's Raid will be on March 6-8 2009 at the Fountain of Youth park in St Augustine Florida. Please excuse the old info on the web site. The webmaster has been under the weather, this will be corrected shortly. The website http://searlesbuccaneers.org/ still has a wealth of information pertaining to the Raid. You can find a history of the raid compiled from various sources from our event coordinator Mr. Davis Walker. There are also links for Rules and guide lines for the event. http://searlesbuccaneers.org/Searles_Rules.htm. If anyone is looking for period correct clothing please check out Sykes Sutlery.They carry really nice Monmouth caps. http://sykesutler.home.att.net/. If anyone has any further questions please feel free to drop me an email. If you received a flyer at PIP from either Captain William Kunze, or Doug, my email address is there to. The good Captain sends his regrets for not getting this info out sooner but he is having computer "issues" at this time. For the stories and rumored stories that may or may not have been told and are more than likely true , or not, I can neither confirm nor deny the validity , or lack thereof of anything that I did or did not witness in a sober or a druken state.
  20. Searle's Raid will be on March 6-8 2009 at the Fountain of Youth park in St Augustine Florida. Please excuse the old info on the web site. The webmaster has been under the weather, this will be corrected shortly. The website http://searlesbuccaneers.org/ still has a wealth of information pertaining to the Raid. You can find a history of the raid compiled from various sources from our event coordinator Mr. Davis Walker. There are also links for Rules and guide lines for the event. http://searlesbuccaneers.org/Searles_Rules.htm. If anyone is looking for period correct clothing please check out Sykes Sutlery.They carry really nice Monmouth caps. http://sykesutler.home.att.net/. If anyone has any further questions please feel free to drop me an email. If you received a flyer at PIP from either Captain William Kunze, or Doug, my email address is there to. The good Captain sends his regrets for not getting this info out sooner but he is having computer "issues" at this time. For the stories and rumored stories that may or may not have been told and are more than likely true , or not, I can neither confirm nor deny the validity , or lack thereof of anything that I did or did not witness in a sober or a druken state.
  21. The Mantua is nice but a little late for the period. Remember that any clothing and equiptment that were used over here and in and around the Islands would have ben a tad out of date by European standards. There are Spainish manifest from the Castillo that show Matchlock muskets and bandoliers were still being issued to the troops at the fort as late as 1699-1702. So figure the 1630's fashion is about as early as you would want to go, and 1670 would be the max for the Justacorp. The waistcoat has A bit more leeway. When talking justacorps and great coats you start to get into different sleeve and turnback lengths, often changing several times in less than a 2 year period! Just my 2 cents.
  22. Searle's Raid will be on March 6-8 2009 at the Fountain of Youth park in St Augustine Florida. Please excuse the old info on the web site. The webmaster has been under the weather, this will be corrected shortly. The website http://searlesbuccaneers.org/ still has a wealth of information pertaining to the Raid. You can find a history of the raid compiled from various sources from our event coordinator Mr. Davis Walker. There are also links for Rules and guide lines for the event. http://searlesbuccaneers.org/Searles_Rules.htm. If anyone is looking for period correct clothing please check out Sykes Sutlery.They carry really nice Monmouth caps. http://sykesutler.home.att.net/. If anyone has any further questions please feel free to drop me an email. If you received a flyer at PIP from either Captain William Kunze, or Doug, my email address is there to. The good Captain sends his regrets for not getting this info out sooner but he is having computer "issues" at this time. For the stories and rumored stories that may or may not have been told and are more than likely true , or not, I can neither confirm nor deny the validity , or lack thereof of anything that I did or did not witness in a sober or a druken state. "For God and the King" Sgt. Jeff Johnson
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