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Sgt Johnson

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Everything posted by Sgt Johnson

  1. On behalf of all Searle's Bucaneers we wish to say thankyou for making this event the best one yet. I hope that everyone that made the trip had a safe and memorable time. At one point on Saturday afternoon I counted 15 people that were both at last years PIP and this years Searle's. We had people from as far away as California and Northern Pennsylvania. We had people from 10 different states come to this years event. For those that missed the fun, now is the time to make plans for next years event. This year we had 81 men, women and children at the Fountain of Youth and the battle downtown. The food was great, the gunfire loud and the friendships made and renewed were awesome! Thanks again to everyone for making Searle's 2010 a rousing success! Your Searle's Buccaneers officer Core, Captain William Kunze Ensign Doug Pummel Sgt. Jeff Johnson Cpl. Willie Wobble Chief Scribe Conrad Matt Head Camp Mistress Melissa Johnson
  2. For those of you that are able to make it to Searle's Raid this year here is a little information for you. The setup and arrival time for the event will be 12 noon Thursday March 4th at the Fountain of Youth. Remember that you are on your own for food on Thursday. Please, on Thrusday, have your vehicle removed from the camping area as soon as you have unloaded and setup you equipment. There will be no overnight parking of vehicles in the camping area. If you arrive on Friday during the day please unload as quickly as possible then move your car to the parking area; you can then return to setup your camp. If you arrive on Saturday you will need to park your car in the parking lot then unload your gear. Exceptions will be made for those with handicap access tags issued by a state DMV. No vehicles will be allowed in camp on Saturday without the authorization of myself or another event organizer. Please see, or call me, if you have any questions about this. This will also stand for after the battle on Saturday night. If you need to break down your camp and leave before Sunday, again please, see an event organizer for help with this. These rules are our attempt to keep the camping area as "period" as possible. We feel that this will enhance everyone's enjoyment while at the event. Cars will be allowed into camp after 6am on Sunday. If there are any other rules questions that you might have please refer to our website www.searles-buccaneers.com.
  3. LOL....I shall refrain from any comment on that one Hurricane. Patrick, there wil be sutlers on had that carry pipes. John Williams (in the big tent) and Art n Janet . Ivan Henry aka Mooseworth will be there with some of his firearms, and I have been talking with old Sutler Jon. Hopefully he can make it if work permits.
  4. Greetings one and all. Thank you all for the intrest you have shown for the upcoming Searle's Raid event! I have some news that needs to be passed along. Pease make sure that this info gets to those that are making the trip to the event. 1) I need your tent foot print. Size of tent with guide lines inplace. (I told Shay of the Keys that I wouldn't need the info, but alas things change, sorry Shay.) Please email me at jeffjohnsonfl@yahoo.com or PM me on the Pub. 2) Registration will take place onsite when you arrive. Due to a last minute unforseen budget shortfall (The city cut our grant funding) we are asking everyone to pay $5 dollars at the registration tent. This will cover firewood, food , hay , and gunpowder for the event. We are very sorry to have to ask you for this with such short notice, but the city has put us in a bit of a bind. There will be a second , voluntery, $5 dollars collected if anyone wishes to take part in the Saturday night jollification after the feast and battle. This will allow access to adult libations through the evening. We appreciate your understanding in this matter and look forward to seeing you all In March. 3) If anyone is interested in learning how to prepare period 17th food please email Melissa Johnson at melshell1@yahoo.com. She is Head camp Mistress and is looking for people to help out in the Kitchen.
  5. We will be glad to have you sir! You will be a fine addation to the privateer forces. HUZZAH!
  6. I sent you PM Pat. If you can get to JAX, we can get you to and from the airport.
  7. We do it in March to avoid another reenactment our group puts on the first weekend in June... Drakes Raid on St Augustine...1586. Having 2 major events on back to back weekends is way to much to handle, and it would also effect attendance for both.
  8. We look forward to seeing you again!
  9. In 1668 Capt. Robert Searle and his privateers sailed from Jamaica to loot the silver ingots held in the royal coffers at St. Augustine. Under cover of night, they slipped into the harbor and attacked the sleeping town. We are always looking for new recruits to portray townspeople, garrison soldiers, Native Americans, and buccaneers! Our focus is on an accurate historical impression, using correct materials, styles, and equipment. You need not be a historian, actor, or military enthusiast to participate. WARNING ORDER The 12th annual, historicalre-enactment of The Sack of St. Augustine: Capt. Robert Searle's Raid of1668 will take place on March 4th-7th 2010, in St. Augustine, Florida PLEASE NOTE: · This Event is ahistorical re-enactment. Historically accurate garb and gear are requiredto participate in this Event. · English buccaneers andSpanish soldados - musketeers are needed! Matchlock, snaphaunce,doglock, and miquelet muskets will be accepted. · Native Americanre-enactors, doing Timucua, Apalachee, and Guale, are especially welcome! · If you are a sutler andinterested in selling at this Event, please contact me asap at jeffjohnsonfl@yahoo.com. For further information, please e-mail us at jeffjohnsonfl@yahoo.com or call 904-534-6168, or see or website at http://www.searles-buccaneers.com. Please come join us! Jeff Johnson --Quartermaster / Information Officer, Searle's Buccaneers(c. 1668) --Sergeantof Musket, Capt. John Tilden'sCompanie, Prince Rupert's Regiment of Foote (c. 1645) [members, Sealed Knot UK] --Sergeant of Musket /Quartermaster Gordon's Musketeers, Strathbogie Regiment (c. 1639 and 1644) --Sergeant / Quartermaster,Drake's Men (c. 1586) 904-534-6168 E-mail: jeffjohnsonfl@yahoo.com
  10. Patrick, There are trees to tie off a tent or hammock, We have a few extra tent poles for you, no worries there. Feel free to ship your doglock to me. Jax airport is about a 60 minute ride to St Augustine. If you have any question please let me know, as I am one of the events organizers. Hope to see you in March! New web address is www.searles-buccaneers.
  11. What can I say...Moose is the MAN! Thanks for all the work on the new site. The event is shaping up to be the biggest and best yet. Keep putting the word out.
  12. I also whole heartedly endorse Fugawee. A very good quality shoe for the price, and top rate customer service to boot. Note to file- They are made in Mexico. Website: http://www.fugawee.com/ I too would say the Fugawee brand of shoes are top notch. I have a pair of the Loyalist and have yet to have a problem with them.....a bit snug, and I have gotten them wet marching through puddles but never had them immersed for long periods of time. I will say this for them....they are a heavy shoe. Mine are the early smooth brown.
  13. Merry Christmasand happy Holidaytoeveryone!

  14. Thanks for the info Willie Wobble. The camp will be open to set up on Thursday March 4th. At this time this is a 95% certainty. I will be sending out warning orders in the next couple of weeks. These will include more info on the event. If you have any questions in the mean time please feel free to call 904-534-6168. Looking forward to seeing all of you again.
  15. Put Sgt Johnson (Jeff johnson) down for the Buccaneer camp. I give Diosa a hearty HUZZAH for taking on the lofty role of "meeting circuit" person...the Buccaneer camp thanks you.
  16. What have we denegrated ourselves too . We will need to change the name of this site to buttpyracy.com . Truly a sad day in pirateing history. The Cuban place has great food, I hope it is still there.
  17. Woah... best smelling fire... not the best smelling Camp...... If ye gots sensitive nostrils like that flea bitten Pyrate Hunter Sturlin'.... ye wanna be way up wind from me.....(an' that's before I start fartin' the 1812 oviture......) Never fear, Fearless Leader Hand! Your 1812 Overture will be happily upstaged by the delectably fresh flyblown drying pigskin just upwind of your noble establishment. (I have it on excellent authority that you like to be close to your re-enactment projects round -the-clock for true authenticity). uh, Patrick, could this be a clue as to why we're down to only two buccaneers? Spurious lies! There are more buccaneers coming. We should have atleast 6 in camp, no counting Hurricanes crew.
  18. I agree with you there Cascabel, it is dangerous to load a primed weapon. We make it our practice to load the barrel and then prime the piece. Well, here I'll disagree with you, gentlemen. I've been following military drill with both my matchlock and my Bess for 25 years. When priming from the cartridge on the Bess, you are never sure if you have left enough powder in the cartridge to properly prime. With the matchlock, handling powder in one hand and lit match in the other, cleaning and priming the pan first, before casting about makes much more sense. The way I figure it, the people who used these things for real knew what they were doing and why. I'm happy to follow the original manuals of arms. Hawkyns As in the case of the matchlock ,prime first then cast about to load. If your pan cover is tight there are little worries. As the matchlock has a bulit in safety (an empty serpentine) there is little worry of the weapon going off as could be the case with a flint ignited weapon. In my 23 years I have never had an issue with the standard manual of arms loading procedures.....now hang fires are a whole nother story....
  19. I ain't that little.... OH yeah... the stress stuff.......... Hummmmmmm lets seeeeee........ AAAArgh... it's alll gotta be hand sewn...(and other crap keeps gettin in the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy) If I'm goinna do something.... Damn.... I'm goinna do it well...... WOT more stress....... yeeeee haaaaa.... Takes a nice happy breath in..... breathes out..... Hey... I got alla my Pyrate stuff.... but some how I gotta "shine" as a buccaneer........(fun added stress....) Bet I'm goinna be the sexiest Buccaneer.... oh whaite.... rat... Shay is playin also......... OK... I will be the sexiest male Buccaneer at PiP...... (aaargh or something like that...) Don't forget about Searle's men....(my new coat is getting the finishing touches )...we buccaneers that sail on the good Captain Searles ship, Cagway, prefer a slightly more militay bent to our impression. Being left over from the 1655 "occupation force" sent over by Cromwell to take Jamacia, old military habits die hard. I have a feeling that the bucaneer camp will look good...even though we have to share the space with Hurricane's crew......LOLOL!
  20. Hawkyns, I agree with your weapon of choice, matchlock all the way. (no surprise as I am Sgt of Musket and safety officer for 2 ECW groups) Bandoliers are the best way to load, easy and efficent. You can then use your charger to prime your piece. Matchlocks were allowed last year, so I assume it will be the same this year. Searle's buccaneers will be bringing 3 this year. I am sure Capt. Sterling or Spike could shed a more definite light on this subject.
  21. Put me down for (Beach: Prior to 0900 mens bathroom on Friday) As I own a cleaning company it just makes sense... :) Buccaneer Camp
  22. Are you saying you wish to know who to go to for safety inspections or are you wishing to be a safety officer? Wanting to be a safety officer.23 years ans NPS trained.
  23. Bringing as much firewood as I can fit in with my gear in the van. Who would I talk to about doing some black powder saftey check while at PIP?
  24. I am already on the roll call list. I am a bit behind the curve on the tent footprint. I apologize. Last minute changes and such. I will be needing a space 26' long by 18' wide. I will be bringing extra canvas with me. (in case a wind/rain break is needed or for any crew in need). Not sure who else has turned in their footprints for Searle's Buccaneer's (Buccaneer Camp). At last count there were 7 to 8 of us making the trip. Again I apologize for this information being supplied so late.
  25. NO! Pirate Souls museum In Key West was nice...Nassau....NO.....but you may have to see for yourself.
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