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Posts posted by captweaver65

  1. I have a great book;

    "how they saw the new world"

    by ernest and johanna lehner.

    it is nothing but reproductions of woodcuts and engravings of maps and newly discovered people,plants,animals and such.

    there is also a kool collection of portraits and signatures of explorers.

  2. There was a young girl named Bianca,

    Who slept while the sloop was at anchor;

    But awoke with dismay,

    When she heard the mate say:

    "We must pull up the topsheet and spanker."

    harr harr harr!!!

    I love that one.

    one of the few nautical ones that I've never heard.

    I salute ya,Cap'n Coyote.


  3. well...try as I may,me rum soaked brain cells couldn't locate ya.

    the north coast of what???

    and as fer pistols and pike,that doesn't leave much for the victor to play with unless yer a blood soaked lovin necro.


    I prefer somethin a little less damaging on the goods and much more intimate,like wrestlin or take down.the medevil game of slaughter is very much to my liking(cross between graeco roman wrestling and sumo)

    or just a good old fashioned fist fight with maybe a short length of rope.

    ifn yer ever close by,you are always welcome to come by fer a nice friendly battle of wills and bodies.


  4. Ahoy,

    I need ye help. I be trying to make little pirate into Captain Jack Sparrow for halloween party. Per ye mates' suggestions, I scoured the thrift stores and pretty much there.

    Me other hobbies are beadin and such and already had me a black wig. But me biggest problem is I haven't a clue on how's to make a tricor hat. I be much a holdin to those who could help.




    look in the hats section of this post room.

  5. Am I the only one drinkin' and wenchin' tonight? Strike that... I'm not wenchin'... I'm piratin'....... and not for long, either, as me new drugs are bound to take hold of me in an hour or so!


    Happy Saturday Night! ARRRRR!

    no seven,

    I be drinkin n wenchin n piratin too.

    and me new puppy be doin it too-just a finger lick of drinkin though fer the pup.

    did the stake-out in the front yard fer bad boys,but didn't find any.

    :ph34r: AAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

    try again later.

    none of me cabin boys is around tonight


  6. Hear too ya gob of pond guppy's,

    Ol' Black Jack be three sails to the gale n' lookin' ta get scratched & slapped by a few feisty harlots lookin' fer some fun! Any takers?

    "Gettin' slapped is easy. It's the knowin' when ta duck tis the trick",

    :blink: Black Jack Shalaq

    well,black jack,

    you lookin for some EXTREME partyin-well I gots yer pain right here!!!

    I have 15 years experience dealin with those like yerself whats wants ta play hard.and I play REAL hard.

  7. Today, however, I found m'self fishin' through a button bucket at th' fabric store, an' I came home with a slew of 'em. I think that be part o' my tradition...collectin' buttons as part o' me plunder.

    Shiny ones, o' course. Pewter, bronze...something that woulda been easily yanked from some scallywag's coat. :)

    buttons can be a lovely treasure.

    I can remember my grandmother letting me play with the buttons in her button box.I always looked forward to that as a child and have collected buttons ever since.

    I like the shiny metal ones with coats of arms or military symbols and all glass buttons

    I have several tins dedicated to the various types.


  8. ahoy there John Young,

    I hafta say that I love your signature.

    I guess I just don't get the attraction of the whole "savvy" thing.

    I'm pretty easygoing but it bugs the hell outa me.


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