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Everything posted by captweaver65

  1. this site looks like it has some of what you will need. the sailor's palm small fid on a handle brass grommets I had to make my own sailor's palm,because the ones that are commercially made are often in one size and as I have a smaller hand,they tend to slip off.
  2. yes beignets are delightful,but hell on my all black wardrobe. no matter how hard I try,the powdered sugar makes it mark somewhere.
  3. Q: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night? A: A Widow
  4. oi.she's a pretty one. not as piratey as the Royaliste,but a beauty none-the-less.
  5. Suliel, you won't have any trouble with the transit system here. I live 4 blocks from the public transit train (max) which is well connected to the bus station (downtown shuttle)and airport. :)
  6. Suliel we'd be glad ta have ya! saturday is gonna be the better day . hope to see you there. just yell if'n you want to camp(rum is much better when ya don't hafta drive)
  7. where did you pick up such an unusual treasure?
  8. A girl fell in love with a sailor and had his picture tattooed on her right breast. The romance waned. In due time, she fell in love with a pirate and had his picture tattooed on her left breast. This romance also waned. Sometime later, she fell in love with a merchant and married him. That night when they were undressing for bed he began to laugh. She asked, "What in the world is so funny?" The Marine said, "Oh, I'm just thinking what long faces those two guys are going to have in about twenty years from now..."
  9. There was an old sailor named pew, who had nothing better to do, so he sat on the stairs counting pube hairs, three thousand four hundred & two.
  10. Royaliste, you are just too cute! I would never presume to try an make you my 'sea bitch' besides I have plenty of those already and you are the only 'real Pirate Captain of his own tall ship' that I know--not much better than that. :)
  11. ahoy there Jelly Fish Girl! of course you can come! :) I am female. a boffer is a padded pvc or wood sword used to play fight. ifn you make an attempt at pirate clothes,you should fit in just fine.this isn't an official historical reenactment,just some piratey friends gettin together for a good time. you want me to save you a camp space?
  12. where'd me posts go??? I just put 2 posts up here and now they're gone. ??? well.... here we go again...
  13. sorry Royaliste, ...uh...guess you'll hafta ask yer mate ta take over for ya,cause I still got a few good ones,I do. :) and I won't be comin' after you with my whip;you got way too many guns on that ship of yours.
  14. ...uhh...you really do take your hobbie seriously. I think donuts have holes so they can resemble halos,because donuts must come from heaven(especially krispy creme fresh off the conveyor) YARRR!
  15. There was a young sailor from Wales Who could piss with precision in gales From the top-gallant spar he would pee in a jar Without even wetting the sails
  16. avast there! Crow! are yee findin my movie selection a might hard ta stomache? it just shows my unwillingness to fit into modern society :) btw I love yer signature-could ya tell me where it comes from?
  17. ahoy all, I'm havin' a nice pirate party in me own yard in the city of PORTLAND. just some mateys campin' in the yard,eatin' good food and drinkin a little grog. YOU GOTTA BE WEARIN YER PIRATE CLOTHES! :) its september 12,13,14 with a potluck on saturday the 13.I'll be grillin' soft jerk pork and terriyaki deer along with havin' a nice big rumfustian punch. there will be some demonstrations on some of me handicrafts, some friendly boffer fights and whatever else anyone wants. and don't forget the obligatory late night flogging :) email me ifn you wants to camp in the yard or if yer coming for the potluck. stragoiriah1@hotmail.com captweaver65@pyracy.com Weaver and Silky 14606 ne Glisan Portland,Or 97230 503-251-4835 sorry no dogs,large pets or firin' yer weapons. after hours bathroom facilities will be primitive.
  18. I just picked up a lovely old book at a used bookstore; 'simplified navigation for the amateur' by D.L.Montgomery it is a first edition from 1932 it gives all the basics from the ground up,which is perfect for because I have not a lick of navigation knowledge. can't wait to read about sextants as this has always been an interest of mine.
  19. hello and welcome Baptiste, I do have a great amount of respect and admiration for your views and understand your point of view. there are many people though,who are unable to take the amount of time neccessary to make their costumes perfectly authentic and not enough money to buy such. most of us just want to have a good time,whatever that entails and if fudging a little on costuming is the outcome,then I say live life as you want it. in the sca here in An Tir,there are people with varying degrees of authentic costuming and we often segregate ourselves because of it.the encampments I have been to have a central area where only those with period tents can camp and all others camp out from them.this gives our two sides satisfaction in our fun play time,whatever level it is taken to. if people are part of a true teaching group,showing others what life was like,then they should all be extremely authentic in their costuming and practises. respectfully,
  20. There once was a handsome young seaman Who with ladies was really a demon, In peace or in war, At sea or on shore, He could certainly dish out the semen.
  21. it be a mighty fine,long winded sermon,it be
  22. pirates of the carribbean...naturally interview with the vampire lord of the rings 1 & 2 (I'm sure 3 will make it there when it comes out) horatio hornblower series (A&E) tank girl record of the Lodoss war series solarbabies now that I look at all my favorites together,I see it is a most eclectic collection
  23. Nymphomaniac Convention A man boards an airplane and takes his seat. As he settles in, he glances up and sees the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realizes that she is headed straight toward his seat. A wave of nervous anticipation washes over him. Low and behold, she takes the seat right beside his. Anxious to strike up a conversation, he blurts out, "So where are you flying to today?" She turns and smiles and says, "To the annual Nymphomaniac Convention in Chicago." Whoa! He swallows hard and is instantly CRAZED with excitement. Here's the most gorgeous woman he's ever seen, sitting right next to him, and she's going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs! Struggling to maintain his outward cool, he calmly asks, "And what's your role at this convention?" She flips her long hair back, turns to him, looks into his eyes, and says, "Well, I try to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality." "Really", he says, swallowing hard, again. "And what myths are those?" She explains: "Well, one popular myth is that African American men are the most well-endowed, when, in fact, it is the Native American who is most likely to possess this trait. Another popular myth is that Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Jewish descent who romance women best, on average." "Very interesting" the man responds. Suddenly, the woman becomes very embarrassed, and blushes. "I'm sorry," she says, "I feel so awkward discussing this with you, and I don't even know your name." The man extends his hand and replies, "Tonto, Tonto Goldstein."
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