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Captain Charlotte Savvy

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Everything posted by Captain Charlotte Savvy

  1. I am a huge, huge Rolling Stones fan ... but I am very happy to hear that the rumor of Keith Richards appearing in the next two movies is just that, a rumor. Something about the idea just doesn't work for me ... maybe it's because Richards isn't an actor but a musician (not that that stops most musicians from attempting to make feature film debuts), maybe it's because I have such trouble understanding Richards's slurred speech in interviews these days that I feel it would detract from the film ... I dunno. I love the Rolling Stones, and I love that the inspiration for our Captain Sparrow came from a Rolling Stones musician ... but let's just leave it at that, alright.
  2. I saw it at midnight a few days ago while talking to my friend on the phone, and was so absolutely flabbergasted by the sheer weirdness of it that I stopped in the middle of our conversation to shriek, "What IS this?!" Luckily, my pal is also a Johnny Depp fan, so once I explained what was going on, she was understanding. "Yeah, I saw that," she said, after I explained what had me so shocked. "I thought I was hallucinating or something." It's a WEIRD, weird music video ... but I gotta get it.
  3. A mate o' mine was leaving the movie theater after viewing "Titanic," and behind her she heard a fellow-moviegoer whisper to her friend, "Gosh, I didn't think it would really go down!" Hmmm.
  4. Arrgh, I have the horrible feeling that I'm not going to be able to make it to Pirate Weekend, and am going to have to attend on some other weekend instead ... but rest assured that I'll still be going in me pirate garb! *Sigh* ... can't believe I have to miss THE weekend, though ... maybe I can try and swing it there anyway??? Hmmm ...
  5. That is rather delightful ... BTW, speaking of Jack dolls, am I the only one here who can't decide if an eighteen-inch motion-activated talking Captain Jack Sparrow figure is really cool or really scary??? Of course I shall get one when Disney releases 'em -- but I still can't figure out if it's awesome or really frightening. There's something odd about a nearly two-foot-tall staring doll that makes noises when you walk by it ... Or maybe that's just me. ;-)
  6. *sniffles* The wondrous Shel Silverstein ... thanks so much for posting that! It was delightful, as all his stuff is.
  7. Hmmm ... my only suggestions would be to make sure you first unzip it before trying to play it ... but if you did unzip it, then I don't know what the problem would be. Did you try DL-ing it from either Geocities or the PotC Fansite?
  8. "Muppets Treasure Island" is my second favorite all the way ... I also really liked the newest "Peter Pan" to come out (and "Hook" as well) ... and I need to see more pirate movies before I can pick any other favorites!
  9. Thanks for all the kind compliments -- I'm glad you guys like it! BTW, if anyone is having trouble DLing it from the Geocities site, it's not being hosted by another site, that shouldn't have any bandwidth problems: http://www.potcfandom.com/downloads.php Enjoy! And thanks again, to everyone's who already seen it, for the nice compliments ... ye make a young pirate lass blush.
  10. To Freud, a cigar is never just a cigar.
  11. There was no "universal" pirates code as mentioned in PotC. Just about every pirate ship had a code (or list of articles), but they differed from ship to ship. And, granted, while a lot of the lists of codes looked very similiar to one another (such as the bit about voting a captain in democratically), there was no universally-accepted pirate code. Still, Terry and Ted only took artistic license with the idea of pirates' codes -- I still find it quite cool that most ships had some PotC-like code in place.
  12. I'm with you. That thing kind of disturbs me, just a little bit ... *twitch*
  13. You people are trying to encourage me, aren't you???? Naw, I'm just being sardonically evil, don't mind me ... I did wanna know the TRUTH, after all! I'll jest apply to the thingy, see if I get accepted, and then worry about it from there ... I fear I may turn out to be a confirmed land pirate, but I'll hafta wait and see. :) BTW -- hauling ginger beer (or any sort of alcoholic beverage, for that matter) would have me getting my butt "marooned" in port permanently (even though I'd be of age at the time we're going out to sea); alcohol is strictly prohibited on board, which makes sense to me. Though I'm a HUGE fan of ginger ale, so that may be coming with me if I do indeed get out there ...
  14. Thanks, one and all, for the advice -- this was exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. I know there's no guarentees -- it's like Maraudin Sparky's comment about the Navy sailor; you can't really know WHAT'S going to make ya seasick. Maybe I'll get out there and find it doesn't bother me in the least (unlikely), despite my aversion to the Tilt-A-Whirl rides at amusement parks. Most likely, it will bother me a bit -- so I'll be packing up on Dramamine AND Bonine (though I 'aven't heard of the second one, I have used Dramamine in the past, and it works wonders), not to mention loads of ginger (tea, root, pills, etc etc) ... and hoping for the best. I can't take Dramamine (or Bonine) for a month straight, after all; so ginger root it is. I just want the rest for any real emergencies or particularly rough-water days. I will also have my eyes glued to the horizon for quite awhile when we first get out there, so yah. We will be sleeping on the ship, so I won't have the on-again, off-again adjustment of going back and forth between land and sea too terribly much, which is nice. I hear keeping busy, and eating when you can, are two things that also help -- so I'll be sure to do that, as well. Thanks again, guys. I'm certainly not going on this thing for sure -- but you'll be the first (after me family) to find out once I know one way or t' other. Thank you!!!!
  15. If I've already addressed this topic on this board, I apologize -- however, it's been on the back of my mind to post a topic for discussion about this for SO LONG that I honestly can't remember at this point if I actually POSTED it at some point or not. (So I suppose it goes without saying that, even if I did post it, I don't remember what anyone said about it. *grins*) I am applying for -- considering applying for, I guess I should say, though it's definitely SERIOUSLY considering -- a study program that involves, at the end of the term, four and a half weeks at sea on a brignatine (plenty of port stops, yes; but still, four weeks). Here's the thing (one thing, anyway) -- I get motion sickness fairly easily. Not at the absolute drop of a hat -- I don't get carsick every time I ride, or anything -- but I do get _sick_. I can't ride rides at the amusement park more 'strenuous' than the carousal; I can't read in the car. I don't know if I get sick on planes because the only time I went up on one, I was definitely on Dramamine at the time -- but I imagine I'd only be fine on said planes if we didn't hit any turbulance. I _have_ been on boats before -- sort of. Going out on a lake hardly seems to count, and it wasn't for long ... I was fine then, but still, this is entirely, unbelievably, absolutely different. What I'm getting at here -- my actual question *grins* -- okay, I don't MIND getting sea sick. I KNOW I'll get sea sick. Just about everybody does; and I realize, for the first day or two or so, I may be in such an absolute agony of nausea that I'll be begging people to thwack me over the head and put me out of my misery. What I DON'T want to do is get on the ship and be sick for the entire bloody four-and-a-half weeks. My question, to all you knowledgable sea-farin' dogs out there, is, basically: how often have you seen someone, or heard of someone, who simply never found their "sea legs"?? Is there a realistic chance that I shall get on this ship, arrive out to sea, and spend the entire month vomiting? Because, as much as I want to do this, I don't want to do it at the expense of starvation and death because I can't keep anything down for four weeks, if you catch my drift. :) So -- are there just some people out there who simply can't sail -- not comfortably, at any rate?? That, through all this long-winded questioning, is my basic (well) question, here. (Thanks for any and all opinions on this -- I am NOT going to start out my application to the admissions counciler by saying, "Excuse me, but is there a chance that all I'll do on the trip is throw up???" ... so I need some advice here. Thank ye kindly, mates!)
  16. THE Galveston? As in Galveston, Texas? "Issac's Storm" be a favorite book o' mine, which is why I ask ...
  17. That would be awesome. *A*W*E*S*O*M*E*. I can't even TELL you how amusing it would be to meet Jack Sparrow's mum ... and if she was played by Maureen O'Hara, well ... I'd really like this book. I made it most of the way through The Black Swan (no, I didn't finish it; I had a raging stomach flu at the time and literally couldn't focus towards the end; really gotta finish it someday) and was struck by how she managed to hold her own in a role that was so (can I be honest PLEASE??) limiting. Maybe it all changes by the end of the movie -- but in the beginning, at least, she was the Damsel In Distress, being courted by a pirate captain who knew "what she really wanted" (which happened to be HIM, mind you) and treated her with a kind of cruel attraction, of the sort that would send the P.C. Police of modern times spinning. I'm not trying to get all feminist-y here, either -- my point is, O'Hara was thrown in a role that was pretty bloody limiting 'ere -- and the gal held her own. It was neat to see. (Anyone have any other pirate-y films starring O'Hara to recommend, BTW? While we're on the subject. :) I'd love to see more.) So I gotta read this book; I think it'll be pretty fascinating. I love the story she told in the preview of the ABC article about the "two old biddies" at school ... talk about indominable Irish spirit. Or piratical spirit, for that matter. Awesome. Looks like a great read.
  18. I see I'm going to have to purchase a copy of Premiere magazine very very soon ... thanks for the heads-up.
  19. Ah yes, I forgot that Geocities sucked ... Try the link again. It'll take you to a boring page with the link in text ... copy and paste it into yer address bar and give it another go. Sorry for that -- I forgot that Geocities is a goober and doesn't let you post pictures or files to message boards or other sites ... Thanks for the heads-up.
  20. I have a cable 'net connection, and it took me about three minutes to download this ... so if you have the time and the ability to unzip files, have a go at this, if you would. It's a bit of a PotC music video, set to the tune of (what else?) the Steve Miller Band's "Jungle Love" ... took me about three months of working on it in very sporatic bursts, but it's been done for awhile now -- jest took me awhile to figure out how to upload it to the 'net. This is, like, THE most creative computer thingy I have ever done ... hope ye enjoy. One word of advice -- the quality is decent, but could be better, so be sure to turn up the Brightness on your computer monitor as high as it can go before watching the thing here ... Enjoy. Feedback appreciated!!!! Pirate Love
  21. Thank ye, sir -- that be exactly the information I was lookin' for. Much obliged. Now I just gotta work me courage up sometime ...
  22. Amen, and do I hear ye there. The profs seem to see my final semester at uni as a sort of challenge to breakin' me will, and I've had precious little time for anything but school (in one form or another) straight from Christmas Break 'til Spring Break last week. And things look to be picking right back up again now ... but ah well. It's the last bit o' things; they won't defeat me NOW ... Okay, getting back on-topic now ... I whole-heartedly agree with the "to each their own" bit after reading the self-given branding essay (considering I'm too much of a wimp half the time to remove a splinter, let alone that ... though in my defense, I did try self-waxing treatments once, which I hear is a pretty painful thing to do ... but I digress again, don't I? ). I don't particularly want a brand -- but I would love a tattoo, if only I could come up with a design that I'd want for life. I'm really, really tempted to one day get the Sparrow-esque bird-above-the-waves-and-sun "crest" on my forearm ... but it would definitely be in years to come. It's an int'resting thought. I won't even get my ears pierced -- but oddly enough, I'd get a tattoo BEFORE I'd get my ears pierced. I know. Bizarre. ;-) BTW, to those of you who have tattoos ... for my own future reference, how can you be guarenteed that the parlor one goes to has sterile facilities, right down to only-one-use-each-time needles? Is there a certain legal standard (gov't or otherwise) dictating that, if they say somewhere, "We run a sterile place," they have to abide by certain rules? I may get my nerve up one day to get a tattoo ... but if I can't be 100% sure that I won't walk out with hep C or something of that nature (and I do mean one hundred percent sure, and nothing less), there's not a chance in Hades. Anyone know how parlors work on this issue?
  23. Can't wait to see the pics. I like to think of my long brown trenchy coat as Sparrowesque in its own right ... but I be intrigued to see an actual Captain Jack number. Sounds awesome -- enjoy it!
  24. I actually HAVE "Yo Ho" in midi format, but no way of getting it to my AT&T phone ... anybody know of what website I can go to for an AT&T cell? (on a Nokia phone, if that's important ...)
  25. How is "The Goonies"? I got a chance to meet Joe Pantoliano a few days ago, and realizing he was in a pirate-ish movie made me curious to actually SEE it one of these days ... it looks so decidedly eighties, though! (A scary, scary decade -- I should know, I was there. )
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