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Captain Charlotte Savvy

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Everything posted by Captain Charlotte Savvy

  1. The younger pirate in my house (that is, me brother) is learning to play the piano, the guitar, and (without the help of lessons on this one) the accordian, so I don't think I want any more . . . music around the house. *grins* I myself attempt the piano on a regular basis. I can play decently enough -- but I don't practice enough to know more than a handful of songs. Though, thanks to the PotC sheet music me mother got me for Christmas, I've been working on that! I can actually play most of Jack's entrance theme without making it sound too painful . . .
  2. That dress be absolutely gorgeous. This poor college student is quite envious!
  3. *adds "Sea Star" to her list of piratical books to get in the near future* Anne Bonny is probably my favorite historical pirate . . . so thanks for the recommendation, Charity's Treasure. JoetheMonkey, don't feel bad. That's exactly the sort of revelation I'm likely to have. Two days ago I was making a day trip with a friend of mine to tour her university (I be considering grad school, not that that's important for the purpose of my story *grins*), and we were talking about history (we're both nerds) and happened to get on the subject of Christopher Columbus. I said that I was fairly certain that Columbus had died without ever knowing that he'd discovered not a quicker way to India, but an entirely new continent. "Yeah," my friend said, "I think he was always convinced that he'd found his way to the East Indies. He never knew what he'd really found." I looked at for a long moment, then suddenly burst out with, "OH! The EAST Indies, in the Pacific Ocean! So THAT'S why they call those islands in the Caribbean the WEST Indies! *I* get it now!" My friend was alternating from looking at the road (she was driving) to staring at me oddly. I tried to grin. "Sorry. I just had a bit of a revelation about something obvious, right now." "Uh-huh," she said, still looking at me. So all of us pirates have our moments. At least, I have.
  4. Oh, I am so afraid for these two sequels . . . some sequels can be so, so good, and some of 'em can be so, so wrong . . . it all boils down the script, really. I have fairly positive hopes for this one -- the same writers are returning, and usually the mistake most sequels make is having different writers come in t' write 'em -- so maybe it'll prove to be marvelous. Still, with recent disasters such as the "Matrix" back-to-back releases . . . I'm scared! But maybe PotC2 and 3 will prove to be as magnificent as the first film. 'Ere's crossing our fingers. And I'll be adding my thanks with the others t' Iron Bess -- thanks for informing us that the scarier rumors are untrue!
  5. Happy Birthday, mate! Have a round on me . . .
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