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Captain Charlotte Savvy

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Everything posted by Captain Charlotte Savvy

  1. I'll most likely be goin' t' that Ren Faire as well ... the second weekend be Pyrate Weekend, eh? I'll hafta be goin' then ... CaptainSwan -- I be available t' travel anywhere in the PA area, and possibly the surroundin' states ... although for the next six weeks my schedule'll be a bit tight as I finish up my Summer school semester ...
  2. Aye, I be tryin' t' do just that ... this'll be my 254th post ... I'm hopin' my rank'll go up by the 300th ... not that I would ever concern myself with that sorta o' thing ... LoL
  3. I be livin' 'round the Greater Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival ... and may I say, I be pleasantly surprised at how many of me Pyracy Pub mates live nearby m' port!
  4. Awesome!! So I'm not the only gal working on a Jack Sparrow costume ... :) The "Savvy" part of m' name, I'm sure you'll all find self-explanatory. I chose "Charlotte" as a first name from Charlotte Doyle, the heroine of Avi's YA novel "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle." It's one of my favorite books of all time (even though I be, technically speaking, too old for YA novels. But I love that book nonetheless!) ... I really admire Charlotte's character, and can very much relate to her -- and it's a story that takes place on the sea. When it came time to pick a piratical handle for m'self, using Charlotte's name seemed a natural idea. I was originally "Charlotte Doyle" on this board ... but then I decided m' name needed a bit more of a Sparrowific influence. So the "Doyle" was changed to "Savvy." As for the "Captain" bit, well ... when I changed m' name, I decided to give m'self a promotion in the process.
  5. I've been looking fer some proper piratical mates to join me at the Greater Pittsburgh (PA) Renaissance Festival this Summer ...
  6. Hrothgar Addams! You're a fellow GQ fan, aren't you?! Rock on!!! Gawd, do I love that movie ...
  7. As I recall, anyway, even Badelt didn't really compose the music for PotC. There's a bit on the PotC DVD with Gore and Johnny where Johnny asks, "So, who _did_ compose the music for the film, exactly?" and Gore answers, "Oh, something like six people." Badelt was the main composer and all, but a bunch of other people were composing for it, too. Sooo ... this is still all cool. :) As long as they keep the old themes and add in some new ones, they really can't go wrong anyway. The original PotC soundtrack remains my favorite musical soundtrack no matter what mood I'm in; it's just fabulous.
  8. I have a dial-up connection, so watching music videos through Yahoo (or any other site like that) is nearly impossible, simply because it plays the video half a second at a time before it has to stop and re-load the next bit. But I am DYING to see this video. *grins* Anybody know where I could download it?! I don't care how big the file is, I can wait for it to DL ... but watching it via streamlining (I think that's the term for it) is just too frustrating ...
  9. Captain Jack Sparrow, of course ... however ... My second-favorite would most likely be Tim Curry as Long John Silver in Muppet Treasure Island. It's a hilarious Muppet-ish movie, but Tim Curry and the boy who played Jim Hawkins really gave the movie its heart. And I adore Tim anyway; his over-the-top acting is wonderful no matter what he's in. My favorite historical pirate is always going to be Anne Bonny, who I had a fascination with long before I decided that pirates were cool in general anyway. :)
  10. *puts head down on desk in despair* Bloody 'ell ... 'ere's hoping that filming resumes in those six weeks, then, and that the rest goes off without a hitch!!! This be thoroughly depressing news ...
  11. I couldn't find a single site talking about this ... are you sure it's halted? It is possible, though ... maybe they were getting so much heat about the cannibal tribes they finally decided to rewrite it rather than risk offending someone ... I'm sure it has nothing to do with giving Jack less screen time, though, so no fear of that! ...
  12. It be awhile since I've swung by this board, so my well-wishes come a bit late, but may I just say: HUGE congratulations to Nelson Cooke!!! SO incredibly awesome. Much, much congratuations -- and I can't wait to read it! Have a round on me!!!!
  13. Actually, this one could be true ...
  14. I rather enjoyed "Peter and the Starcatches" (I be a ragin' Dave Barry fan) ... but this book about the life of Captain Hook looks really, really, REALLY cool, and I cannot WAIT for it to come out. I mean, what a neat idea -- Hook is (surprise) my favorite character in the Barrie book, and a book solely about _his_ origins is a really faboo idea. I can't wait to read it. Thank you so much fer postin' the info; it's hard to find good piratical reads, and I'm glad to know I've got a really nifty-sounding one to look forward ter readin' during my summer break ... And August, eh? I'll have just enough time t' finish readin' "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!"
  15. Either/or, *really* ... I can use a "modern" story (that is to say, a story that was written in the last couple of decades), but I don't want to use a story that some person wrote and posted on their personal website, either; I'd feel weird telling a story that I JUST found on the internet from a personal site. However, fantasy pirate stories (or other stories written by modern authors) are perfectly fine. But fable/folklore type stuff would be excellent, too ... any and all, mate, any and all.
  16. Hey mates, I be takin' a class in Storytelling at uni this semester, and for my final story I've been hoping to find a suitable piratical tale to tell. Unfortunately, my luck thus far has been a bit lacking; I've found a few sites with piratical fables and folklore on them, but all of the stories are a mite too short to be used (our time limit is twenty minutes, and while I don't want a story that would take THAT long to tell, I want one longer than three or four minutes). Does anybody know of any good pirate tales available online? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
  17. Sounds to me like the next two films are going to be (and I didn't think was possible) better than the first ... :)
  18. HE'S IN THE SECOND FILM!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!!!!!!! Hee, you just made my whole week with that news ... I mean, I was moderately sure he was gonna be in it, since you did say everybody (EVERYbody) would be back ... but this is now CONFIRMED. HAPPINESS!!!! ... er, I like Norrington. :)
  19. "Yes ... and I grew up in Europe, where the history comes from. You tear your history down, man! Thirty years old -- let's smash it to the floor and put a car park here! I have seen it in stories. I saw a program on something in Miami, and they were saying, 'We've redecorated this building to how it looked over FIFTY years ago!'" "And people were going, 'No, surely not, nooo! No one was alive then!'" [This affectionate jab at American history brought to you courtesy of Eddie Izzard. And I consider myself a patriotic American, so nobody yell at me. ;-)]
  20. I really love this song -- primarily, however, because it's a remix of one of my favorite songs (I _love_ "Fiddler On the Roof"). But the pirate-themed music video is just a lovely touch. :)
  21. This is one of those games that I can't buy because I know I will do nothing else with the rest of my life but sit in front of my comp screen and play it. My gamer coworker and I were talking about it at work -- and it sounds definitely uber-cool.
  22. Well ... rumors can be just rumors. Ewan MacGregor was going to be in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for a LONG long time, but it never actually happened. And there's loads of other examples -- casting rumors, even reported in the news, often don't turn out to be true. Please please please let this be one of those times ...
  23. Oh, please please please let them all be wrong ...
  24. EXACTLY what worries me. If Johnny based Jack on Keith Richards, fine -- 'cause wherever he got the inspiration from, it doesn't matter; Jack Sparrow is a brilliant character, so all's well there. But that DOESN'T mean I like the idea of Keith Richards in PotC 2&3 ... Richards is just so completely and utterly fried; I can hardly understand what he's saying half the time when he gives interviews and so on -- I don't want to spend two films trying to make out what he's saying. I love the Stones ... but come ON, people; they're musicians, not actors. Please, please, please, dear God, let this be another rumor ...
  25. http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2004-10-27 We're SURE he's not going to be in this, right????? *tries not to groan*
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