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Captain Charlotte Savvy

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Everything posted by Captain Charlotte Savvy

  1. I dont get it. *sheepish grin* Well, it was just ... after someone referenced "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," I HAD to do a made-up rumor mentioning The Corpse Bride, which is a Tim Burton movie that will be out in September, and which Johnny lent his voice to the main character for. It looks to be like "The Nightmare Before Christmas," except way cooler (if anything CAN be way cooler than TNBC), and I can't wait. I am MUCH more excited for this film than CATCF ... That's what I was referrin' to, anyway.
  2. I haven't read "Hero with a Thousand Faces" yet, but I mean to at some point. Joseph Campbell is awesome. Yes, exactly, on all counts! :)
  3. Jack inadvertantly gets himself betrothed to a deceased Tortuga wench ... (and if you get this one, you HAVE been paying attention to Johnny's career ... )
  4. "NOOOOoooo ... it's not POSSible ..." (drops off of mast and towards the sea, only to be rescued by Elizabeth and Jack in the Millenium Dauntless)
  5. grad student (I speak from experience)
  6. No, there's not -- but that's a GOOD thing. *grins* Seriously, though -- there's a reason that Will Turner, Luke Skywalker, Frodo, Harry Potter, King Arthur, and Neo of "The Matrix" are all the same character: they're all characters embarking on what Joseph Campbell called "The Hero's Journey." Look up the book "The Power of Myth" if you get a chance -- it's a fascinating read about why movies like "Star Wars," which are basically films with plots that have already been done eight billion times, are not guilty of Lack of Imagination; rather, the films are tapping into the one story that people of all cultures respond to ... the Hero's Journey. It's a REALLY neat book, with a REALLY neat concept that I subscribe to totally (except for the rubbish suggesting that women aren't in need of a Hero's Journey story the way men are ... but if you ignore that part, the rest is fantastic). (NOTE: If anyone wants to thrash me for suggestin' that Orlando Bloom and Keanu Reeves belong in the same category, rest assured I be referrin' only to their characters and not their level of acting ability. )
  7. Mine was "Mad Ethel Bonney." The "mad" is accurate enough and I'm flattered by the "Bonney" (though I guess I be thinking of "Bonny") ... but I'm none to sure 'bout the "Ethel" ... A most amusing quiz; however, I think I'll be stickin' with Cap'n Charlotte Savvy ...
  8. My favorite subtle line was, "Woooww -- the floors are sooo clean!!" (I shall shut up about GQ now, I swear.)
  9. Cleopatra (wrong type o' snake by far, but that's what popped into my head, sooo ... )
  10. Ohhh, you're right, whatever would Captain Sparrow have to say at the insult to his ship...
  11. Louis XIV (er ... they were both French ;-D)
  12. Thank ye, I'll be waitin' for the news ... and much luck to ye!
  13. "When will THEN be NOW?!" " ... soon." (That is to say, Space Balls)
  14. It's not easy being green ...
  15. Personally, I've never been able to choose between Alexander ("How did I come to this? I used to be an actor once, dammit, now look at me, LOOK AT ME!!!"), Fred ("Am I the only one who saw that thing, with the EYE going all over and --"), and Guy ("DO I?! _DO_ I?! For all you know, I'm just Crewman Number Six, and I'm gonna die!! Mommy, mommy!!!"). Impossible to choose a favorite. Guy, however, still wins for best line: "Hey! Don't open that!! It's an alien planet!!! Is there AIR?!? YOU don't know!!!!!" (Apologies for going wildly off-topic. I adore this movie. )
  16. It is indeed out on DVD -- apparently in "ultimate edition," so you get both cuts of the movie for one price: Legend at Amazon.com Thanks fer the compliment to my avatar -- that remains my favorite picture of ol' Jack. :) And, a BTW myself -- I read yer synopsis of Kendra on yer website, and may I say I hope ye find a likely publisher, as it sounds to be an intriguing novel!
  17. "Legend" ... I think?! I haven't seen that movie in ages ...
  18. Thank you for making me laugh so hard so very early (by uni student standards) in the morning. I love you guys. And the video all makes sense now, too.
  19. Mad Jack, you be my new favorite person. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :) Now that I've seen it ... I'll agree with Pirate Petee and Cap'n Mad Eye on that one. Very odd indeed. The song itself was amusing, as country music goes ... and I got a kick out of Jack saving the kid from choking ... but, er ... what EXACTLY did the video have to do with the song?? Not important. ;-D Anyway -- good pick of Captain Sparrow. Not a dead ringer for Johnny Depp (who could be?), but he had the mannerisms down well. And, I have to ask ... does anyone know who played Jack? It looked suspiciously like Oded Fehr to me ... but perhaps I'm imagining things?
  20. White Haven not bein' a too-terribly-long voyage fer me t' make ... sounds intriguing. :) However, having no LARPing experience, I have a few up-front questions for ye before we get any further: Do I NEED any LARPing experience, or is this an event where you can make it up as you go? Do they have a particularly strict set of gaming rules, or is it a bit more relaxed? What's the fee for participating? Aaaandd ... actually, that's it fer now. *grins* I have some decent-enough pyratical gear (though I'm afraid there's no gettin' 'round the non-period glasses, as I won't wear contacts ;-D), so that wouldn't be a problem ... but I'm curious about the other questions ...
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