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Captain Charlotte Savvy

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Everything posted by Captain Charlotte Savvy

  1. Classical Thunder I - Grieg - "In the Hall of the Mountain King." I've been loop-playing it while I work on my myraid homework projects ... for some reason (maybe it's the steadily-increasing tempo and volume), it really gets me going ... I'm actually accomplishing things! (Well, moreso than when I wasn't listening to the song, anyway.)
  2. "Dragonflies and kadydids, but mostly chewed-up little kids." (Er ... from the comic "Calvin and Hobbes." Hobbes had just recited what it is that little boys and little girls are made of. Calvin, rather annoyed, asked Hobbes what tigers are made of, and got this in response. ...it was funny in the context of the particular comic strip, I swear. )
  3. In a determined effort to get some bloody enjoyment out of living twenty-five minutes outside of a big city already (and as a reward for not buying the various superfluous piratical items I've had my eye on at various internet sites and shops), I extravagantly splurged and bought a ticket to see "The Pirates of Penzance" on Thursday evening this week. It's apparently a good seat, the guy said something about the orchestra seating/section/whatever (and it had BETTER be a good seat ... I mean, the ticket was for under $50, which really is good for a good seat at a nice show, I know ... but STILL) ... I got the soundtrack awhile ago and still haven't found time to sit down and listen to the whole thing, but what I have heard, I've enjoyed. So, I was just curious -- if you've seen "Penzance," what did you think of it? Amusing? Entertaining? One of the best musicals/operettas of all time, particularly for a pirate lover?! Or should I have just splurged on the Jack Sparrow bedspread and skipped the show altogether?!? (Although, if you hated it THAT much, don't tell me -- I can't get a refund on the ticket. )
  4. *grins* You make me feel SOOOOO much better about the fact that my living room walls have become decorated in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" decor style ... I've got two posters of Jack, one of 'Liz'beth, the official film poster, a "Dead Men Tell No Tales" poster, a small framed watercolor painting of boats on the ocean, and two framed photo posters, one of a sailing ship and one of a Caribbean sunset. I've also got palm tree couch pillows, with my Jack Sparrow hat and my Captain Kermit pirate plush sitting on the back of the sofa ... (I shan't tell you that I've got two PotC posters in the bedroom as well ... oops. ) But, as we have observed, obsession is good for the soul, right?! (NOTE: Jealousy of your "Quills" photo ... is that SIGNED?!)
  5. People miss the point of fantasy and fiction ... it's escapism, but it's also a coping mechanism, and there's nothing "immature" or "childish" about adults still using fiction as a tool to cope with life. This is one reason why I like Joseph Campbell's myth theory so much -- it's all about the idea that Story is something that, yes, entertains ... but what it really does is TEACH us; it's something that helps us grow and change and figure ourselves out through. I never got so wrapped up in PotC or pirates in general or Jack Sparrow that I started to ignore the real world ... but Jack's a wonderful coping-mechanism of a character (or Barbossa, if you prefer :) ) and I don't intend on giving 'im up! Stephen King said it absolutely the best, I couldn't say it better no matter how long I tried: "Life isn't a support system for art. It's the other way around." That's it in a nutshell. *hugs* back to Charity ... yes, it's been a long couple of years ... but fantasy and humor helps! Glad to hear we both found something to help in assisting us through!
  6. I THINK you're talking about Don Karnage ... voiced by the ever-delightful Jim Cummings. I always loved Karney --- he's one of those hilarious cartoon villians that are just SO much fun to watch.
  7. What's your name, who's your daddy -- is his rich like me?
  8. It is quite int'resting that the shots we have of Jack and Barbossa feature the two of 'em on a black-sand beach ... in front of a blue screen, which stands to reason that the scene is going to be quite digitally altered before we actually get to see it. Perhaps they are standing on the sandy shores of the Underworld, or something like that?! ... I really do love all the Grecian and Egyptian Underworld/afterlife myths, and if PotC 2 & 3 have some plot dealings with some version of the underworld, I shall be QUITE happy. Though, like Mission, I'm content not to know TOO much until I actuall be watching the film itself -- surprises are good! DANG it!! Now I'm once again dying to see these films ... and we still have a YEAR to go ...
  9. Replace "Barbossa" with "Sparrow" and I know JUST what you mean ... :)
  10. One more ... Waaaaay before I was a fan of pirates (was there such a time?! ), I was a MAJOR fan of Dustin Hoffman as the infamous Captain Hook. I love Dustin anyway ("The Graduate" is one of my all-time favs), and his portrayal of Hook was just hilarious; he and Bob Hoskins (Smee) were obviously just having _such_ a good time ... "I just had an apostrophe." "I think you mean an epiphany." "Lightning has just struck my brain." "Well, that must hurt." ... methinks I'll have to be rentin' this movie sometime soon ... it's been awhile!
  11. The only movie I know of that talks about the Flash is "Catch Me If You Can" -- in which we find out that the Flash's name is Barry Allen ... but I KNOW that your quotes aren't from that movie. ... so I have no guess. But I got to plug "Catch Me," anyway. :)
  12. Pyrate Queen Anne Bonny (... sorry, couldn't resist the temptation to plug m'heroine into things )
  13. No prob. *grins* He looks as dashing as ever, yah?? (Hey, I'm a Jack fan all the way -- but Geoffrey Rush is my favorite villian-actor ever. EVER.) And ... no, KoH2 isn't set for release until December. Looks to be worth the wait, though!
  14. Old blue eyes (Whee -- three hundred posts!! :) )
  15. "Kingston by Starlight" AND "The Only Life That Mattered" ... I've been waiting ALL my life for a decent fictionalized version of the Anne Bonny and Mary Read story, and now I find out there's TWO?!?!? *tries not to salivate* I've got to get me to a bookstore right NOW! ...
  16. never smile at a crocodile
  17. PotC 2 & 3 Rumors and News This website does a fantastic job of finding articles, photos, and other true-news items ... unfortunately, there's nothing much to report right now 'cause filming has been halted until August (and whether it was an always-planned hiatus, or if they had to stop to fix a script plothole or something, remains unknown, but ah well). Still ... this is definitely a site to keep an eye on.
  18. Oooh ... some fresh strawberries or ice-cold watermelon sounds lovely right about now ... I've been chowing down on brownies all day whilst working on a Pointless Homework Assignment, and the idea of fresh fruit sounds lovely by comparison ... Damn, now I'm hungry.
  19. Ever read Terry Pratchett's "The Last Continent"?! It pretty much well-sums-up my thoughts on Australia ... I would love to go to see the Great Barrier Reef, and Sydney, I will say. However, my short list: 1) The Caribbean (anywhere in there; I'm not picky) 2) England 3) France (specifically, Paris) 4) Greece (or Italy) 5) DISNEYLAND!! (couldn't help myself )
  20. Your best bet would probably be to make a phone call to the airline, and probably to the airport, too. I bet there's a way to take such things on planes -- probably involves locking up yer gear and having it stowed back in the plane with the rest o' the luggage (though if they let you carry on a pyrate sword, DO tell us about it when you get back!! ) ... most likely, if you call ahead and ask 'em about their policies, they'll be more'n happy to help. That's all I can think of, anyway ... Not bein' a frequent flyer!
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