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Captain Charlotte Savvy

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Everything posted by Captain Charlotte Savvy

  1. I see you share my bitterness over Disney's direct-to-video sequels ...
  2. "Sands Theme" from the Once Upon A Time In Mexico soundtrack ... it has the most persistant way of getting stuck in yer head after listening to it a few times through, too ...
  3. Captain Jack is given a love interest: the giant squid.
  4. "We Three Kings of Orient Are, Tried to smoke a rubber cigar. It was loaded, it explo-o-ded ..."
  5. That has just replaced his appearance on ST:TNG as my favorite Stephen Hawking story ever. That's HILARIOUSLY awesome!!! Oh, and: Humphrey Bogart
  6. Fran Dresher (Her character of Fran Fine on "The Nanny" really and truly does remind me of Lucille Ball ... it's a simliarity the show poked fun at a time or two, itself)
  7. That's the thing of it exactly, Charity -- while I too am terrified that Keith Richards'll turn out to be a horrid actor (he's fantastic in the Stones, of course; but that doesn't make him an actor after all) ... how hard could it be for him to play a slightly-crazy, rowdily-drunk pirate??!?!
  8. I get the feeling that the Keith-Richards-Being-Jack's-Father rumor has a grain of truth to it in that Johnny and some of the producer/filmmaker types would really LIKE to have Keith Richards onboard for PotC 3 (or 2 or whatever). I just get the feeling they haven't been able to actually get him to sign on at this point, and whether or not they ever will is very much anyone's guess. Iron Bess said Richards hasn't signed on, so they don't have him in the cast or anything ... but I guess it COULD still happen ... right?! Either way ... this all implies that SOMEone will be playing the role of Jack Sparrow's father ... and whoever that is, that will be one amusing role to see. ;-) It may rival Indiana and Henry Jones's delightful conversations (if that's possible) ...
  9. Data! (forever my favorite)
  10. If the gypsy falls for Jack, fine. If Jack falls for the gypsy, I shall have to renounce the very existence of PotC 2 and 3, and that would be a very, very, VERY sad thing. Because they look to be so awesome in every other aspect. But if that were to happen ... Ooohhhhh, how I hope Terry and Ted know better than to DO that ...
  11. flying pigs ("And whether pigs have wings!")
  12. Well ... THAT'S only six months, right?! I thought they were releasing PotC 2 in July 2006, and then PotC 3 in December 2006 or January 2007 or something like that ... or am I wrong?! (I HOPE I'm not wrong. PotC films work best, in my opinion, as Summer movies ... but I'd hate to wate so long to find out what happens next after 2 is released!!) Either way ... I am VERY glad to have PotC 1 on DVD, because I KNOW I could go that long without my Jack Sparrow ... I've thought about that. I read somewhere that Johnny had the real tattoo done to face the other direction because you're always supposed to get a tattoo going _towards_ you -- the way they did Jack Sparrow's tattoo in the film, the sparrow was flying away from him, and so when Johnny had the actual tattoo done, he made sure to get it in the right direction. They're either cover the tattoo (which would be difficult, I imagine) or just make sure that his arm stays hidden during filming, which would be much easier if you ask me ... Or, they could always leave the tattoo as in and not fuss about such a very small continunity error ...
  13. A hand-written letter from Geoffrey Rush?!?! That is WAY too awesome. I ought to write to him and tell him how much I enjoyed "Mystery Men" ... :) Is that one picture a shot of you superimposed into a photo of Barbossa? Or is my high-speed internet connection screwing up pictures beyond recognition again?!?!
  14. There is no such thing as too much of the Exploding Whale. I never grow tired of that ... The highlight of my entire life is most likely the night I got to see Dave Barry give a speech/performance of sorts, and he did a bit about the E.W. Even though I'd already known about it, I was on the FLOOR, I was laughing so hard. Delightfulness.
  15. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA! We're all channeling Jurassic Park now, eh?)
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