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Gibbet Jones

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Everything posted by Gibbet Jones

  1. Bad news. I highly doubt I can get these finished. I can't afford any supplies anymore. I can how ever create designs from what clay I have left but that's where it stops. My hours being cut back due to people not spending money anymore locally has finally caught up with us, the city where i live is in a downward spiral. For now heat and food comes first. I will try to sell off as many of my possessions as I can to make it through the winter and catch up with past bills. I'll have to see how things look when spring rolls around to see if I can complete these. Due to unforeseen circumstances the light at the end of the tunnel has been extinguished! lol.
  2. Apparently Michael Crichton (the genius behind Jurassic Park) wrote a pirate book whilst he was still alive. Just recently released, it was discovered on his computer by a friend after his death. Steven Speilberg has expressed intense interest in making this book into a film, he said he always wanted to do a pirate movie but the right story hadn't come along before. I'll have to read this book as soon as it comes out. Thought I'd give a heads up.
  3. I stumbled across a wonderfully illustrated comic called Cursed Pirate Girl by Jeremy Bastian. I've read the first to issues of the six part series. They recall the fun and fantasy of childhood pirates with a taste of Alice in wonderland. Very cool check out more info at http://www.jeremybastian.com/ . Not sure if anyone brought this up before but thought I would post.
  4. looks like I'll have too make the first sculpt 2.5 or 3" in the center. Then use a reducing material that will shrink my design ( like shrinkie dinks) , from that I can recast small versions, all the way down to shoe buckle sizes.
  5. Impressive group photo!
  6. I'm sure the leather strap for baldrics can be many sizes, but I'm trying to get a general ballpark size in which to make my baldric buckles. So for all those out there who have them could you be so kind as to measure your baldric and post the width of the strap where the buckle is. It would help so much. I have a pile of designs ready to sculpt and I can't go ahead with them till I get this important info. Thank you - Gibbet.
  7. I have to agree, the wonderful thing about the first movie is how we were introduced to new characters as well as a great story. And it could stand on it's own very well without 2 and 3. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed II and III allot but a chance at whole new characters widens the pirate world for us. If they have all the same characters we would just see the same antics all the time and half the movie would be a rehash. I would miss cotton, Cottons parrot, Pintel, Ragetti, and all the other characters if it meant we could be introduced to a whole new crew of colorful characters. Even with how much I really really like Barbosa I would not mind if there was a whole new interesting and well written villian character. I would not miss Will and Elizabeth though, their story has been told.
  8. I had a half moon midget parrot growing up. His name was buddy. He could wolf whistle, say pretty bird, and imitate a telephone since that is what he would sit next too, he'd say hello as it rang. Sat on my shoulder and nudged me on the check with his beak. Didn't like to be picked up though. Died of cancer at age 20. I've always loved parrots though I've never had one since Buddy. Beautiful birds I see posted on here.
  9. I'm looking for an overall average width for baldrics so I can create some designs that will work for most baldrics out there. Might save some people from having to have a custom baldric cut for them.
  10. Won't be making it to PIP. Maybe next year. I really wish I could go winters are to long here, way to long.
  11. I'm going to make an order for some thin raw silk as well as some ink for fabrics. I also have another block design that will be made tomorrow. I'll keep working on this project between working on buckles. I'll keep you posted on my progress. When I've got some finalized bandanas I'll post them with prices and I can start selling them. Dangerous Dick Longfellow, I will make some large square bandanas that will come down to the shoulders, I can also make long rectangular ones like the one posted above. First I'll get red then green, cool grey, warm grey, and black.
  12. Here's a sample of the process involved in the buckle you see above. 1. Hand drawn sketch 2. Resized on computer and printed on paper 3. paper version cut into the clay 4. Silicone Casting of clay design 5. Wax poured into the silicone mold 6. wax version carved for fine detail That's as far into the process as I have gotten. I still have to lost wax cast the design
  13. I can eat some things with them, nothing too sticky. They're like slightly lose fillings. I can drink with them just fine though.
  14. I seen a map marking the location of a treasure in an old book on pirates. I believe it mentioned that the treasure is not known to have been recovered because the island drawn could not be identified. Possibly due to islands in the area changing shape so rapidly.
  15. Wow the last one sure is a beefy one. Very cool keep coming. I've been saving them to my hard drive for future reference.
  16. OHHHHH Beautiful! I like this one , I will replicate this one as soon as I'm done with my next design! Keep em coming.
  17. Ballamine Jugs, Wouldn't that make a a great wench or pirate lass name? Especially if she's (ehem!) shall I say her sea chest be heavily laden.
  18. From the album: Gibbet's Photos

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  19. Here they are, sorry for the poor pic.
  20. That is the Queen Ann pistol with a spring loaded bayonet is it not? What kind of buckle is that? Can you get a shot of it directly from above?
  21. Don't forget those decorative flintlock butt caps. I may work on some of them down the road as well. I seen a beautiful bird head one someplace before.
  22. You mention "more correct hilts" are you referring to the 25" or the 29" having an incorrect hilt. Cause the one I have my eye on is the 29". I've been looking for a clear pic of the hilt on that one and as of yet have not come across one. I'm not an expert on the cutlass, But I'm looking for one that would fit the date of 1730 or earlier and be stage combat compatible.
  23. I improved the design further over the past couple days and I have to say I like this new look much better . I just have to put the bar back in the center and recast, mold, and sign and she's ready to be cast in bronze.
  24. That sounds awesome I could reproduce a design from a good photo with measurements. Or just come up with something new which I like to do. But for the reenactors out there I understand reproducing what is historical.
  25. I see there is enough interest in the wood block print bandanas for me to order some fabric and create some more. As of right now the only bandanas I have on hand is some green cotton Swiss military ones that could be block printed, the color of these bandanas is very close to that of Barbosa's. What type of material would you be interested in? The red one of mine in the photo is actually a tropic weight wool. I will do up yet another block print design from the 17th century and post a picture of that one as well.
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