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Gibbet Jones

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Everything posted by Gibbet Jones

  1. This one should peek the interest of the historical reinactors.
  2. The web of channels in the center will be removed, it was only there to insure the casting of the center.
  3. I'm only able to produce one at a time. So I am currently unable to price them I'm going to look into having some sent to a company that can produce say 20 at a time. Then I can sell them at a decent price. Right now I've spent countless hours and I have two of a single design done.
  4. . Little Flaws here and there on this one but the next one will be corrected. Gives a good idea of what the final will look like. This one will be used to test petinas.
  5. I finished it but I just havnt had a wax version turn out yet it's alot of detail for the wax mold.
  6. Well not exactly a buckle. it is however my first successful cast, a hefty 2.15 oz stirling silver ring. Still trying to overcome and issue of flow with the bronze for the buckles but practce makes perfect and i'm learning on the fly.
  7. here's what I have to work with.
  8. I have not gotten to smaller sizes yet. I do have 3 designs one which is ready to be cast . The other two I have yet to make into wax designs they are clay right now. I have two wax ring designs as well. I have started a new job about two months ago so I havn't had a chance to do up some of the designs I have drafted up on paper. In other news I will Be making room for casting equiptment at the workshop where I am employed.
  9. I'm happy to announce that I now have full access to some top of the line casting equiptment. I will now finally be able to cast my buckles and ring disigns that I have had sitting for so long. The equiptment will be open for use this Friday. I'll cast some up over the next couple weeks. I'm so excited it's been such a long wait and the past year has been rough. I will post pics of the buckles as soon as I finish them. Thanks for your patience and support. - Gibbet Jones
  10. From the album: Gibbet's Photos

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  11. Gibbet Jones

    Gibbet's Photos

    Pirate related stuff
  12. From the album: Gibbet's Photos

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  13. Fourth of July parade. Made the cannon in four days. The cannon is actually an air cannon used to shoot ribbon into the crowd..
  14. From the album: Gibbet's Photos

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  15. Gibbet Jones is back! Sorry for the long hiatus. long story short, rough seas I have seen.

  16. I liked the second one as well, I thought Davey Jones's lines were excellent.
  17. I used cans of spray paint.
  18. Been there done that
  19. I was a level 49 when I quit playing. I know the game has changed since I played it last. I would really love to play again but can't afford it and don't have time for it with all the buckle making I have to do. Here's some screen shots that I made when I was playing. This is the first big ship I captured. Battle for Port contention. Pirates fared poorly in Port battles, don't know if it's still that way. In a temple devoted to some heathen god. My muslim wife in our home. Notice her eyes are red, I think it's from the hepatitis c she received from my characters favorite recreation ashore. This is a funny one. Anyone who knows of the hornet gunboat knows just how small it is. Pretty much a dingy with a sail and a solitary cannon. To have a Mississippi company trader give up to me surprised and delighted me.
  20. It's so cold my computer is running at peak efficency.

  21. This one is for 2" width baldric. I will also reduce this same design by half for small belts like those on hats. Maybe even shoe buckles.
  22. So far so good I think.
  23. I'm listen to some old pirate audio books and sculpting. Winter is rough here as well. I've seen -70 without wind chill. With a couple good months of actual summer weather. 30 years of this weather and you'll live in a cardboard box as long as your in warm Caribbean weather lol. I would suggest Pirates of the Burning Sea as well. I played the game back in Beta days and for about 4 months on Antigua server after it started. Lots of fun. Sleek Packet boat was my favorite. Hung out with Deadeye Cruickshank terrorized Port Royale for a time.
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