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Everything posted by Rev.Sam

  1. Awesome Matey, I shall download em tonight
  2. Sad t' say, I haven't heard of either of these groups (None come t' my neck of th' Wood) However, I have been listening to Th' Rogue's Gallery on me itunes. Dunno if anyone is familiar with it, but a lot of great Shanties on there done well known artists
  3. I haven't painted miniatures in years. My hand is too unsteady fer such fine work
  4. Welcome to the Pub! If you have any questions please feel free to ask anyone and jump right in..


  5. Avast. Err. Hallo all. I am a grad student located in Texas. I love RPGS, history, readin and writing. Of course I love pirates. Have since I was a little squab. Anyway, this is all very new to me, but very interesting all in the same. I am a pretty easy feller to get a long with, and I have m' sea legs, and have been off and on boats all me life, though no real knowledge of sailin outside of a catamaran. I be lookin forward to this new journey, an look fer any help or words long th' way
  6. Those blades look lovely mate. A true work of art. Guess that's why they call ye blacksmiths, Artisans huh?
  7. once sailed the
  8. Tired. A long day at school, and then I have me some auditions t'night. Yar
  9. I live smack dab in th' middle of texas, so I am rather open t' which way I can go
  10. Thank y' kindly culley
  11. Lookin, fer a crew in and around Texas. Course I be open to other ports as well. Who is lookin for a relatively green pirate?
  12. I'd probably stick where I am. BUt then I am in the clergy *dodges incommin' bullets, an cannon balls..*
  13. Hey McRae, welcome to the pub... This question does come up fairly regularily, but it is one of those questions that really can't be answered well until we know what it is you are trying to accomplish? Are you aiming for a strictly historical look? A more pirate entertainer look (inspired by movies and fiction)? OR something in between? There are plenty here that will have all kind of friendly advice, we just need to know what it is your looking for before directing you... I don't want to be suggestion all kinds of historical nonsense if you be looking for a more fun and fancy free approach, and likewise the more lavish here probably don't want to share their visions until they know you be not looking for strict history... Cheers! I agree. I am new m'self, an I found that the quartermaster's post that lists all the sites to be helpful. For me I am picking an choosing, as I want to be historical, or at least as much as I can be.
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