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Everything posted by julius27

  1. If ye take the Titan, load it with Myngs, his marauders, a captain, a musketeer, an' a helmsman, ye gots yerself a purdy formidable battleship!
  2. The nightmare thing is pretty wierd. I remember an episode of Buck Rogers (of all things) that had some sort of vampire in it. I was 11 or 12 at the time and woke from a nightmare because of it and couldn't go back to sleep. No clue why something like that would scare a kid that age as bad as that. As to the movies mentioned, I tend to agree with Muppet Treasure Island mostly because you can stop it at almost any point once all the guests have arrived and start it up again later if the kids incist without having a riot on your hands.
  3. Aye, the HMS Titan... Me thinks that this ship be more powerful in many circumstances than the El Arocazado 'cause the cannons need only roll 3 or better to hit.
  4. Aye, the "El Acorazado" be the most powerful ship I got in me own fleet, but ye must remember, it's also expensive ta use at 21 points. If ye be playin' a 30 point game, ye might do better with a couple o' weaker ships instead. As to the tiny dice, they make good markers fer if ye want ta buy generic crew an' also ta mark damage if ye don't wanna pull the masts outta yer ships. I gots 23 ships plus 3 duplicates. I ain't got no duplicate crew, yet. At least not characters. I played a 60 point game with me brother-in-law over the winter holiday, an' the sea was littered with derelict ships! I can't wait ta sea the forts an' new ships. I already got a ship that can't be targeted by fort cannon. Happy hunting all ye scurvy dogs! Dislexic pirates say, "Raa!"
  5. Well, here's my two bits on the subject. Based on observing modern criminal orginizations, few individuals, especially from the lower ranks give significant thought to the consequences of their actions. Only those in the upper levels of the organization have the forethought to try hiding some of their ill gotten gain. As has been pointed out, human behaviour has changed little over the centuries. Most successful drug dealers, smugglers, etc. spend their money as fast as they can make it. Most of us that are not involved in any criminal scheme (other than govornment) live beyond our means. As an example of what I mean, look at George Jung whose life was the basis for the movie, "Blow". He was extremely successful, made literally millions of dollars, and yet he's completely broke now. Henry Morgan never buried treasure; he invested it buying plantations. I would say that it is correct to assume that the practice is not a complete fabrication, however, based on the fact that a great deal of time and effort was expended at that time to find the buried treasure that Kidd claimed he had hidden. My personal opinion on the matter is that it must have happened, though on extremely rare occations.
  6. julius27


    I be wantin' ta teach meself the Spanish School o' Fencin' known as La Destreza. I was wonderin' if'n any o' ye scallywags be familiar with the art an' have any useful advice fer me. I gots no trainin' in the sword an' only know the basics o' European broadsword work as well as Asian technique. Remember, I said THE BASICS; I do na' claim ta be any kind o' expert in either. I've read a bit about the different fencin' styles an' I find that makin' meself inta a Diestro be the most appealin' ta me. So, anybody with any expertise is please requested ta give me a heads up an' any pointers ye might want ta pass along.
  7. julius27

    GARF Faire

    Would I be correct in thinkin' yer talkin' about Georgia Renaissance Festival? If so, I was hopin' ta make it down there, but it may have ta wait 'til next year fer me. Let us that can't make it know how it was an' what it's like, won't ye? Shoppes, food, drink, an' shows in that order fer me. Have a great time!
  8. Me own coat (check me pic in me profile) be based on a pattern from Smoke and Fire Patterns, the Revolutionary War Regimental Coat. I baught upholstery weight velvet fer the body, ribbon an' rope fer the trim, an' unbleached muslin fer the linin'. The buttons, I found by diggin' through the discontinued button bin at a local fabric store at 15 fer a dollar. There be forty buttons there an' a fair amount o' sewin' besides. I wanted somethin' ta warm me bones when the temp dips below 60 (yes, I know I'm a crybaby) that wasn't goin' ta cover up what I spent so much time an' money ta put together. Ye'll probly want ta go simpler ta start with, as ye may be financially challenged, but as time goes on, ye get the look ta improve a little at a time. Good luck to ye, an' may the wind be always at yer back, mate.
  9. Right now, it be me second favorite movie. Sorry, but I've read "The Hobbit" an' "The Lord of the Rings" twenty times or more, an' been wantin' a decent movie made of it fer nigh onta twenty years. It be me opinion that they earned every Oscar. If they hadn't been released in the same year, I'd have been disappointed in "Pirates" not gettin' one. I felt it was close fer the speacial effects award, let me tell ya.
  10. Yes, velvet be period fer the upper class an' wealthy middle class as far back as the 15th century. As has been mentioned, pirates got their pick o' whatever be on board a prize, so it ain't outta line fer a "gentleman o' fortune" ta wear velvet. Me personal experience with self-styled "period police" be that they know less than they'd like everone ta think they do. The point of a faire bein' ta entertain with a historical feel, I think that goin' all out on historical accuracy be a bit, well, compulsive ta put it politely. The fair I work is 16th century, so my coat is way ahead o' the styles, but I ain't e'er heard no guff about it from patrons or faire management. When the "period experts" come around ta lecture me, I just nod politely an' find payin' customers that need help. I love workin' a booth.
  11. I'll answer the last question, as it's more or less a fambly venture. All the ones a'ready made be of velvet. Made ta order coats could be any material ye like. The ones on ebay be upholstery weight velvet with a muslin linin'. Mine's about three years old, been in rain an' it's held up nicely. O' course, as pretty as it is, I don' wanna be wearin' me baldric o'er it, but then, boardin' actions should na' be taken while wearin' yer best garb. As ta Boss Wench (nice booth they got in Arizona), yer right about 'em bein' nice, Rumba. They be a bit light-weight fer me, though. I chill whene'er the temp goes below 60.
  12. I loved it, too. Geena Davis was a disappointment in the acting department. Didn't even attempt an accent. Also, some of the stunts were just so campy, ye could almost see the wires. Matt Modine had some o' the greatest lines. "Thank you, but I've seen one before." The plot was awfully predictable what with the map an' the buried treasure, it was really just a reinterpretation o' Treasure Island. There I go, usin' big words again. With those critiques (I can't complain, cause I really liked it), the sets were lavishly done, the costuming superb, an' the ships were just too cool.
  13. Yes! Great movie! Not Oscar material (I guess comedy never is), but I loved it! Great quotes, too. I'd never seen it until about 2 months ago, an' I can't figger how it got under me radar. Musta been when I was a sqab meself an' didn't have two nickles ta rub tagether.
  14. I be the lad in the pic, an' I ain't been happier about a bit o' cloth in me life. 'Course, Atala was cursin' me fer the week it took ta put it out. I wanted all the buttons (40) ta be functional an' not just decorative. They be dry clean or gentle cycle cold water an' drip dry only, mates. Dome buttons don't stand up ta the hard spinnin' o' washer an' drier without they come off. O' course, unless ye be rollin' in mud (an' some o' ye do, I'm sure), ye won't need ta clean it often.
  15. I be wed meself, an' it don't look like ye got much more clutter than me, mate. I have a hard time throwin' away anythin' that still works, even when I don't use it, an' me wife gots the same problem with clothes. Our closets (yes both o' our stuff) look like a fabric beast vomited. The coat looks great, by the by.
  16. "You could use a large hook or bent nail, stick it through a corner of the hide an' pull it while ye turn the hide. Ye can tell which way the grain goes, 'course keepin track o' it till yer project is done is another matter." Not a bad idea, Hawk. I'll have ta try it sometime an' see how it works fer me.
  17. The main reason I wouldn't use suede fer a frog or any sort o' gear that'll be under stress is that ye can't tell which way the grain goes. Every time I've tried ta use suede fer anythin' that'll pull on it, it broke pretty quickly. Should make very nice boot cuffs, though. An' it'll come in handy fer dressin' hats and such. Ye can make a right nice hatband outta the stuff.
  18. Looks like it works. Nice job! It takes a bit o' talent ta make old junk look like somethin' cool like that. Me hat's off to ye.
  19. Try Astral Sea Foundry. I don't have their website handy (me house eats stuff), but I'm sure if'n ye try google, ye'll get pointed in the right direction. I don't think Tom has cast such a thing yet, but he certainly can. I guess the only thing would be ta convince him that he could sell enough of 'em ta make it worth his while. Hope that helps.
  20. I canna' make it this year (livin' in Kansas City, MO), but me boss from our faire here gots a shop out there. It be the Sheepskin Shoppe. Owners' names are Vince an' Theresa an' they be right fine sorts. They carries fencing gauntlets an' leather cocked hats, both one side up an' tricorns. They be less expensive than Excalibur's an' just as well made.
  21. Is Kalamazoo on the Southern or Northern Peninsula? I gots fambly in about the middle o' the Southern "hand" part o' the state, but I doesn't 'member ever hearin' o' the place. 'Course it don't mean I ain't never been there, either.
  22. Could be.... They're both run by Mid-America Festivals Inc. Jim Stamburger is also the entertainment director for both events. Since they overlap so much I don't know how he does it without a complete meltdown. Keep a weather eye out on news from up there, will ye? I visited that one before and think it's great. In fact, that be where I comandeered me frilly three cornered hat.
  23. This fall, the theme for the Kansas City Renaissance Festival is PIRATES! The themes for each weekend have yet to be determined and the casting call is out. Anyone interested in participating or visiting can find the necessary information at: http://www.kcrenfest.com/ Jim Stamberger is the entertainment director and as I understand it he is difficult to work with. My own opinion (knowing the man only slightly) is that he is a director, meaning he can be difficult and doesn't always see eye to eye with the talent. My wife and I run the Sheepskin Shoppe there, so I don't have the time to be in the cast. We've done this show for ten years, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to post them or send me a message. We would be happy to store refreshments for anyone participating or attending at our booth. Hope to see ye there!
  24. This fall, the theme for the Kansas City Renaissance Festival is PIRATES! The themes for each weekend have yet to be determined and the casting call is out. Anyone interested in participating or visiting can find the necessary information at: http://www.kcrenfest.com/ Jim Stamberger is the entertainment director and as I understand it he is difficult to work with. My own opinion (knowing the man only slightly) is that he is a director, meaning he can be difficult and doesn't always see eye to eye with the talent. My wife and I run the Sheepskin Shoppe there, so I don't have the time to be in the cast. We've done this show for ten years, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to post them or send me a message. We would be happy to store refreshments for anyone participating or attending at our booth. Hope to see ye there!
  25. I gots a right nice stien from me mates Tom and Pat o' Astral Seas Pewter Foundry. They be makin' wonderful stuff there near Hannibal, Missouri. Or as we who live there call it: Missoura. http://www.jmw.net/Wholesale_Incense/trad-pewter.html The celtic knot fork and spoon set be me eatin' utensils an' I highly recommend anythin' might catch yer eye.
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