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Everything posted by Mr.Tignor

  1. id really like to make them myself, bbuuttt my good man if you could get some pictures ....i would greatly appreciate it!
  2. Thanks mooseworth, but strangly enough i found those in my searches( dont know why no ones made one...lol) I have a good place to get the glass, it what to do with the orbs thats the problem*sigh.... thanks capt.satan! do you remember what merchant it might be at all?
  3. Iv found quite a bit on iron cased grenadoes of the period, but not quite so much on improvised glass grenadoes. They seemed to be common enough to be mentioned a number of times in period texts. does anyone have any description of their construction? I wish to make a few(that dont work of course) for a grenadier kit. The basic understanding i have is glass filled with powder, nails etc. , covered in tar, wrapped in rope for grip, insert fuse,cover opening with wax+cloth...is that about right? Other than the grenades i believe id need a bag to carry them in, and a slow burning match in the right hand(theres an image i saw of this somewhere on the pub)
  4. Good sir, i see that you too have discovered the glory of a fine straw hat! I swear this picture doesnt do that shirt justice, good show as always Mr.Mooseworth! oh silkie i <3 you lol thanks for the help! I still need to grasp that i can portray different people(of different classes). But im gonna keep the coat for sure!
  5. *cries... i dont know that i am capable of fearsome....lol Thanks all, i just wanted to make sure i was starting on the right foot. I swear the details really do add alot, the sailors kit didnt look as good before the cartouge box. Speaking of knives, Callenish do you remember the small dagger i got last year? i am wondering if its period appropriate(though i believe it might be a bit too early or fancy, but ill get a picture if i can) Thanks mr.bagley, this is actually my first go at historic interpretation, so your encouragement means quite alot( are you by some chance attending lockhouse in july?) Oh drinking...i assure you mooseworth..i dont toughen up when drunk LOL....Niko your not alone, I too am forced to sit and watch as all around me partake in the water of life.....then i wonder just how many guns they all have...and pointy swords...mabey its good not to drink....!
  6. My second outfit from blackbeards this year. This is the one id really like feedback on. As for the things id like to do to change it myself...first get new checked shirt of actual linen, remake the sailors jacket(its more shottily constructed than it looks in this) and change the breeches to trousers...oh id also like weapons, but ill worry about that a little later and more period correct specticles...*sigh comments? Lastly my old faithful rust-colored waistcoat, though iv gotten quite used to wearing a straw hat(good for the rain). on a side note, a friend of mine happens to be wearing a few of my items, though im not sure the angle gives much of a better look. Cheers mates!
  7. Im definitely goona jump in on the buccaneer era. 1720s are great but i would love to have an earlier kit also, though personally im goona attempt to portray a french filibustier. Im trying to find what i can, but i must say there doesnt seem to be all that much on french sailors(iv read sea rovers practice and a few others, but nothing too concreate). Nore have i been able to find any period sketches as of yet,any help would be greatly appreciated on that front. Hope to see you all at PiP!
  8. ...i have to play devils advocate........do it dutch..ddoo itt..... one thing though, are you wanting just to go, or build a boat for next year? Building a batteau would be quite the wonderful undertaking! Personally iv been trying to get to this festival for the past 2 years lol(well at least watch at the finish that is)
  9. though mabey not the best pirate, Stede Bonnet was known to give a little something back to the ships he "plundered"....even if he wasnt doing it quite right , hes was still a pirate.... a gentleman pirate. As for them giving up on rules, oh quite the contrary. They created whole new rules(and im sure kept all those pertaining to saftey and vessel maintenance) the famous "pirate codes", in which some went so far as to outlaw gambling and having women aboard, and issued curfiews(whether it worked or not...well..), so they were far from lawless. And as for them being idots, ask your friend if he can succesfully block off a major port, evade capture as one of the most wanted men in the colonies, and then pull off the untimate underhanded betrail of your own crew, with no one being the wiser.......not idots. Give the lad a good book, or drag him to PiP..then hell know.....
  10. Im all for the black ball, anything to make them last(thanks callenish). I also think i may not doo the metal, after all i do plan on being on a few boats so i cant say i want that problem to deal with(or floors for that matter). And i thank the good captn. Sterling for the cleaning advice it shall be headed, though im not sure if i had anything torn on,did i? (but my hems were shotty which i plan to fix) Thanks to all for the good advice, i dare say ill call on you guys again when in a jam
  11. As some of you know(and helped with) i recently got my first pair of leather pc shoes (though i still want the loyalist shoe.....) They were all fine and confy after they got soaked on friday..but now that they are intirly dry, not so comfy. :/ is there anything i can do to soften them up(i believe someone suggested alcohol?) and also is there anything else i may need to do to make them last longer. i ran accros some stuff in the wal-mart thats used to soften leather catching gloves, but id like the opinion of more knowlegable folks. I think mink-oil was suggested but i dont want to ruin a good investment if i remember incorrectly. I already am ordering metal plates to save the heels, but im quite sure theres more that could be done.
  12. This was an AAMMMAAAZZZIINNGGG weekend! I must say i havnt truly enjoyed myself that much in quite some time. I dare say was pretty down on monday when it was all over(withdrawal? lol) and now for as many thankyous as i can remember : A big thanks to blackbeards crew and captains Pern/ Quartermaster Glass, for putting up with me and letting me help out with things . Huge thanks to Dutch for letting aboard the explorer, which made me alot happier thank you may think lol. As well as a thank you for being so helpful over the last year. Thank you to the bone island bucaneers (nel, spike,Crispy ,andrew,nigel and robin..sorry if i missed anyone) for being ssssoooooooo vvveerrryyy kind to me, and letting me hang out with you guys so much(i cant wait to see you all again at PiP). A big thanks to mr. bagley for alll the help and good company and for making me want a better kit(and scaring me about buttons lol), and please extend my thanks to the rest of your crew who made me feel so welcome. I do indeed hope to see you at st.marys, and if not there, then at paynetowne or pikes river. Thank you to Sutler Jim for the BEAUTIFUL cartouge(sp?) box. it really helped to pull my kit together...expect more orders in the future sir. Thanks to the callenish gunner and his wife for all the the help with shoes...rain..everything, oh and i failed to tell you that your baby is absolutely adorable :). Also a big thanks to the crew of the Archangel(i got it right this time lol) for all if your helpful information and kindness, you guys really inspire me to do better. Sorry if i was a little tooooo enthusiastic,...l will eventually calm down....it was also very good to meet mr. mooseworth and his wife...you guys did such an amazing job, and it was nice to have another "free agent" around lol. To every one else a big thanks, im forgetful so forgive me if i missed anyone. You guys somehow all put up with my happy enthusiasm without shooting me, and that in itself means alot. I hope all future events will be at least half as fun. Cheers mates! ...goog lord that was long..lol
  13. It is addicting mate. I stepped into the blackbeards crewe camp last year for all of 3 seconds..and now...well lets just say iv done a lot of reading ...and spent so much money....*cries
  14. Good sir all i can say is that is vvveeryyy well done! Good Show!! i ask where you aquired the shoes? might those be from Loyaliste arms?
  15. Looking very much forward to this one dutch( sewing another kit together tonight lol) i do pray that rain holds off for a bit, for theres nothing worse than wet powder. and i agree with Mistress McKinney, that there should be a good shanty or two..or six on saturady lol Fair winds mates!
  16. As everyone else says it is indeed all a matter of opinion. Very much like the good Lady brower, i figured i might as well do it right sense i bough all this(expensive) fabric, and though it takes a while, i feel much happier about it in the end. One interesting thing is that some other reenactors do notice if you hand sew, and its nice to get a "well done"/pat on the back. Though i dont do it for the praise, it does make me feel at little like my effort was for not. I personally think its more pressing to have the garnment itself be period correct. You could hand sew till the cows come home, but its no good if your sewing a 1790s style fock coat, and is supposed to be representing the 1720's. So as long as you pattern is sound, sew away mate...how ever you wish(oh yeah, correct fabrics and colors help too..lol)!
  17. good lord thats one heck of a bow sprit! that thing should turn on a bloody dime, cant wait to see her sail!
  18. LOL now that quite the before and after shot! though unless my eyes deceive me your already dirtying up the new ones, and i see that patricks pocket idea has caught on HUZZAH!
  19. well if you take the ferry into olde towne portsmouth(departing from waterside) you could go to my favorite affordable sea food restaurant the Lobsouser(on high street) pplluusss i crew the ferry during the weekdays so id love to say hello and attack you for infor...i mean friendly conversation. lol But otherwise i agree with dutch on the freemason abbey, if its in season, i would murder someone for their she-crab soup...i dont care how hot it is outside..
  20. heck not just facial hair! they weren't a fan of body hair in general. Often going so far as to remove all their body hair(as well as some on the head)... i wonder if any trappers took it that fa...*cough...... I must say the bearded issue is something that seems impossible to fight. At colonial williamsburg i cant tell you how many applicants, wanted strongly to keep their facial hair......but part of the job was being clean shaven.(no job for them) Though i personally will keep it smooth as a well careened hull, i cant force others to do the same....or can i....*cocks pistol
  21. hhumm the 10th you say..........national pirate day you say...........IM off of wwoorrkk yoouu ssaayy!!......... can anyone say "period accurate tip to the grocery store!" im definitely goona dress up all day lol hhuumm i must tell my piratical frineds!
  22. blessed wikipedia, and blessed primary sources. One point about a beard is that if it was so socially frowned upon during this time to have, i am sure the average sailor would want to make his face quite smooth before setting foot in port. Whether you were respectable or not you still wanted the company of the towns single and "working" women. No matter how outlandish the rouge he would want the approval of the local ladies , or else he may end up vveeryy.... lonely... Over all i try to stay clean shaven, if i want a beard or mustache, i only need take a trip forward in time.
  23. Here is a copy of the lines as taken from John Leather's "Spritsails & Lugsails" So far, the earliest known written reference to the "flatner" is from c. 1719 it was considered an "established" design by then, so there is a good possibility that the design was known during the GAoP. I do indeed indorse this idea! I had been looking around for a good simple building kit for a period boat.i do wonder how much it would cost? im sure the labor wouldnt be bad as long as we al help each other out.......i hope we do.....
  24. well dear me it posed twice...humm i guess happy birthday again! yay editing!
  25. A merry birthday to you Mr.Hand, and many more to come!
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