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Everything posted by Mr.Tignor

  1. Wow such a well liked event...now i HAVE to go. Cannons and black powder always make me happy! The only thing left for me to wonder is if this is a more historically minded event oooorrrr hollywood carzyness ...i do pray for the first *crosses fingers
  2. Crimson Corsair you post a vveerryyy convincing argument and its has worked(honestly i needed only a little convencing lol) i shall indeed attend, so long as i can get a hotel. i agree about the 2 night min though, i cant say i like staying and paying for 2 nights *sigh ...that pub crawl...sounds...aammaazzziinngggg
  3. Quick question, how big of an event would you say it is(so help me if rather go there than piratecon)? Im personally more akin to Blackbeards in Hampton. Is privateers day bigger?smaller?better? in you opinion that is.
  4. Mr.Bagley is VERY correct in saying not to slash the holes first. My first few weskits look messy because i did just that. Another important thing is to make absolutely sure that your going each stitch the same length. I go a little farthere and not only draw ths slit, but the outline for the stitching as well. If all else fails you could whip-stitch the edges of your buttonholes to close them up some. best of luck!
  5. First off good day to you all, im a LONG time lurker...anytime you saw guest at the bottom....that was me lol. As for skull and crossbones i agree with the split between hollywoods sort of real, and pure fantasy. If your going for fantasy by all means have skulls coming out of your ears. For Hollywood and even more Period accurate endeavors, mabey a few to drive the point home if you really want to. Personally for accuracy iv always thought, these are wanted men, i dont think they'd wave a symbol of pyracy about on their person(whether they actually had the S&C or not). BUUUTT at the end of the day,you have to be happy. As an idea, have you ever thought of just making your own symbol like a family crest or a seal? You could at least put it on your personal items and maybe seal a letter or two. just an idea love, fair winds to your sails!
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