Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 3 replies
Anybody here remember the underground comix artist S. Clay Wilson? He was best known for the Checkered Demon, but he also drew a lot of comix with pirate themes. Recall, this was the late 60's in the golden age of unbelievably depraved and perverted comix. I recall especially his series about "Captain Pissgums and his Pervert Pirates," set aboard the good ship "Foaming Crank." This should give you an idea of the general tenor of the comix. Come to think of it, they may have been more historically accurate than most depictions of the Brotherhood. They just don't make 'em like that anymore.
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 3 replies
Arr....This be slightly silly, but ol' Redd still enjoys it. You all should check out this radio show - "Skulltime Fer Kids with Captain Jack". It's a pirate themed show (although not everything he plays is piratical). He tends to play strange albums from his collection of rarities (children's records, hygiene records, etc.). It's worth a listen.
Last reply by Redd Oktober, -
- 27 replies
May any scallywag out there know of a good pirate movie? (other then pirates of the carribean: curse of the black peral)
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 9 replies
Check Special jimmy's new website out!!!
Last reply by Special Jimmy, -
- 8 replies
Any o' you barnacle buggers done seen Yellowbeard, tha movie what stars Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Cheech&Chong? Helluva funny pirate spoof!!!!
Last reply by Redd Oktober, -
by Saucy Nell- 10 replies
Listen up lads an' lasses ... not knowin' if this 'as been covered before, accept my sincerest of all apologies ... I'm trying to get together a compilation of appropriate piratical tunes but fall short remarkably soon (must 'ave been that rum ...) so far - Let The Four Winds Blow - Tenpole Tudor Friggin' In The Riggin' - The Sex Pistols and a tenuous one me thinks Errol Flynn - The Dogs D'amour Can any of you loverly lot give me any help??
Last reply by Coastie04, -
- 1 reply
Greetin's, I'm in the process of developin' The ARRR! Project, a web application that (when finished) will let users create their own pirates, set the pirate's personality, then let the pirate loose in a Simulated Pirate world; they can then read the webpage to see what their individual pirate is doing (detailed down to a ship-by-ship, cutlass-blow by cutlass-blow level), and what other pirates/pirate ships are up to. It's more like the old "Fantasy Baseball" type programs rather than a computer game--because you set your pirate loose & then watch what decisions he makes based on what happens to him & his personality, rather than making each decision yourself...…
Last reply by Swarthy_Maurice, -
lkgs web site
by Guest [BB] lkg- 7 replies
ok guys one of my friend he play bfp also told me how to make a web site lol here a link tell me what u think and if i could improve it lol ok rember i just started this lol so please hceck out my site and tell me what u think (jimmy it was anonymousity who helped me lol)
- 7 replies
It would seem that the Aztec Treasure may well truly be cursed... Ill gotten? Mayhaps... depends on one's perspective, I suppose. It so happend that long about June, 2002, when the Prop Production Department for Disney Productions put out feelers for props, and called upon Renegade Effects, of Burbank Calif. for a counseltation and examination of Piratical artifacts and various treasures... some of which were Aztec Bronzes. I had recieved a call from Dragon (Renegade Productions) about a pending counseltation. I had done good business with Dragon on many occasions in the past. He seemed very excited about the propects of working with the Disney people and wanted me…
Last reply by Mad Gracie, -
- 17 replies
Hi, everyone. I'm starting a reviewer website for PotC fansites. Basically, I'm reviewing PotC fansites so ppl know what sites are good sources and which are bad. It will also serve to help site owners with design, layout, advice, etc. I need help coming up with a title, though. The character name of the owner (me) is Rui or Ruisenora. I'd like the title to be pirate-/PotC-related. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Any and all help is appreciated and the creator of the chosen title will be credited. Also, if you're interested in being a partner in crime, let me know. It will require a knowledge of websites and the ability to tell the difference between go…
Last reply by Cap'n Coyote, -
- 14 replies
hey, this may be quite silly but I just wanted to post this message and say hello to everyone, or 'Ahoy!' rather. I recently became rather interested in pyrates and thought this would be a great place to chat and get to know other pyrate fans. you don't have to but it would be greatly appreciated if you posted any type of messages to me or anyone else! Thanks and it's nice to meet you all! Drink up, me hearties! By the way, was Johnny Depp not SPECTACULAR in POTC?
Last reply by Cap'n Coyote, -
- 29 replies
Picked up the film score today....I can't recommend it enough. It's outstanding! Just as fun to listen to as the movie is to watch, and just as adrenaline-inducing. So go out and pillage it, ye swabbies! :)
- 15 replies
Ahoy! I be Cap'n Slappy of International Talk Like a Pirate Day semi-fame. I hope ye'll all be celebrating come September 19, but if this be the first ye heard of it, take a gander at our website Let Ol' Chumbucket, Jezebel the Web Wench or meself know what yer doin's are for the day and we will post it! In the mean time...warm up yer "arrrrs!"
Last reply by CaptainJackieSparrow, -
- 1 reply
Where do ye go to pump ye gas? ARRRRRRRRRRRRRco p.s. I can get a whiff of them tomatoes that are about to be hurled at me beard.....arrr
Last reply by Mad Maudlin McCrumb, -
- 19 replies
Any one play this game? Its about a wannbe pirate named Guybrush Threepwood and his crazy adventuires against the ghost pirate LeChuck. Its a tongue in cheek spoof but worth it, it is pretty funny.
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 3 replies
I finds out on the T V Guide that there be the silent movie version of the pirate movie The Sea Hawk about midnight ternight O also hears that the pirate captain in that one is a very lusty feller how does anyone of ye scurvy types knows more about this movie more than me since this be me first silent pirate glick
Last reply by Capt. Flint, -
by Capt. Flint- 81 replies
Ahoy all.. The Capt. here wants to know what be ye favorite pirate, oops,, uhh I mean privateer movie of all time. if ye don,t have a favorite, then tell us a few of your best picks. Personally speaking, I enjoy a lot of them. My favorites are... Capt. Blood.... The Black swan.... Against all flags... and, even Cut throat Island.... Also has anyone heard of a new pirate film coming soon, staring Russell crow. I heard some rumors, but no hard facts... Let me know....... The Capt.
Last reply by Lizzie Turner, -
- 11 replies
*grrr* does anybody know where I can find the script for POTC? ...oh and does any body have the full rum quote from POTC with Elizabeth explaining why she burned everything? much obliged Kina The meak may inherit the earth, but they'll never rule the water.
Last reply by crow, -
- 2 replies
Arr, I've started a general fan fiction group for Pirates of the Caribbean. Fer those who aren't aquainted with fan fiction, it be when a bunch o' fans write stories about a movie or the charaters therein that they enjoy. They elaborate on scenes from the original, explore the points of view of different characters, create alternate universes, prequels, sequels, get the idea. The group is a yahoo group--you can read the messages on the group site or get all the messages mailed to you--essentially, it's a mailing list. It's easy to join; just create a yahoo identity and join the group. You don't have to have a yahoo mail address to be able to do it…
Last reply by LadyAtropos, -
- 57 replies
Dearest Capt W. E. Roberts... I see ye have placed another of your whimsical poems following mine about Luigi. It was very nice. So... I hereby challlenge ye to a battle of words. (and anyone else who wishes to join in ) I will duel you with poetry. Lets keep them short, and we can start when you say you accept the challenge. If you dare. We can let our fellow pirates decide wich is the better of what we write. So...... To Capt. W. E. Roberts a battle of words if you dare one with humor and whit if you care we shall keep them short without great retort unless a lack of words you despair send me your reply without the excuse of old quills or ink ran dry and if yo…
Last reply by Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts, -
- 16 replies
This could cause confusion or great joy. I just read an old newspaper post on the Net that made me smile. It was an older story (link below), and it stated that two men were trying to make September 19th "Talk Like A Pirate Day." Methinks that sounds like it could just work. You have to check it out. Could be an oddity, but I think I'll start celebrating early. I know all my drama club, friends, enjoy hollering arrgh in college! Some of them even made a movie, unfortunately before I started. Example #1: When the teacher gives us a good grade, "Arrgh!" Example #2: When we answer role …
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 31 replies
I'm just kinda curious How many of you seadogs & Buccaneers out there either collect or have any artwork (orginals or prints) that are Naval, piratical or historical in nature, or are even remotely interested in art. What about "comic" artwork, any of you swabs have any pirate comics or art? I'm always interested in that format, I've never seen any myself, though I've heard somebody had done some pirate comics recently. I have some old magazines from the late 20's early 30's that have illustrated Rapheal Sabatini stories in them. Just kinda curious to see what everybodies interests are as far as art goes I myself have a few pieces of original art, and w…
Last reply by DuCouer, -
New Yorker Pirate Cartoons
by Guest Angus MacVox- 0 replies
Take a gander, it'll be deleted soon due to copyright: