Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 24 replies
Last reply by Toe Cutter, -
Past life piracy 1 2
by Sheila- 27 replies
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 38 replies
I saw the DVD and it was only 10 Euro, so i thought last little things (yeah yeah...there's the proverbial hole in the hand again... ), anyways, i am laughing from beginning to end! I can recommend it, it's a real pirate movie, lots of stereo types but heck, most movies have them with lots of humor.
Last reply by Charity, -
- 13 replies
Aye ladies, Nothing more dangerous than a woman pirate with PMS, holding a pistol and a sword. Goddess help any man who upsets them off. LMAO
Last reply by Charity, -
- 1 reply
Hi- Just wondering if anyone had seen this movie, and what they thought. It is based on a terrifying true story, and I was thinking about seeing it- but the true story scares me enough! How is it? Worth the seven bucks? -Amy Hoff
Last reply by Bloody_Mary_Bonney, -
me fav comic to read is one piece cuz its about a kid me age who goes out in the world to find a crew and be a famous pirate captain!*my dream* An it has its sure laughs in it too.
Last reply by Capt. Z, -
- 6 replies
Anyone out there building these gems? I'm a rather novice at the hobby, having build only two, the San Francisco, a galleon and the CSS Alabama, a rather famous confederate war ship. I am at present building the Mayflower and my goal is to finally build the USS Constitution. However, the price of this model keeps going up and up and is now well over $350. Anyway, the wench wants me to build the Black Falcon, a pirate ship, but I'd rather build Drake's Golden Hind.
Last reply by Buck Rackham, -
- 10 replies
The discovery science channel is doing a thing on a 300 year old pirate ship on the 24th at 9:00pm EST. I was'nt able to catch all the details,but it looked good This is great for me because the pirate ivasion weekend at the MDRF is the 25th and 26th I may have to break out the old vcRRRRRRRRRRR
Last reply by Madam Macaw, -
- 17 replies
Piracy patrol up at Disney I'm none too happy about this, i wonder if screenshots are amongst them, but i have no doubt it is. If so, and they start taking action there won't be no making a cool page/website about Pirates of the Caribbean and many of the cool sites that are up might as well close down
Last reply by Bloody_Mary_Bonney, -
- 5 replies
Can anyone suggest any good sailing cd's? I have one fine recording by Father son and Friends but have no others. Are there any among you that can point me in the right direction? Most exceedingly obliged I jave moved this to the sea shantie sub forum but do not kow how to delete this one
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
It has a ghost pirate in it!
Last reply by Capt. Z, -
- 3 replies
It's good to see that our favorite Ebay pirate is at it again..err umm..STILL I think this guy has a good shot as a science fiction writer. "I was very excited when we got this from a private collector who was on the set during filming, it is the Jack Sparrow Telescope with leather handle, this has been noticably used and the brass is a little worn and so is the leather, I am not sure if it was from storage or it was intentionally done this way, a true collectors piece. Comes with COA on parchment paper and prop ID # assigned to this. 16" Brass in size. Buyer to pay shipping and insurance. "
Last reply by privateer, -
- 2 replies
Our favorite Survivor is using some of his Survior consolation prize money to help diavantage kids and build low income housing. Here the article: I really respect the man! :) Three cheers for Rupert! Hip! Hip! Huzzah, Hip! Hip! Huzzah! Hip! Hip! Huzzah!
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 0 replies
I can highly recommend this movie with which Geoffrey Rush won his only (should be more...) Oscar! It's very touching, esp. towards the end. I must say, he showes up somewhere in the middle (and briefly at the beginning, after which the story goes back to remember what happened before), and from that moment on you're stuck, it's so great what he does. The end is totally unespected and more touching then anything. It left me with many different emotions.
Last reply by Charity, -
- 6 replies
Airing Sunday the 12th at 9pm eastern time on the history channel..... The war of 1812. As many of you know, this is a era of history that I love. I wanted to let any interested know, ( if you don't already ). This is supposed to be a good program according to the reviews, with a lot of info. on Fort McHenry. Hope you enjoy..... Flint
Last reply by Sjöröveren, -
And it looks good High Seas Trader
Last reply by Kon-Tiki, -
- 7 replies
My parents get AAA's "Home & Away" magazine for the Minnesota/Iowa region. In the Sept/Oct issue they talk about pirate fests in Florida. What makes this SOOO cool is that it's a cover story! The cover is REALLY fine for a pirate such as I... a chest overflowing with GOLD! Covering 3 pages, the article has a few good pictures of pirates on the Jose Gasparilla. As well as a singing group of pirates at Pirates in Paradise... plus a picture from the Disneyworld Pirates of the Caribbean ride... & a cute kid looking like a pirate with a penciled in 5 o'clock shadow.... aww, really cute. There is mention in there of Pirates in Paradise fest even when it is & …
Last reply by Charity, -
- 4 replies
Not sure if anyone posted this before. But, I haven't seen anything. My niece & nephew LOVE a series called "Redwall" that is set during a Ren era with animals from the Writer's native lands of England. In some episodes of Redwall, mostly about Martin the Warrior... they use pirates or raiders of various sort. At the end of each of these episodes was an explaination of pirates, pyracy & what was used by some crew whom I am sure someone who did that would be on this Pub. Each pirate documentary short was different after each episode. Well worth checking it out. Especially for you young pirates. :)
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 2 replies
Saw this online
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 1 reply
Yarr! Ye gotta check this out. Dave Barry, popularizer pf TLAPD has added this contribution to the mass of pirate literature. email this print this Posted on Sat, Aug. 28, 2004 I M A G E S KIDS' BOOKS Prequel to Peter Pan fills in blanks with fun By SUE CORBETT Two years ago, the thriller writer Ridley Pearson read Peter Pan to his daughter, a few chapters each night until the end, at which point Paige looked up with wide-eyed wonder and asked, ''But, Dad, how did Peter meet Captain Hook in the first place?'' ''It was such an obvious question, my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe I'd …
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 3 replies
ARRR!!! I still gotta chance! "This is going to sound stupid, but I have a pirate fetish. It started when someone in my band hurt their eye and had to wear an eye patch. I realized that I always thought pirates were sexy." - Michelle Branch
Last reply by Madam Macaw, -
- 2 replies
I happen'd across this article this mornin' 'Tis a wee bit inaccurate..they called Depp and Bloom "Corsairs" but a pretty good little article. Pirate fashion school: learning the 3 'Arrrs' By LIZ EMBRY Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle Stylish landlubbers are sailing into stormy fashion waters, now that pirate motifs are the latest style statement. And no, we don't mean wooden legs and eye patches. Instead, skull and crossbones and Jolly Roger flags are adorning sportswear, T-shirts and accessories. Cargo magazine's July / August issue includes a page devoted to the trend. The men's magazine even claim…
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 1 reply
MacKenzie Crook interview soon about to head off to St Vincent to film Pirates of the Caribbean II (and III is to follow),
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 8 replies
Finally found my book on pirates again. It's written by Douglas Botting. Now I was wondering... anybody know how accurate information from him is?
Last reply by Kon-Tiki, -
- 32 replies
Drink up me hearties Yo Ho... Disneyland is in the process of auditioning Jack Sparrows for the park. A swaggering Jack to chase and pose with the guests. Yes, yes it's trues mate, Disney has (in some, tiny measure) seen the error of it's ways and trying to catch up. Also. really ugly Jack hats are now on sale (velvet felt with bendable wire) and they can't keep them on the shelves. Some even have attached dreadlocks. I'm keep you updated ont he search and hiring of a Jack. Don't you love it when we are right??
Last reply by Christine,