Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 2 replies
Title: PIRATES OF PENSACOLA Writer: Keith Thomson Publisher: St. Martin's Press Publication Date: 4/1/04 Amazon link with plot summary/reviews "A swashbuckling parody, Pirates of Pensacola is a fine breezy read, filled with laugh-out-loud scenes and some high seas drama. Who wouldn't crave the pirate lifestyle? You get to rob, cheat, carouse, brawl, drink, chase wenches and then rob some more, carouse some more...what a life! How about cutting these rogues some slack instead of a noose? To this book, I give my favorite mock-pirate toast: 'Bottoms up, shot glasses and lasses!'" - Richard Zacks, best-selling author of The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd …
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
Diffrent Sparrow Doll???
by Guest SirenSong- 11 replies
I was looking for the 18" Talking doll and ran across this site. Jack Sparrow Doll This is definitely not the talking doll and looks like porcelin. They also have Truner and Elizabeth. Thought they might garner intrest.
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
- 1 reply
The Library hasn't gotten this yet but I thought I'd some of you might be intersted since Pyle did so many pirate illustrtions and is partly responsible for the popular image of pirates we have today: (Pyle, Howard) Davis, Paul Preston HOWARD PYLE: HIS LIFE -- HIS WORK Two volumes. New Castle and Wilmington Oak Knoll Press and The Delaware Art Museum 2004 4to. cloth, dust jacket. 906 pages. At the dawn of the 20th century, Howard Pyle was America's most famous and influential illustrator. Through the illustrated pages of Harper's, Scribner's and Century magazines, the American public first became acquainted with the illustrator that they would come to love. Both by exa…
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 33 replies
Ahoy scallywags, I be havin a Natal Celebration for me mini-pirate who turns 11. I be needin some distraction for the group and am looking for "kiddie" friendly movies to be playing on the picture box while awaint all to arrive. The ages being from 3-12, so the popular POTC is out of the question. So, let's here yer suggestion. The celebration is Saturday, so obscure titles, although interesting, not be available. Blackheartedly,
Last reply by Fancy, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, There's not much posting but i know there's Barbossa fans out there. There's some groups out there for him already (link to Lost Soul Of Barbossa is on the home page of this one, there is to be no rivality, but i hope, some osrt of "Brotherhood of Barbossa" ), but i really felt i wanted to start one of my own, and it will eventually be a busy group i hope. I say there cannot be enough places to discuss this interesting character (to say the least) :) Addy:
Last reply by Charity, -
- 8 replies
And... this is all terribly legit. Drink up me hearties, Yo Ho!!
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 10 replies
Jim Hill talks about a proposed nighttime-only retheming of Disneyland's "Pirates of the Caribbean." Which is sure NOT to be popular with some theme park fans. Skeleton Crew Jim Hill talks about the new AA figure that's just been approved for installation in WDW's "Pirates of the Caribbean." Cap'n Jack Sparrow sets sail for Florida But people who work with Walt Disney Imagineering do. Which is how JHM first learned about the "Pirates of the Caribbean Water Adventure" park that WDI supposedly has in development. "Dead Men Tell No Tales ..." That last bit, boy are you guys lucky, a POTC themed water attraction park I'd love to see that come to Paris too, if it's to …
Last reply by Charity, -
- 2 replies
That's right, mateys! An' ye can lay yer deadlights on it here:
Last reply by blackbeards_ghost, -
- 0 replies
But I can't find it. Hubs and I were having dinner the other night in Max and Erma's a burger joint here, and I'm looking at this giant Valencia Orange painting of a Pirate Wench eating oranges, with a island scene and a pirate ship behind her. I'm chuckling since my aunt lived in Valencia, but the company is marked "Orange County, Calif." (where I was born and raised) So I try really hard not to go and pry this huge thing off the wall and drag it home for my living room! If only! So I have to get up and look at the other stuff on the walls, and on the wall, just to the left is a framed photo of a menu from DA DAHH the Pirate Ship Restraunt in Disneyland! Talk about w…
Last reply by Isabella, -
- 0 replies
did you hear about the pirate movie that's in theaters now? it's rated "Aaaarrrrr".
Last reply by renee, -
- 25 replies
Here she be, mateys!! Issue 1's beautiful cover by the black dog Breehn Burns!!! I hope ye like it!! Ye can also find much more info about the book at 's forum!! Hope to see ye there!! :)
Last reply by blackbeards_ghost, -
- 0 replies
I caught some bits and pieces of Fox's new show, "Johnny Zero." The main character gets a job at Captain Jack's, a pirate-themed restaraunt. His boss (Jack, I presume, spends all of his screen time in full-on pirate garb, right down to a real hook (Johnny asks how he lost his hand, to which Jack replies, "poker game.") They spent a couple of scenes throughout the episode at Captain Jack's, right down to Johnny having to don an octopus costume and hand out booty at a children's pirate party. I don't know that pirates will play much of a roll in future episodes, but thought it worth sharing.
Last reply by Bilgemunky, -
- 1 reply
- 521 views That was the one thing that scared me when I first saw the previews for POTC - the director. Other than that, my previewing suggested that it had lots of things to like - pirates, the undead, references to the ride, rousing music, Jonathan Pryce... And that was before I saw Depp's turn as the goofy Captain Jack! Still, Jerry did a fair job of it - but the cartoon is still humorously accurate.
Last reply by Christine, -
- 3 replies
Now we're an ethnic Group? The cartoon is from a place selling tee shirts Check out their line.
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy, fellow pirates, buccaneers, corsairs, piravateers, smugglers, etc... With so many Pirates of the Caribbean stories & role playing games out there... I decided to create a pirate rpg (role playing game online) . More like writing an improve story. Golden Age of Piracy Just something fun. I've no set timeline to it other than back when piracy was most fun around the 16th to the late 18th c. Historical pirates most welcome. Want them the most. But other characters are welcome too, such as your own created character - be they pirate or civilian - & even the fictional ones like Jack Sparrow, Long John Silver, Dread Pirate Roberts, Morgan Adams, One-eyed W…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 18 replies
Wonder what the world would look like if Pirates really ruled?, a photoshop contest site has asked just that.. Check it out!
Last reply by andelew, -
- 1 reply
So I be Watchin the tube and lo I see this pirate sittins at a desk with a suit askin him questions (like he's an employment councilor for the Unemployment Dept) And all the pirate says is arrrrgggghhhh! They go back and forth three four times and its a federal express commercial what's up with that?
Last reply by historyfool24, -
- 18 replies
The wife showed me this one since she has us booked for a three day cruise this summer. A new Pirates in the Caribbean party is taking over the Disney Magic cruise ship, transforming guests aboard into pirates for the evening and treating them to a scrumptious dinner feast and adventurously themed deck party that would make Captain Jack Sparrow proud. This newly themed evening aboard Disney's seven-night cruise vacations to the eastern and western Caribbean brings together the traditional cruise dinner and deck party with a rowdy buccaneer bash combining invigorating entertainment, themed dining experiences and brand new special effects for an evening that's perfect …
Last reply by OryginalCinn, -
- 4 replies
Check this game out!!
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
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From the 20th of Januari Life and Death of Peter Sellers playes in the Dutch theaters. It's already in Belgium and soon in France too, so maybe it will still come to the US theaters too?'s been on tv.. Weird all this.
Last reply by Charity, -
- 5 replies
I be new to this here forum. I be wanting to know if anyone knows where I can find a book called "Pirates: Who's Who Giving Particulars of the lives and deaths of Pirates and Buccaneers"? Thanks Mateys! BlueyedBonnyLass
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 0 replies
One of me best mates drew my name in a gift exchange an damned if he couldn't ta picked a better gift " Mutiny ..." a game o rum an riches by a feller named Kevin Wilson. The game piece illustrations are by Don Maitz an as I lay to it the character of the Pilot is none other than our own mate Cascabel . I haven't had the time to play yet but I figure this weekend we will take a run at her on suday night at the pub. Anyone else played this game yet ? It looks like it'll be a lot o fun .
Last reply by crow, -
- 10 replies
It's worth the rather steep price. We had a grand time with it. Especially with the new 2nd edition rules.
Last reply by Diosa De Cancion, -
- 6 replies
A Pirate says Arrrr! :)
Last reply by Firethorn, -
- 16 replies
Do any of ye know any good pirate video games for PC? I've beena lookin...kinda...fer one.
Last reply by DumbassTurtle,