Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
1,623 topics in this forum
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I order me a copy, looks like great reading, Ahhhhh!!!
Last reply by Carolina Buccaneer, -
- 9 replies
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 9 replies
I know the HMS Surprise was once known as the frigate HMS Rose and Lady Washington was the HMS Interceptor in PotC, but was the Acheron a real ship?
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 4 replies
Aye lads n' lasses, Been thinkin about buyin me those 2 cds called LaFitte's Return, sponsored by that organization that sells em to raise money for the restoration of music programs in the schools o' New Orleans that got ruined by Katrina. Anybody out there got em?? They be a good cause. Do they be good music?? Give me an earfull!
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 11 replies
Louie Frase invited me downstate Delaware to join him, his drop-dead-gorgeous wife Linda, Louie's hot sister and beautiful niece at the Seaford Festival on the Nanticoke River. . . . it was a bit tame (as compared to Pyrate festivals like PyrateCon) but we managed to have a good time. Louie and I got some radio airtime for The Pyrates Way magazine and Louie went out of his way to promote the magazine by giving out all the business cards that I had on me. . .he totally rocks and loves our pyrate brethren. We're gonna' do some fishing in the next few weeks as I feel the Chesapeake Bay calling me again. . . oh. . .and the beer. . .why fish without beer? This pyrate hobby …
Last reply by Graydog, -
- 1 reply
Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me we pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot Drink up me 'earties, yo ho. we kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot Drink up me 'earties, yo ho. Yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me. we extort, we pilfage, we filch and sack. Drink up me 'earties yo ho Maraude and embezzle and even hijack Drink up me 'earties, yo ho. Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me. We kindle and char and flame and ignite Drink up me 'earties yo ho. We burn up the city, we're really afright Drink up me 'earties, yo ho! We're rascals, scoundrels, villans and naves Drink up me 'earties, yo ho. We're devils and blacksheep and really bad eggs Drink up me '…
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 12 replies
I still think one of the best Pirate movie's made was "Treasure Island", with Charlton Heston, Christian Bale, Oliver Reed and Christopher Lee. "Dame your eyes"!!!!!!!!
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 14 replies
...just stumbled across this and thought I would share...this clip...I gotta get this DVD into my collection.... You Tube - Gene Kelly in The Pirate
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 4 replies
The Summer issue is rapping up it's visit to the printer and should be in the mail dead on the 31st as planned (whew). Subscribers to get this issue closed a month ago, but it's already available on back order if you want to get a head of the game. We have to close subscriptions when the issue goes to press because of the lag time in getting all the mailing addresses set up. (Talk about the boring part of the job) Anyway. . . in the Summer Issue you'll see: • 100 photos from PyrateCon 2008 - including a shot of thousands of pirates marching up Bourbon Street! • Highlights from the Pirates Ball at the Blackbeard Festival in Hampton, VA • A feature about Captain Blood…
Last reply by MadL, -
- 2 replies
I'm not much for flooding my mailbox with junk, but I received a sample copy of Smoke and Fire News. Of course I would happen to get the one copy i've ever seen with the Kalmar Nykel as the Centerfold. Over all it seems to have some informative articles and lots of listings. Does anyone have a subscription and is it worth looking into as a regular read?
Last reply by Will Fiddle, -
- 24 replies
I know, it has been rumoured often whether there will be a sequel to M&C, here's such an example of a rumor in sunday's 7/27/08 issue of the Providence Journal Link, you can find the paragraph that says: "The makers of Master and Commander, starring Russell Crowe, bought the Rose to star in the movie as the Surprise and paid Bailey to bring the ship to the West Coast for the filming. It was hoped that after the movie’s release, Newport might be able to buy Rose, but the movie studio decided to keep the ship for a possible sequel, Bailey says". ...basically, the state of Rhode Island has the blues for the HMS Rose enough to want to build it's own, since it can't g…
Last reply by Duchess, -
- 12 replies
I always get a yahoo notification with news about Geoffrey Rush and other actors i like and..Barbossa. This i get just now
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, so I sit at my desk at work for 8 hours a day and listening to music for that long gets a little old. I noticed the guy across from me was listening to some audio books and I thought this would be a great idea! My only problem is, I'm trying to save money and I don't wanna spend it on audio books. Just wondering if anyone out there knows of any free pirate audio books for download? I've been searching google but haven't found anything yet. Figured this would cover more ground and I might get other people interested!
Last reply by Misson, -
Blackbeard! 1 2
by Mr_Scabbs- 46 replies
Dreamworks will apparently be making a new pirate film about Blackbeard. It's going to be penned by the guy who did Gladiator! Let's just hope this is legit...
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 1 reply
Ahoy! I have been working on a pirate game for a few months and its ready enough to play. Give me your thoughts and comments. Harty Plundering Cap'n J Graybeard
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 7 replies
Take a look at this! Kracken
Last reply by Red-Handed Jill, -
- 8 replies
With the new Faire Magazine ( taking off faster and with more steam behind it that we had at the beginning of The Pyrates Way, I'm afraid that I'll be forced to put more of my efforts into the new magazine sooner than expected. This means I've had to cut back on several of the pyrate faires/festivals that we planned on visiting during the third quarter of the year. Several big ideas for next year have been put on hold and the biggest personal upset is that I've resigned from the board of directors of PyrateCon2009. The Pyrates Way will still support PyrateCon in any way possible, but I just can't devote the amount of time required and it …
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 5 replies
She Walks the Deck at Midnight Gather around me, ye brave seadogs, And I’ll tell ye a tale of the sea, Believe what ye will when I’m finished But remember that no tale is free. Twenty years ago I was a pirate, Aboard the Sabre, a swift, deadly ship. We were out of Port Royal, Jamaica, Raiding the Main on that particular trip. I was hard at work in the galley, Cuttin’ bits from a big bacon slab, When I heard the older men talking, And I caught a bit of their gab. “By gar, ye all be superstitious, I care not what any of ye say I see your crosses and amulets and medallions And your wren’s feathers from last New Year’s Day.” “Ye all believe in ghoulies and gh…
Last reply by MadL, -
- 27 replies
ok--- how much is too much? when i asked that question at home, i got BLANK STARES from all of them like i was the odd man out---- { maybe i AM!!!??} after how many times watching POTC { all of them} is one allowed to tease their spouse/children/ family ? do i really want to KNOW an exact number? i suppose that i want assurance that OCD for POTC is acceptable... pax, lady constance
Last reply by Misson, -
- 4 replies
On my last trip to Disneyland with friends and family we all went out to pirate island, there was a small pirate band playing on the stage and to all of our surprise who did we see? Yes folks that’s right, up on stage in all his glory Jon Walmsley or as I like to call him Jason Walton
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 7 replies
Bill Moyers will be airing a movie called Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North on his show P.O.V. , which is principally about the Triangle trade route, which is basically about the dirty business cycle of making rum/bartering rum for african slaves/exchanging slaves for sugar & molasses in the caribbean/then back home to make more rum with the goods procured from the on & so forth. P.O.V. 10:00 PM (22:00) EST June 24th Tuesday night on your nearest PBS station Needless to say, it focuses on my old hometown, Bristol. R.I., and takes a pretty hard swipe at the DeWolf family, which we in town all know personally. After the end of the …
Last reply by CaptainSatan, -
- 1 reply
I had a house fire about 5 years ago and I lost the only copy I have of an appearance I did as Blackbeard on the Turner South Network Show called Liars adn Legends. I have been trying for years to contact the Turner South Network to obtain a copy but to no avail. I am hoping someone out there has a copy. It was the first episode featuring Blackbeard and a story on the Mississipi Delta Blues. It was over 6 years ago but I am still holding out hope that someone out there will know where I can find another copy. Please e-mail or call me with any information Chris Suttle 919-308-5368
Last reply by blackbeard_nc, -
- 56 replies
Just finished viewing said movie and after all I've heard and read about it, I didn't think it was all that bad. If ya take POTC out of the mix, which all Pirate movies will be compared to, I would say it faired well. It took awhile to get used to Genna as a pirate, I kept thinking about "Stewart Little", but I finally bought it along with Modine as the swashbuckling scoundrel. Anyhow, that be my take on it!
Last reply by count de monet, -
- 3 replies
...have you guys seen this? Pirates of the Sea - Wolves of the Sea - Eurovision 2008
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 12 replies
I was doing a search on something completely different and landed on this page..... Yaaaaar Pirate Yoda
Last reply by CaptainSatan,