Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
1,623 topics in this forum
- 27 replies
Have a happy Aprils Fools Day
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 17 replies
Autumn 08 Pyrates Way is finally off press and being put together at the moment for a targeted March 1 mailing. Winter Pyrates Way is right behind it for an end of April mailing and Spring prior to then end of June. We have six issues of Pyrates Way for subscribers starting this year and the first special extra issue will be included in the Spring mailing. If you've an interest in Faire Magazine: Winter Issue: Goes to press two weeks - new advertisers have come on board and when the "checks" clear, we'll finalize the edits and get the thing to press - expect it in your mail box before mid-April. Spring will follow by the the first day of summer as we try to get caught …
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 26 replies
I know this was in Pirates Magazine but I think it has merit. Do you think todays Outlaw Bikers (criminals) could be compared to the Pirates of the past?
Last reply by Quartermaster James, -
- 6 replies
This may have been mentioned before, but on Facebook, you can adjust your settings so that all the headings appear in "Pirate Speak". So, go to your Facebook page, click "Settings" in the upper right corner, then choose "Account Settings" from the drop-down menu. In the dialogue box that appears, click on the right-most tab, "Language". Now, click on the arrow beside the box that says "Primary Language", scroll down to the bottom of the list and select "English(Pirate) BETA". Your section headings should now all appear in piratey lingo, matey! P.S. I know today is April 1st, but I swear this is really is true. LOL
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 1 reply
I found this about a year ago. Thought I would share. StormWinds
Last reply by Captain Mickey, -
- 7 replies
I found this on the Bounty's website: May 11- 15 Film Production Puerto Rico Puerto Rico to Jacksonville Board evening of 15th – arrive 28th 13 Nights I wonder if this is PotC IV?
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 2 replies
gents, i am seeking help[ i collect swashbucklers] , does anyone know if this title is available [by any source] on dvd or vhs --? i believe it was 1944 or so--ralph g
Last reply by pyrateleather, -
- 6 replies
I just started reading this book. Antonia Fraser is known for her period works on Royalty both in England and France. This book is a, " deep well of diaries, letters, and papers from 17th-century England, the gifted historian Antonia Fraser gives the image of the "softer sex" a drubbing, plunging readers into the lives of "heiresses and dairy maids, holy women and prostitutes, criminals and educators, widows and witches, midwives and mothers, heroines, courtesans, prophetesses, businesswomen, ladies of the court, and that new breed, the actress." Sounds like a good read... Has any one else read it?
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 11 replies
I had a friend, who knew I did pirate entertainment, suggest this movie. I thought I had heard that it was just a non-stop comedy, the type of movie I have to be in a mood for. I have discovered that while being far from serious it is an entertaining film.
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 8 replies
Make: Technology on Your Time magazine has a special "steampunk" issue out, March 2009. This issue includes how to build a steampunk "raygun" (Pg 76: The "Discrete Companion" Ladies' Raygun), a Florence Siphon Coffee Extractor (a mad scientist brewing apparatus), a teacup Stirling Engine, and for the really mad scientist, a Wimshurst machine. Check your local bookstores, libraries, or Just to let you know, I'm not a mad scientist...I'm not even a mildly upset one.
- 0 replies
- 476 views I haven't played it myself but it seems like a fun past time when you don't have anything else to do. From the looks of it you create your own pirate and play little games like tetris, bingo, strategy games. Seems fun, check it out!
Last reply by Silent, -
- 14 replies
It had been a private yearning of mine to find myself in one of the 3 Pirate Magazines for a keep sake of the travels this pirate has come along since being in this hobby. Eye am Stoked! Found me pick in Pyrates Way magazine eye did from the NorCal Fest! Yarrrrr!
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by LordWilson, -
- 11 replies
Signal to thequartermaster. I'll meet you on the dock at Marsh Harbor tomorrow night 10FEB09 at 6PM EST. Roberts Server Use messaging and add friend. Put in the name Joe Pyrat. That should let you IM me in-game. If the you need to change the time let me know here. I'm also on all the other servers so we can switch servers if need be, but I've got a Minerva Frigate on Roberts, Pyrat's Ghost" so I can cover you while we get you leveled up.
Last reply by Silent, -
Airship Pyrates.... 1 2 3 4 7
by Patrick Hand- 157 replies
Well heck gotta start it all of with this ..... Abney Parks Airship Pyrates.... But just fer funsies..... how would ye dresss as a steampunk Airship Pyrate? My attempt at Burning Man, just didn't work..... not going ter give up on it yet ......I just gotta work on it some more....... Fun part 'bout steampunk, is it don't gotta be period.... so anything goes..... have fun wit it..... play it fer all it be worth....well an' post some pictures....... An ye still gets ter drink lottsa rum...........
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 3 replies
Hey I just saw that Nat Geo is having a documentary about Capitian Kidd and some new found eveidence on him, or some such thing like that. It is on at 10 p.m. eatern and pacific. NVBarbossa
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 12 replies
This Sunday, 01/18/09, Cartoon Network will be playing all 14 episodes of The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack.
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 18 replies
So we be into this thing called new media now(that's what Hollywood be calling the stuff we all put up on the internet) and I wanted to share with all of ye, that is all of ye who haven't heard me braggin already - and if ye have heard me afore, sit down, grab a grog and listen again!! GROGS ALL ROUND!! So, there be this Princess Priscilla, who be a Pirate as well as a Princess. She has a crew of Beautiful Buccaneers and they all live on Ailouros Island where they are periodically ambushed by a band of Putrid Pirates. The fighting is fierce, but funny - and appropriate fer the guppies as well as adult pirates. The entire first season be LIVE! there so go take a gander a…
Last reply by MadL, -
- 2 replies
MTV's new show "How's Your News" will be airing their New Orleans episode this Suday at 10:30 est. They go to Pyrate Con and interview quite a few of us. Our own Talderoy is on the comercial for the episode. Should be fun. Here is the link to the preview. Not sure how much time they will spend on Pirates but I thought it was wurth mentioning.
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 5 replies
I know someone mentioned this cartoon on another thread with many follow up responses. I thought I would start a topic header here for this crazy cartoon, that the creator states is not pirates but sailors but includes pirates. It is such a fun and crazy cartoon. Flapjack Creator
Last reply by MadL, -
- 1 reply
New(er) B movie ~ Cyberpunk ~ heavy Goth/punk/Asian influences, with some Blade Runner/Fifth Element overtones, DNA alt theme ~ The Gene Generation with Bai Ling We just started watching it ~ some interesting images.
Last reply by Rats, -
- 1 reply
This is beta right now, but it's pretty cool. I made a road trip from Melbourne to Key West and it turned out a pretty good list based on the travels there. Punch in a starting and ending point, a genre and it creates the playlist for your trip. Very cool! -- Hurricane
Last reply by MadL, -
Yellowbeard 1 2
by Hester- 27 replies
I watched Yellowbeard on DVD on "Talk Like a Pirate Day". I was pleasently surprised by the high production values -- especially the ships. And the cameo by David Bowie was a nice touch: (Especially as his real name be "Davey Jones", and he's got a bit of pirate in his style:) What do others here at the pub think of Yellowbeard? Cheers, Hester
Last reply by John Maddox Roberts, -
- 8 replies
Th' blaggard ilk wait'd till I got laid before release'n this?!!!???!!? SlideShow's Exclusive Blackbeard
Last reply by MadL, -
- 1 reply
Mine arrr: The Black Swan Captain Blood (1935) Captain Hareblower Captain Horatio Hornblower Cutthroat Island The Goonies Hook Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Peter Pan (2003) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Pirates of Tortuga The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Summer Rental The Pirate Movie The Sea Hawk Treasure Island (1950)
Last reply by Bilgewater Browne,