November Events
59 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Seems i won this here trip...but was wondering if i would spy a fellow PuB-ster on the Islands next week? if'n i spot ya there...i'll let ya buy me a Drynk!!
Last reply by seabaroness, -
- 1 reply
This year's Pirate Gathering is scheduled for November 8 -10, 2013 in downtown historic St. Augustine on Francis Field. Thieves Market for Pirate Shopping, as well as a Kids Play Area and let's not forget the Drop Anchor Tavern for liquid refreshments. Friday night drink specials and Pub Crawl. Buccaneer Bash is held Saturday evening - this is a ticketed event for pirates 21 and over - tickets available online at Black Powder weapons demonstrations daily. Pirate Battle will be held on Saturday and Sunday at noon, combatants must pre-register. Living History encampment and demonstrations all weekend. Live entertainment with Rusty Cutlass, T…
Last reply by peglegstrick, -
- 6 replies
Real Pirates will soon make their way to Milwaukee's lakeshore this December (December 14, 2012 - offical roll out date). The Milwaukee Public Museum on December 14, 2012, as Real Pirates takes over the Museum’s special exhibit halls. Experience the Golden Age of Piracy aboard the Whydah, one of the most successful pirate ships of her day, and learn about her roots as a slave ship and subsequent takeover and conversion into a pirate ship in the early 1700s. One of the most technologically advanced vessels of her day, the Whydah was captured on her maiden voyage by legendary pirate Sam Bellamy and his crew. After a few alterations and a quick hoist of the Jolly Roger, …
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
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Buccaneer Bash 7:30 – 11 p.m. Saturday, November 3, 2012 $50 per pirate, must be 21+ Space is limited - Buy tickets online or at (414) 278-2728 Bust out your peg leg and your swankiest eye patch, and get ready to party as only a pirate can at MPM’s Buccaneer Bash. Come in costume and be prepared to shake your booty to 88.9 Radio Milwaukee’s DJ Marcus Doucette, create your own pirate beard or bling your own eyepatch with MPM’s saucy crafts crew, try a Mooncusser cocktail featuring Roaring Dan’s Rum by Great Lakes Distillery, and even get sneak preview of our new special exhibition, Real Pirates. On Deck at the Buccaneer Bash Real Pirates exhibit preview Test your s…
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 1 reply
anyone else thinking of attending the fall fort at fort de chartres in illinois the first full weekend of november ?? god willing i will be there representing the mercury crew...
Last reply by madPete, -
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is anybody planning on going this year?, some friends of mine from school and i are planning on going though i dont know how i feel about going to the bash since i dont really have any "formal" pirate garb so i'll probably be drinking at the tavern instead.
Last reply by willie wobble, -
- 1 reply
I have just returned from the St. Augustine Pirate Gathering. While there were a few bumps in the road, I had a fantastic time with my pirate family, some I had not seen in MANY years, and found myself packing up Sunday wishing I could extend the trip to spend more time there. But reality returns and now here is my most likely long-winded weekend in review. Drop Dead, Great Scott and I arrived at the Spanish Quarter on Thursday with about 45 minutes to spare before sunset. We rushed to get our tents up and get things ready for the night. The process went mostly pain-free thanks to the help of folks already on site. We did a little provisioning and then enjoyed time aroun…
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 10 replies
I would like to invite all to visit us here in St Augustine Florida for the St Augustine Pirate Gathering this November. If you haven't been to this Historical hamlet before allow us to give you a glimpse of the oldest continually lived in city in North America. It is because of the enduring work of re-enacting groups based in this town (Men of Menedez, Garrison, Men/women of Ponce De Leon, Ancient City Privateers with Crew of the Black Heart and not forgetting the brilliant crews of British Nightwatch) that we are able to do our live battles downtown amongst the backdrop of buildings footprinted in the late 1500 and early 1600's......450 years of history 300+ under the …
Last reply by LostGalleon, -
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ok i'm lazy... here's a link
Last reply by wes1761, -
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Any of you Seadogs going to the Fort? I have requested off and thought it might be fun to put together a shooting team with Pirates!! The Fort is awesome for any of you that never been..... Link: Wes
Last reply by Capt. J..., -
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Join the finest and most spirited buccaneer crews that ever sailed the streets of Portland! Don your finest seafaring costume, kick up your heels to some rousing tunes and hoist a tankard in celebration of all things piratical at the Swashbuckler’s Ball! Rock to the music of Chervona, The Lost Highwaymen, Sam Bam Boo, and The Bilgerats & Pyrettes. Slake your thirst at a no-host bar (featuring Kraken Rum) and fill your bellies with tasty Caribbean food. Try your luck at winning from a treasure trove of glorious raffle prizes. Spend your doubloons in the Pirates Marketplace, where well-known merchants from far and wide will be selling their wondrous wares and don…
Last reply by Topknot, -
- 6 replies
2nd Annual Blackbeard Pirate Memorial To Be Observed at Ocracoke, NC, on November 22, 2009 Pirates Return to Ocracoke 291 Years After the Death of Blackbeard to Remember Their Fallen Brethren For only the 2nd time in 291 years, the historically significant "Battle of Ocracoke" and the death of the notorious pirate Blackbeard will be memorialized on Ocracoke Island at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 22, 2009. The observance will be conducted on a soundside sandy beach adjacent to Ocracoke's Springer's Point, near the location of the 1718 engagement at Teaches Hole Channel. Pirate living-history reenactors, dressed in period attire replete with cutlasses, flintloc…
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
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Please join us for a live presentation of the original script The Gentleman Pirate: The Tryal & Unfortunate Death of Major Stede Bonnet. Performances will be at The Powder Magazine (79 Cumberland Street) on Saturday, November 14, 21, & 28 at 3:30pm. The show will last approximately 40 minutes. $8.00 Adults* $5.00 Children Make reservations for your group today! Call 722-9350. *City of Charleston licensed tour guides will be given a complimentary admission to the Saturday, November 14th show. Please bring your current license. For pictures of the performance click here: The Powder Magazine, Circa 1713 Member of the Charleston Museum Mile 79 Cumberland …
Last reply by Bright, -
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This is our Krewe's Spring Rendezvous event that we do anyway. This year we just thought we'd make it a little (ok, a lot) bigger so we could invite all of you. After years of volunteering, attending and advising countless events, we thought it was high time we did our own. Our Shore Leave weekend is all about you being a part of the event, not just an attendee. We would like you to take part in the events as if they were your own. Our scheduled events are all free to attend and your participation is encouraged. As you will see, our events are about the individuals and the roles they play in Shore Leave weekend. We are not looking to make money; we are looking to make he…
Last reply by Captain Robert Darksoul, -
- 2 replies
Ahoy, mates! What: Raising Black Flags: Original Poetry By and About Pirates - This new book, ISBN 978-0-615-25535-4, Blackbead Books, 2008, is an anthology of poetry and images by fourteen different poets and two artists. There will be Poetry Readings, Book Signings, and Question and Answer Sessions with the editor and at least two of the poets! Refreshsments (wine, soft drinks, water and snacks) will be served! Copies of the book will be available for purchase and autographing! When: November 15, 2008 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Where: The Embarqadero, 10346 Ferguson Lane, Dallas, TX, 75228 (NE Corner of Casa View shopping center, same corner…
Last reply by Black Syren, -
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My e-vile gaming ways have distracted me from piracy... ... suffice to say, pirate reenactors and militia reenactors will be shooting at each other this coming Saturday at the Lock House Museum in Havre de Grace, Maryland. If you find yourself dressed as a pirate or a woman of the town or a militiaman this Saturday, and have nothing better to do, feel free to join in the fray. Bill and Ted's Excellent Tavern will be there again this year, and I believe we'll see a special appearance by the Polish Light Artillery. Also, the Lantern Queen will be running a special Pirate Cruise that evening. PM me for more info.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
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So, I got a call from a friend last night telling me that while going to an art show opening in downtown Hollywood, he had suddenly been besieged by pirates! It seems that Camelot Days ( ) has returned to TY Park. I have never been to this particular ren fest, so I cannot vouch for it...but I may go and check it out anyway. Anyone else planning on going?
Last reply by JohnnyTarr, -
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If we want to join in the parade is there anything special that we need to do? We just have a banner and a wagon for the smaller "bilge rats" to ride in, no fancy floats or decorated cars, just something for the kids to carry and ride in and throw candy and goodies. No set up what so ever. Thanks again for the help.
Last reply by Desert Dragoon, -
- 29 replies
St. Augustine Pirate Gathering November 14-16 Come Play with your Pirate Friends St. Augustine Pirate Gathering
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
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The Fernandina Pirates Club presents the 35th Anniversary Royal Ball. DATE: Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008 TIME: 7:00 PM - Midnight PLACE: Kraft Athletic Club / 10 Acres 961023 Buccaneer Trl, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 Come celebrate 35 years of piracy on Amelia Island at the Royal Ball. This is a costumed event thrown by pirates for pirates and even you wannabe's pirates who just enjoy dressing like pirates. We've planned an evening of live music, hors 'douvers, light refreshments, door prizes, entertainment and merriment. BYOB - Set ups will be available for your convenience. Advance sale tickets are available for $15.00 per person via PayPal at www.fernandinapi…
Last reply by Fernandina Pirate, -
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Bounding Main Concert - Skokie Theatre - November 15, 2008 This is a year of firsts and we're closing the season with another - Bounding Main will have a show all to ourselves at a wonderful music venue, the Skokie Theater. Bounding Main has been entertaining at tall ship events, maritime festivals, music festivals, renaissance faires, pirate gatherings and now we will be performing at this beautiful, centrally located venue. Come hear the music that has brought joy to so many, see the show that has made so many laugh! Come learn a thing or two about the traditional music that we sing about! Showtime is 7:30 and tickets will be $15 in advance, $20 at the door. http://ww…
Last reply by CapnJake, -
- 6 replies
Here is the link to the fort's site: Come out and help us show support for this great site and event. The state of Illinois is threatening to close most of it's historic sites and lay off the workers due to a pissing contest between the irresponsible governor and the state legislature. Many of us have already written e-mails and letters to both sides expressing our concern and reminding them of how much money is generated at the sites and how it affects local economies. we also circulated several petitions and so far we gained an extention of the closing date from Oct. 1st to November. This is a big event and lots of…
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
Just a few thoughts on the event in NC. IT WAS A GREAT TIME FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Between crowds that seemed truly interested i and wanted to interact with both pyrates and history and the fun that the crews had in interacting with them. Even in the early morning hours the public started to pass through the camps to see what the pirates were doing at the moment. The invasion itself seemed to be a huge success and pictures will be posted as people are able... least i hope so . Callenish and meself will post what we have when we get home. The crews did a grand job with all of the interaction between five differnt crews and 100 + pirates seemed to be flawless, t…
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 8 replies
So, having heard about this for a couple of years now, exactly *who* does one have to e-mail or call to get information about being one of the lucky performers for this cruise? I've gotten no where with my attempts to contact the cruise line or the performers who had the information on their website (the e-mail came back from Mailer Daemon as undeliverable). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ever so much! Emerald
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 23 replies
On Nov.3-4, and Nov. 10-11, the last major faire of the year happens. Even though it states Ren-faire, there is Pirates Cove where some really good groups are like Pirates of Treasure Cove and Stranglehold. The event goes on regardless of rain (hence the nick-name Escondido "Rain" faire) which seems to always threaten the event. I will be selling my wares with my friend and you can find us right along the sidewalk across from the ale garden. Hope to see some of you there!
Last reply by Rumba Rue,