Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
anyone ever use a micro torch like the one in the pic ?? it takes a butane cylinder, and nox (nitrous oxide ??)... i inherited this gem and have had it for about 27 years... i played with it back then and never was able to get the flame worth a crap to do anything but run out of gas...lack of knowing what the heck iwas doing probably played a huge part in this... but now i have found approximately 1,498 uses for it and wanna use it... i know how to use an oxy-acetalene torch, but have no idea how to adjust the flame on this set up porperly... google search was in vain... any help is appreciated :)
Last reply by silas thatcher, -
- 10 replies
So after the massive amount of rain we had at the Hampton Festival this June I had to reshape my tricorn and decided it was time to dress it up a bit. I added some trim and a few peacock feathers but I don't know if I like the feathers or not. I wanted to add some more gold trim underneath possibly with beadwork too. Any ideas?
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 3 replies
Just a nice old "Old Hickory" knife I rescued. Good 1095 carbon steel, will last for lifetimes! Fixed the point, reshaped the handle a bit, refinished the hardwood handle with an old fashioned, hand rubbed, linseed oil finish, and gave the blade a fresh edge. I also took some scrap leather and stitched up a simple sheath; incorporated three brass staples to protect the stitching, instead of rivets. It's not black, but very dark brown: oil's still fresh on it in this pic. If there's any thing to brag about here, it's that I didn't have many tools at hand. Didn't even have a hammer handy. Made the holes for the stitching with a pick and a 10# dumbbell. …
Last reply by Iron Hand, -
- 3 replies
found a source for 18 oz. canvas, 60" wide for $9.00/ yard... seems like a pretty good deal to me.... what i was thinking of making with it is a new and larger dining fly...since most of them are usually using 10 0r 12 oz. canvas, i am thinking that a fly with this weight material would be heavy and troublesome.... any one with some experience chime in here ??
Last reply by Iron Hand, -
- 18 replies
I stumbled onto this site tonight, and since scrimshaw is a history with travelers I thought I would share. He does amazing and beautiful work. Ironic how his site is close to this URL, eh? While I don't agree with whale hunting or harpooning, commerically, there are some aborignial people that depend on it as a right of manhood. You'll notice that he speaks about harpooning, etc, on his site, that's why I mentioned this. Beautiful pendants, and so. :) I respect this type of artistic ability. Isabella
Last reply by Shortshanks, -
- 2 replies
I'm currently reading a book entitled "Mayflower Bastard" by David Lindsay and read mention of a type of sea captains coat called a Dreadnought Jacket. I wondered what it looks like. It may have connections to the Puritans and Pilgrims in the colonies of the early to mid 1600's. Any ideas?
Last reply by Silver, -
- 27 replies
I just came home with a lovely hide of 3-4 oz leather that I am looking forward to making into a baldric or two. I hav a slew of reference photos that I am going to use (and I am sorry to say Captain Sterling and Mickey S. that I have pilfered these images from Hollywood!). However, I am a little vague on the dimensions of the 3 components that I am to make. Has anyone made their own (I am sure that you all have) and do you have a pattern that you would be willing to share? I am also looking for a non Acme Brand (Hollywood) alternative for a buckle if any of you have a suggestion. I am thinking to make the baldric about 2.25 inches wide... Thanks for any suggestions.…
Last reply by Shortshanks, -
- 5 replies
I am thinking of building a miniature boat, do you know where I could find plans? ::big pyrate puppy eyes:: Help please! , Jane
Last reply by capn'rob, -
- 9 replies
and what does one put into google to discover this craft? tons of millinery stuff i have seen..... but i want this particular craft........ are yah out there callenish? capn sterling? aint it interesting that the men know these things??? how about lady brower?
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 24 replies
I was wondering, for those that do a lot of camping at the events, do you have or use anything like the boy scout patrol boxes? Google search that for pictures... I was thinking that one could be "hidden" in something looking like a barrel or a sea chest. Just something that crossed my mind.
Last reply by wes1761, -
- 14 replies
until recently, i have been using plastic tarps from the hardware store ,and covering it with canvas drop cloths as a ground cloth... recent rains have shown that water still bleeds through the woven plastic tarps... i think it was patrick hand that mentioned cnavas treated for an effective ground cloth is heavier than you would believe, which makes it close to impractical ( for him on an airplane ) short of using plastic sheeting, what else is available as an effective h2o barrier ??
Last reply by Iron Jon, -
- 7 replies
My cousin has quit the painting business and brought me a ton of painters canvas in varying sizes. Most of it is in good shape with no paint spills and I plan on working on a new tent set up since I can't think of anything else to do with all of it. Going to treat it this weekend to "hopefully" waterproof it. Anyone have more luck with one product over another when it comes to treating canvas?
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
- 0 replies
Just knocked these up using the original plug bayonet guard I have. Also one with a Tri-foil like European ones of the time. As soon as I get the guard replicated I should be starting to sell these A replica of a Late 17th / early 18th Century English militia plug bayonet with re-enactment safe battle ready blade: A replica of a Late 17th / early 18th Century European plug bayonet with tri-foil and re-enactment safe battle ready blade:
Last reply by PoD, -
- 5 replies
If yer gearin' up for PIP no need to lighten yer hoard o' booty too drastic. I bought a knock off blade w/ scabbard on clearance for $25. Spent $3 on 3 leather cinch belts at a thrift store, added a little pirate craft & in this humble Jack Tar's opinion, a decent serviceable looking weapon. I didn't tear apart the handle yet but I wouldn't trust it a fight against a whorehouse swab! Just fer looks. Pic in my gallery.
Last reply by wes1761, -
- 5 replies
Hello folks, Working on a hat and trying to get the look of a tarred hat without actually having to resort to using roofing tar. I've had marginal success with some different beeswax mixtures. The hats are water repellant, but just don't have that sheen of a true tar hat. The finish looks a little...well, not fuzzy, but you can see that's still felt instead of looking more like black leather the way a tarred hat does. I sprayed the hat with acrylic a few good coats before hand, but suspect that wasn't enough to keep the hat from absorbing all the wax I put on it. I bought some brush on acrylic to see if that might work better. Any help you can offer is mu…
Last reply by Mr. Pipes, -
- 4 replies
Preferably light blue, gray, or brown for the Wesket, and definitely linen. anybody got a spare for sale?, PLMK. And no rush, I just need it before Sept.
Last reply by Captain Huntsman, -
- 8 replies
I have a MVTCo English Doglock Horse Pistol, I did not think about getting a belt hook, but I started thinking about making one. So I went into the shop and hammered one out from images I found of the real deal. I roughed it out and tested it. The problem I am having is that with one screw it will not hold in place, it just want's to spin. Has anyone tried to make a belt hook? Or have any suggestions? Thanks.
Last reply by Pistol Pete, -
- 7 replies
A Sword Belt I recently made based on a picture of a Fantasy Pirate Girl. It has all period correct brass buckles and includes a detachable Pistol holster with leg strap and a Sword scabbard for one of Baltimore Knife and Swords Cutlass . The top part of the belt tightens around the waist while the thicker bottom part of the belt hangs loose over the hips.
Last reply by wes1761, -
- 10 replies
Just stumbled across some new carpentry tools today, well new to me anyway. Should come in handy finishing up latest project.
Last reply by Diosa De Cancion, -
- 9 replies
This is my newest creation. I've really started to go nuts making hats. This one is wool felt (Hat body from Hats by Leko) cotton trim, all hand sewn and hand blocked and shaped by me. I patterned it after paintings I've seen of George Washington from the American Revolution. Tell me wat you think mates. Front view Side view Rear view Detail of button Detail of hat band Me wearing said hat.
Last reply by Captain Robert Rackam, -
- 22 replies
So over the last week or two, I slowly put together a leather portmanteau (I was taking my time, and have been busy with other things as well). I made a small one, as this was my first attempt, and I needed and wanted something to put all of my black powder cleaning and loading supplies in (they were busting my haversack at the seams ). The whole thing is about 5 to 6 inches in diameter, and about 15 inches long. Normally it would have a leather strap, but Diosa made this awesome inkle woven strap for me to use, and I thought it would make a much nicer and cooler strap. I am currently making a second small luggage size one (about 7 inches by 20 inches) that will b…
Last reply by sebastian, -
- 5 replies
So I was working on a new coat and didn't realize until it was too late that I had placed the buttons on the right side instead of the left. Not a huge deal but it got me to thinking what started the standard of men's jacket buttons being placed on a particular side? Just curious if anyone knows.
Last reply by MarkG, -
- 6 replies
J'ai décider d'agrémenter mon nouveau chapeau d'un trou de balle: Le trou est fait à l'aide d'un outil pour le bois: Puis agrandir le trou à l'aide d'un bout de bois: Puis j'ai bruler l'ensemble à l'aide d'un briquet: Et voila:
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
- 3 replies
Here is a baldric I have just made based on a painting of a 1652 Dutch Military one. I am having replicas made of the actual brass fittings but for this one I used some tudor strap ends I had lying about. The belt holds a Plug Bayonet and has a frog that holds an axe too.
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 7 replies
I don't have a pic yet but I will post one soon. I was hunting around this weekend for a new project and found a very unique wooden jewelry box at my local antique store. It's a wooden box with a black leather cover with a metal tall ship on it. Inside is red velvet and slats placed inside for what I assume is jewelry storage. The weird part is there are no makers mrks anywhere on it and it has a FM radio built into the box with two dials on the right side. Just curious if anyone has seen one of these before.
Last reply by hurricane,