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- 4 replies
Man in the desert you're light as a feather despite all the bleached bones and skin made from leather you haunted and taunted just as I wanted now I head Eastward and I am undaunted Man by the sea your tides do divide me despite all my urchins I see you dance widely so play in the surf now and yes I will catch you if you were a seagull my Spirit would match you C April 29 2004 Dream Wench
Last reply by DocF225, -
- 18 replies
Wishin I was someplace with more pyratical things to do. I live near the "Mighty Hudson" in an area full of history from the correct era but nothing even remotely Pyratical here. Looks like I have to travel Eastward or Southward. Wish I hadn't sold me boat........
Last reply by Capt. Tarkanius De Morte', -
by Dream Wench- 5 replies
Tied in knots just below the deck a giant rope around his neck his nerve are jangled he's a wreck he feels he can't get out The rats could gnaw and set him free but his head is resting upon his knee he calls the jailer "heed my plea" but she never hears him shout "Wash the water from the sand hang my broken heart from the mast" he sings a delerious love song 'cos he's living in the past The pelican gives him the "hairy peeper" and calls him an "old side eye" "Damn my sox and curse your feathers I think it's time to die" The pelican brings him a cutlass and a little bit o grog the ship and dock are hidden now both covered up with fog The pelican leads …
Last reply by Capt. Tarkanius De Morte', -
- 8 replies
The Call Maritime echoes, cry of bird Phantom voices we once heard Cries of pleasure in the rain Hear the haunting old refrain. Hundred fathoms deep each day Search for the immortal way Spirit lost, and yet I seek Soul is strong, yet body weak. Visions dance and bid me join Precious moments I purloin Dance is over, day is done One left standing…only one. Ship goes nowhere, darkness cloaks Reveal all the cosmic jokes Act in sin and pay the price Find God in a grain of rice. Small yet powerful Nothing yet all I have no choice but to Answer the call.
Last reply by Capt. Tarkanius De Morte', -
- 18 replies
Ye add yer birthday to the calendar... so I hpe that means yer havin' a party! At any rate, here's a big birthday glass o' rum from Capt'n Wolf! May yer plunders be many, and your Ren Faires plentiful!*cheers and howls* Captain Wolfy Wench
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 12 replies
Ahoy all.... I wanted to tell all of me mates here, that our little Matthew has arrived. He was born on Wed. in the early morn. He is 7.32lbs and 20" long. He and mom are both doing very well and will most likely be home on Sun. Thanks too all of you who wished your best. Paisly... If we didn't say it luv, then let me do so now. Your kindess and thoughtful gift was heart warming. It's nice to know that we were in your thoughts.. Stynky.... you ol' barnicle. Despite how much we hold you in high regards... we just couldn't bring ourselves to name our son... Stynky..... But we sure are proud to know ye my friend Mad Woman Cheryl and Bill...... I just cannot …
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 8 replies
A member of PRP posted this to our member list. I thougt some of you might find it useful Tis a fine site indeed! :)
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 12 replies
I have never been aboard a tall ship. Are there any pictures of interior lay outs ? I always wondered where the crew slept.and..where the Captain hung his hat...The old films showed bunks, and hammocks...sacks of grain...tankards flappin back and forth as the ship lurched during storms. There was always a man in a striped shirt smoking a clay pipe...saying "I seen worse ! 'taint nothin' ta worry about I tell ye !" (crash...splash) Are there websites depicting life below deck on the old ships ? When the tall ships appear at shows, how much access is allowed to the public ? I always wanted to peek from a porthole....and say "Ahoy Mateys ! " (but not in polyester short…
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 1 reply
» More From The Plain Dealer News Aargh! Boating fest invades Cleveland with pirate raid Saturday, June 05, 2004 Tasha Flournoy Plain Dealer Reporter As a shot from a pirate ship's cannon echoed across Cleveland's North Coast Harbor Friday morning, 2-year old Dylan Froelich and his mother eagerly watched. Decked in pirate shirts and bandannas, the two drove from Willowick to see the mock pirate invasion of Cleveland, the opening event to the fifth Annual Lake Erie Boating and Fishing Fest this weekend. Advertisement "My son lives, breathes, and eats pirates," said Shari Froelich, as Dylan brandished his plastic hook. "He think he's Capt. Hook. Capt. Jack. Al…
Last reply by KW Pirate, -
- 3 replies
Happy B-Day, mate!!..Have one on me!
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 7 replies
He held his illusions for as long as he could then under the rip tide felt no earthly good The waves battered and bashed him 'till his blood emptied out and then as he surfaced he wanted to shout The sea held no mercy and silenced his cry despite quite a thrashing he dared not to die Her eyes had decieved him he'd felt she was his the flirty and damaged Miss Gemini Liz The moment she'd kissed him she got off on her power she hated his weakness and bones in the shower He wanted her badly his heart bound in chains for her a big "joy ride" for him endless pains The sharks had a field day as they swallowed his ears t…
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 20 replies
So I graduated from High school today. And the awards ceremony was before graduation. So's I gets called up fer a music award. I get a musical dictionary, and sits meself back down. Then they announce "The rear Admiral so and so prize, given to a student for his or her excellence and interest in naval history." I figgers it's goin' ta me best friend who's a navy brat, or ta this kid in my school who's a nationally ranked sailor. This is where the story gets interestin'. They call me name. So I walks up there ta get me award, thinkin' oh it's gonna be some book with pictures of destroyers and stuff. I gets me award, and what is it? "A Pirate of Exquisite Mind…
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 7 replies
Greetings & Salutations, The Ladies of the Salty Kiss, an all female privateer crew is holding open auditions June 5th (and if needed, June 6th). TLotSK is an impov, comedy stage show troupe based out of Vinita, Ok. If you or someone you know is interested, please have them contact me, off the boards so that we may get them scheduled. TLotSK's scheduling is tight and requires a great amount of dedication, travel time and willingness to work together as a group, for the betterment of the entire group. We do multiple weekend events and as such, consideration must be given to how much time you can devote to this group. Thank you for your time and interest …
Last reply by Captain_MacNamara, -
- 3 replies
Greetin's to all o' ye... I got ta' thinkin' to meself the other day... There have to be other pirates in me area, sez I. So, curiosity got the better of me, and here I am, askin' you rogues. How many o' ye are from Oklahoma?
Last reply by Captain Emerald Shaunassey, -
- 16 replies
I've seen a quite a few poem postings, and I'm wondering how you poets would feel about starting our own thread to post poems and comment on them. I write poetry myself from time to time and I think it might be fun to have a specific place to share our work. Whadda think? Stynky, any ruling on this?
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 4 replies
Like a wave you knocked me over and I tumbled round and round I could have come to the surface but instead I chose to drown Drowning was much better than being cut up on the rocks or walking thru a giant mall while you hunted perfect socks You sat and drank and talked about yourself and all your endless needs the tomatoes I put into your salads "must be free of seeds" The seeds were then wrapped up in cellophane ("one by one" you insisted) the disorder that you suffer from surely isn't listed Once the seeds were wrapped in cellophane they were placed into a paper bag I had to carry them four blocks away like a silent slaving hag When I returned you sco…
Last reply by cpts plesur wnch, -
- 15 replies
Arrrrrrrrrrrr me maties.............. shots liiiiined up fer me mate KW Pirate, AKA - Deadly Aim. Avast! That be the wrong kind O shots!!!!!! Thar ye be lass!!!!!!!!! I be right ay? 21 again? LOL! All ye scurvy dogs round up and lift yer grog to the deadliest aim in the northern Caribbean!! Hip-Hip....Huraaay! Hip-Hip.....Buuuuuuurp! Hope yer day was a good one darlin Deadly! Miss ye from the bottom of me heart!
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 4 replies
Yes sir (or mam if it be pertainin') it seems like just yesterday that I made fer the port that held such fine folks that aye ave' all but let me ship tew rot tew the ribs. What brought you ere' and if ye remember, how'd ye find this heaven in the middle of the vast ocean? Aye tip me hat tew all of you ......and scream and yell and fart and belch rather disgustingly.... scratch me bum just so, pick me nose ,flick em boogys all around and be very very, very glad that aye am a Pirate!
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 0 replies
Fire me up dramatic weather ! let me know that we're together as I glance toward the darkened sky and know that you are there Nothing can fade our deep connection this lofty night of souls reflection Let me in on your perception Now I know you care I climb the hill in a midnight storm and embrace a balmy tree I head quickly yes into a cave so lightning won't strike me The raindrops dance upon my cheeks and make me close my eyes with every bend of bough and branch another creature dies Resting my head upon the rocks I know it's time to return My state of natural perfection Is such a thing to yearn I head back to my little dinghy and shuffle into bed I…
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 2 replies
LONG JOHN Long John are you off or on ? oh may I confide in you ? I'm nothing short of desolate and I am feeling blue The windy breeze is buffeting me like a nightie gone beserk nothing in my daily life ever seems to work Icy fingers tweak the mist and I feel it hit my face Long John I depend on you come in and see my place C January 14 2004 Dream Wench
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 2 replies
The E-Pyrate Meerschaum pipe burning Surf the Web for pyrate lore Ash falls to the floor Cat sits on the desk Plays with the mouse when I pause Hairball on mouse pad Stop to pour coffee Not the same as rum, but then- It’s a lot cheaper. Rain whispers on glass Nodding in my library Fireplace dancing Fourteen hundred books Embrace me like an old friend Musty, yet alive Sleep is a stranger Time enough to sleep later Death – the final nap Thinking of others Tenuous thoughts on the screen Touched, but never felt The Sun’s a voyeur Watching me through the curtain Time to show it in Power down – unplug - Stand and chase the knots away Return to the da…
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 0 replies
Skip Tide All the footprints left before vanished when she stepped and all the heartbreak stored within healed up as she slept The cloudy new tomorrow turned into shored up tears while tiny little crab claws pinched away her fears A mean tide knocked her under then sent her out to sea but she encountered a Skip Tide and it gladly set her free It pushed her body back to shore and placed her on the chair the sandburn made her cheeks quite red and a Starfish hugged her hair A shadow blocked the sun away as a stranger held her gaze he told her of his Skip Tide and how he'd "been kept for days" As dusk moved in and closed its eyes he …
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 0 replies
Storm Tossed Mary was a fisher woman and she loved her husband dearly she read romantic novels (at least a hundred yearly) She was a perfect housekeeper and he was a good provider but he seemed to be oblivious to what went on inside her She dreamed about the olden days and he was a modern man he prefered the air conditioning but she'd make do with a fan Her loins were full of fire while his were just lukewarm she often tried to please him at the approaching of a storm He said that it was dangerous and they could "both be hit" she dabbed her eyes with a hanky and said to him "I quit " She loaded up her suitcase and stepped out to …
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 0 replies
These salty tears now mine for years... I cannot shake the constant fears my children died upon the sea I hear them callin' out to me At cliffs edge I now do stand.. my eyes are focused on the sand the waves are crashin' upon the rocks the seaweed like the hands of clocks "It's time to go" they whisper now I hesitate and balk somehow The dog runs up and "barks me big" (he's tellin' me to fix my rig) I think hes right that dyin's no good I see my family they understood their spirits convinced my treasured hound "Keep our Dad from meetin' the ground" C May 25 2004 Dream Wench
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 6 replies
Ahoy! Take off her hats and bow yer heads fer May 23rd, 1701 Captain Kidd was hung until dead. Hoist yer tankard, and say a prayer... to one of the greatest pirate's ever.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor,