Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
2,398 topics in this forum
- 20 replies
Ahoy good scalawags and lasses, Newcomer to the pub and glad to be here. Looking to meet others who enjoy good ale in their stomachs and living their lives upon the Open Sea. A lover of music of all types, collector wouldn't even barely begin to describe it. I enjoy a good story and even more a better Shanty. But enough chatter *places coins on the table and nods to barkeep* Some of your best rum if ye wouldn't mind? Cheers Mates! Cyanne
Last reply by Rats, -
- 15 replies
Hello all from the new lass tot he forums. I may be new to the forums, but ne'er to the sea. Well I'm Elle the Welsh Tart and I live outside of Baltimore, MD. I originally hail from Tampa, Fl home of Gasparilla. I grew up on the Gulf of Mexico and have been on a tug that pulled the Jose Gaspar into port for invasion. Salt water is in my blood and I will be a pirate till the day I die. To give a little more info about myself, I am currently studying to get my degree in Socio-Cultural Anthropology. I plan writing my Master's Thesis on how the Golden Age of Piracy has shaped modern society into what we see today. Yeah I know I'm weird. Well enough about my own personal …
Last reply by Rats, -
- 14 replies
I've lots of issues to deal with, shipmates. And for now, won't be on the Pub a lot, just to let you know. ~Lady B
Last reply by LongTom, -
- 17 replies
Well, my cyber ship was blindsided by a woodstock virus. I swam to shore, but all hands were lost. Back in the game for another round mates... who's up? Bo
Last reply by capnwilliam, -
- 22 replies
Grievings and Salivations all! Captain Saber, of the Seventh Sin, reportin' fer' duty! I decided to come down from the high seas of Denver for a good scotch and a song. Who's buyin'?
Last reply by BessFlint, -
- 82 replies
So there's been an ongoing discussion about each of our forum names, but how about everyone's avatars? Some are pretty interesting - who made their own, who stole them (no shame in that, we're all pirates here)? Is there a link where we can see them up-close? My own was actually made by my brother, back in a day when I went by "spydermunky" online. Since switching my name, I added the red pirate hat and earring, and boom! Instant avatar.
Last reply by Manglin' Maggi Maloney, -
- 26 replies
A while back, I proposed/started a signature graphic contest. I had prizes and everything, though the contest was scrapped due to a pub "technical" difficulty. I have noticed that there are a LOT of cool signature graphics now..... I still got the prizes, and am willing to re-start the contest if any of you are still interested. You can't nominate yourself.... Anyone interested? (I will post the prizes when I get back home and can check out the prize locker!)
Last reply by Pew, -
- 13 replies
I keep coming across these forums and I figured I would write and introduce myself. My name is Johnathan White, Artist / Illustrator and more particularly, Historic Cartographer. I specialize in creating maps for a broad spectrum of industries. My website is In addition to the art, I am also associated with "Pirates Magazine" in a business development and artwork capacity. Recently relocated back to my home near Tampa, FL and trying to get resettled. Very cool forums by the way. "Built by Pirates, Ran by Pirates, must be Pirates"
Last reply by Manglin' Maggi Maloney, -
- 3 replies
Ok. So name your choice in ship, armaments, home port, where ya'd sail her to, Pirate or Privateer? Bastard Captain or Fair or somewhere inbetween? What prize would you seek? How would it all end? Whoo! can't wait to see the answers
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 22 replies
........Bess flint pushes open the door. Taking a deep breath she offers to buy a round of drinks whilst eyeing up a new crew to join.
Last reply by BriarRose Kildare, -
- 14 replies
Ahoy mates round of rum barkeep, and not the cheap stuff either... (throws money on table) drink up me hearty's yo ho...
Last reply by BriarRose Kildare, -
- 4 replies
Ahoy There Matey's, I tip me hat to those of you running this fine establishment as well as those worthy of a pirate's life in our modern era. I travel far and wide and it's always a pleasure to experience a humble abode which fancies me inner most desires. Beyond the forum drink (full of text and smiles), I gladly offer any of you a hearty drink of your flavour if you shall so come across me path during me travels. Just know me name and name yer mug and the rest will no doubt be done. In addition, I offer a rather unique challenge to all pirates residing within this established community. A treasure hunt per say...... For those willing to test yer wits, …
Last reply by BriarRose Kildare, -
- 8 replies
Last reply by HildeKitten, -
- 16 replies
Long time lurker, finally decided to just register. Been attending ren faires and nautical events in California for 15-20 years. Have always been interested in pirate history, can't even remember what got me started. Amicalement, Bastien
Last reply by HildeKitten, -
- 12 replies
Hallo....I just wanted to offer a round of drinks to every one on board.
Last reply by BriarRose Kildare, -
- 12 replies
Intro what? What in blazes!?! Who's in charge o' dis bleedin' ship? Well first (tosses pieces of silver on the bar) drinks all around an any man dat takes more than his share is a bloody bilgerat! (or a pyrate). Second, I fergot meself before. Me name is Mike but ya can call me Swashbucklin' Domingo da Dark or Laughing Crowe fer short. I'll answer t'any but ne'er call me late fer dinner. I be a weather guesser currently impressed by da Royal Navy (us navy) Curses be upon our filthy King. Dey be havin' me but fer a scant few months 'for I be free to sail North to Philadelphia where I bes plunderin and hollerin ta me harts content wit' me loyal wench, Lisabeth de Bold. …
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 10 replies
Dusk sets on the Pub. The usuals are bellied up to the bar chugging their grog. No action today, or so it seems. And then all Hell breaks loose as a new Captain strolls into the Pub with guns drawn. "Aye, Matey's...they be callin' me Ol' Blood and Bones ye bilge rats! If'n ye would like to find out why, just test me, me hearties! Me thinks ye will know soon enough as to the reasons, but for now, fill me mug with some of ye finest rum. I be in de mood fer drinkin' now, not shootin so you scallywags can breath easy". Back to business as usual...
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 31 replies
Aye Boughs n' Gels... Been 'way fer a lang time... h'n't found a prop'r berth ta get m'back 'ere til now.... oooo... lotsa new physionimies 'ere an' aboot.... Come now, 'ave a drink on me coin! Ray! ol' Bough, ya still 'ere?! Fancy tha'! Here be some gold, serve all 'round! Life's a bowl a roses!!! Slainte!!!
Last reply by BriarRose Kildare, -
- 67 replies
Having struggled thru the books and the language, I'm wondering how much of it will be in the movie. Will they speak as they do in the book or will it be put in easier english for the masses?
Last reply by Capt Thighbiter, -
- 3 replies
Okay guys, here is a place for all us "The Pirate Hunter's Smarter Brother" players to ask questions, make introductions, and call out for help! If you're looking to join the story, ask here first. A place where one player can say to another player - "Hey, Red Cat, I tried to say good morning to you this morning, but your $#@^% PM box was full!"
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 2 replies
Ahoy there Mateys! After a bit o' exile I be returnin' ta Sea lookin' fer plunder! (Okay, it was a 3 year exile!) I be livin' in Neer-folk, Virginny but be goin' baks ta Philly soon to be wit' me lovin' wench, Lis. After an impressment o' 20 years, de Royal Navy (aka US Navy) will be releasin' me whereby I intend ta return ta da sea and drink and plunder ta me harts content or an early grave in Davey Jones Locker (whichever comes first). Lookin' ferward ta boardin' yer vessels in piracy! Mike Kotyk aka (Swashbucklin' Domingo da Dark)
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 10 replies
I am now just stepping in to the Pub for a bit o' fun and laughter. Any one care to dance? Ah, and how about a drink? Or any thing else wickedly delicious?
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 8 replies
Many happy returns to one of our newest members!
Last reply by Jacky Tar, -
- 41 replies
I recently had an interesting discussion on vacation. Over several pints, we chatted about who would play "you", if there were to be a movie based on your life. So with a twist, what actor or actresses would play the role of "you" while in your pirate persona?
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 85 replies
This excites me to no avail! (I must calm myself or I shall cause my nose to bleed!) There are many topics to discuss here; wigs, make-up, and attire with all its wondrous flash! Not to mention manner/behavior and etiquette! Ooo! This looks like it could be very entertaining, indeed! (Waves handkerchief lightly) Come not be shy!
Last reply by Capt. Sterling,