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3rd Annual Baltimore Pyrate Invasion

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Hide the Rum….Here come the Pirates!!

The Third Annual Baltimore Pyrate Invasion will be on April 28, 2007. This year we won’t just be a band of plunderin’ pyrates running amok at night, we will be raiding the streets of Fells Point during the sunlight hours, as well!

This year the fyne folks from the Fells Point Development Committee and our friends at Clipper City Brewing Company have banded together and joined our crew to plan an all-day event: A family-friendly Privateer Day during the daylight hours, and a Pyrate Invasion (grog crawl) in the evening for those rogues and wenches over the age of 21.

If any of ye peddlers would be wantin’ to vend your wares on Broadway Square during the day, put a message in a bottle and send it off to info@fellspointdevelopment.com Booth space is limited!!

So shake a peg leg and be prepared to join the invasion… if this be your first year, we promise you will be hooked!

www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com (more details to follow)

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!

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  • 4 weeks later...


We are still sorting out the details, but I must say that this year's event is shaping up to be very exciting with so many new things to see and do!!

Some information regarding the events during the day - the Privateer Day - can be found here: http://www.fellspointdevelopment.com/privateerday.html

Also, we are looking for more vendors and entertainers during the day. If you would like to have a booth, it is $125 for the day and you must provide your own 10x10 pop-up. Vendor registration info is also at the website above. Entertainers can email info@fellspointdevelopment.com

We would love to have any and all vendors, but in particular it would be nice to see more faire/pirate-focused wares being sold. There is also a need for face painters, henna artists, and anyone with experience giving fencing demonstrations.

If you would like to volunteer, especially during the day to help with children's activities please send an email to info@fellspointdevelopment.com

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!

  Capt Thighbiter said:
Dam, Kenny told me it were going to be on Apl 21, now all the reservation i made have to be cancelled.

Yeah, we really were targeting for that date, but it was not possible for all parties involved. I hope you were able to change your ressies????

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!


Yep, got them switched and all set. If fact , The Brigands contracted with Fells Point to do both a musical and a cannon fire demonstration, during the day. THis is gonna be FUN! If the Ferrets want to use our sound system ( like they did on NYE on board the Clipper City) , welcome to it.

Re; cannon demo - on NYE we had lots of un-supervised and I am sure un-safe pistol fire from the deck of the ship. That is NOT going to wash on shore, with Balto's Finest roaming the streets. I suggest that all weapons are peace tied. all black powder weapons be hobbled.

If all the parties attending are in agreement, we may be able to do a massed firing at the conclusion of the cannon demo. Comments?

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands


From my experience, I strongly feel that the "powers that be" need to have a powwow with the local magistrate and draw terms for use of said flintlock boomers well a head of time and have in writing the how's and why's should they be in a staged scenario or for demonstration.

Such demonstrations need to be therefore scheduled and the local bulls need to be notified of this schedule, so Barney Fife dosn't feel the need to flex his muscles and put on a show of his own.... Believe me, I wear a badge and I've seen it happen...(Rookies!) Then everyone makes the paper = bad rep points!

If there is a group of credible reenactors, there is usually a safety standard of which everyone is already familiar, so that is a no-brainer. However, it all starts with the right hand informing the left hand of what the heck is being planned and not just assuming anything is ok.

Put it on paper. that way folks (rookies again) can't say they didn't know. Cover thy arse!


I'm also still waiting to see if the Archangel is going to make an appearance. I'm sure the use of boomers will play a big part should we have folks commit to driving across the country to perform, only to be held back!

If there is a point of contact, send the information and we can also try to get the ball rolling in the right direction.



No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

  • 2 weeks later...

The "Pirate Invasion" doesn't start until 6:00pm so it is possible to shop early and still make it to Fells Point for the Grog Crawl and Bar hop that will be going on in the evening

There are a lot of bars and Restaraunts that are offering great deals to those that have registered and signed in.

So after a long day at "Ft. Fredrick "or at the "Southern Maryland Celtic Fest" you come on down to Fells Point for a cool beer and bite to eat with your fellow pirates.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much for posting information about this event, Blenderwench! I didn't even know it existed! I have been to Baltimore Inner Harbor many times, but I've never been to Fells Point. This looks fascinating. I hope I see you there!!

  crimson corsair said:
The "Pirate Invasion" doesn't start until 6:00pm so it is possible to shop early and still make it to Fells Point for the Grog Crawl and Bar hop that will be going on in the evening

There are a lot of bars and Restaraunts that are offering great deals to those that have registered and signed in.

So after a long day at "Ft. Fredrick "or at the "Southern Maryland Celtic Fest" you come on down to Fells Point for a cool beer and bite to eat with your fellow pirates.

Do you have to register for the day???? Wot about the kiddies???

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"


Aye Sealegs and Mad Meg, we'll be lookin' out fer ye. If ye be wantin' an activity fer the kiddies, there be three 1-hour long pirate sails 'board the Clipper City that day. Check www.clippercity.com for details.

As to comments regardin' black powder, there be some sort o' pirate raid happenin' that afternoon, with pirates comin' ashore from the Clipper City. Me understandin' be that this'll be cleared with the local constabulary. No gun fire on shore, but there be some from the Clipper City as long as all have been cleared by our gunners and black powder experts, as well as the ship's skipper. :lol:

Aye, there should be no unauthorized gun fire ashore other than that. Captain Thighbiter and his boys know what they be doin', and they be authorized by the proper aut'orities.

(But Captain, I was aboard the Clipper City New Years Eve, and me understandin' be that all pistol fire was authorized by Pirates for Sail's gunners and by the ship's skipper.)

Don't forget me hardies, the pub crawl that evenin'. And there be a pirate party sail aboard the Clipper City too. :lol:

And remember, if ye be inclined to venture out to Ft. Fred, that be a 4-day affair. Take a sick day and go out Thursday or Friday, or go out Sunday.

At yer bloody service,

Nathaniel "Gute" Morgan

Buccaneer, Brigand, & Cutthroat

Plundering the Spanish Main Since 1701®

"Refuse that, 'n' ye've seen th' last o' me but musket balls."


Aye Gute, authorized but perhaps unsupervised. That focs'le was a tad crowded to be firing flintlocks. I personally got hit in the eye from a cinder from the flashpan from 25 feet away up at Ft Delaware, so I like a LOT of room between firing stations.

The Privateers Day in Fells Point is going to be one hell of a great day and I expect not only some good media coverage but that the FPDC will make it an annual event. See ye there mate an we will drink a pot o'rum to Old Hobb.

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands


been thinking of coming down for the weekend but i was wondering if potapsco or miami beach state parks will have their camping open by then.....we'd have a camp of 4-6 maybe or if some mate has a bit of yard or field that they wouldn't mind a few rogues and rascals camping for a couple of nights


  Gute Morgan said:
Aye, there should be no unauthorized gun fire ashore other than that. Captain Thighbiter and his boys know what they be doin', and they be authorized by the proper aut'orities.

What? No gunfire? (he says, feigning annoyance.) :P

That pretty much seals the deal for me.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


If I am not mistaken I think Capt. Thighbiter is bringing a few cannon and there is rumor of a pirate fight of some kind taking place on the ship at the Broadway Pier with Pistol and Cutlass. In works of someone I know "There will be Black Powder if I have anything to do about it".



Black John, if ye be wantin' to fire guns, who be I t' deny ye? If ye'll come down 'n' bring that beautiful blunderbuss, I'll bring ye 'board the Clipper City meself 'n' ye can shoot it till we're all deaf! OO-RAH!

At yer bloody service,

Nathaniel "Gute" Morgan

Buccaneer, Brigand, & Cutthroat

Plundering the Spanish Main Since 1701®

"Refuse that, 'n' ye've seen th' last o' me but musket balls."


Well, looks like I may be making the trip after all! Now, as to where to stay ...what camping facilities might be found? A place where a pirate may toss a tent for a few days?


Ahoy, alla ye pirates of the Chesapeake!...We canna make this event, due to conflicts,but....ROYALISTE will possibly be makin' some unannounced stopovers thru the Chesapeake during June, including Baltimore, so...If'n ya wanna bend and ear or and elbow with the scallywags we call crew, be keepin' a weather eye to windward, and have the lookout keen for a heavily roached tops'l, Aye!.........


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