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Yes, that is true. Better to use other facets of the physique to monitor progress, because weight is too arbitrary. (You can lose a couple of pounds by forgetting to drink enough water one day, but that certainly isn't good for you.)

I have noticed that I seem to be losing my "programmer's slouch", courtesy of the back muscle exercises in my weight routine. And a straight spine tends to straighten out an otherwise poochy gut, so there's a double win there.

My day got away from me today, so I guess I'd better go do a stairstep right now.

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Five days into the new diet and all is well, although I'd knock down a whole crowd of nuns to get to a free pizza. No. It isn't as bad as all that.






did half of mine now, the other half will be done walking through this!

Historic Winter Market

Lynfield Event Center

10142 Hansonville Rd.

Frederick, MD 21702

March 3-4, 2007

10:00-5:00 Sat.

10:00-4:00 Sun

We are moving! The winter show is no longer going to be held in Elverson, Pa. We will be moving to the Lynfield Event Center. It is located just off Rt. 15, Eight miles North of Frederick, Md.

Admission $5.00

We are expanding to include more traders. There is room for 100 tables of quality merchandise.


Don't Miss This Show!

Top Quality Craftspersons from all over the East.

Leather, Beads, Muzzle Loading Rifles, Knives, Tomahawks, Leather Clothing, Native American Crafts, Pottery, Books, Re-enactors, Antiques, Leather Bags, Capotes, Colonial Clothing, Custom Reproductions

This is the source for the quality re-enactment merchandise. Vendor List

Knives and Tomahawks


Custom Woodwork

Fairy Tails



Buckskinning Supplies


Dave the Roadman

On the Road

Leather Clothes...

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Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Did you take any pictures, John?

My wife and I are now into the second week of our new diet and all is well. The adjustment has been a strange one, but I can already feel the pounds sliding off.






Cool news WRW! Glad to hear you've made it to week two. You've probably gotten over that first hump. Congrats!

Pics...? You know, sometimes I wonder if instead of being just a normal person I'm actually a photojournalist... :huh: more often that not I'm slogging a camera around with me, because I do love to tka epics. But this time, I made the decision to leave the camera home and just be me... reenactor/dad/husband. And I had alot of fun. I did see some stuff that might have been photo worthy. And I did take the wife and kids to Gettysburg afterwards to Dirty Billy's hat shop. He was there, but he didn't have the hat she wanted so... we dorve the extra 30 minutes to his shop where I bought her a nice $100 hat. It's funny, because whenever we go to an event, she always gets better swag than I do. Me? I picked up two hat blanks and a cast iron sphere to be used as a replica grenado. She got the hat, and a bunch of material, and some misc other stuff. The kids got some neat stuff too - son#2 got the greatest monmouth cap! and son#1 a pair of wooden clogs (as we with kids know, finding shoes for 'em is nigh unto impossible).

Then yesterday, after excercising and putting together the furniture for the tavern, I helped her make her new stays. But that's another story...


This morning, I did my time. While watching Lost. Great show. And now I must away. Tons to do, so little time!

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Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Congratulations, William! Do you have a particular diet system?

Did my stairstep, 25 minutes. It's getting a touch more routine now. I haven't exactly developed a good habit, but at least I no longer look on it with loathing.

The scale says 191 today! I may make my goal of 185 by end of June yet.


Excellent, blackjohn! Congrats!

Weights this morning. Should have done them last night. Today is stairstep day, which I still owe, to stay on schedule.


Stairstep this morning. I raised the effort level from "5" to "6" on the machine. No idea what that means objectively (other than the machine says 25 minutes of that is good for 350 calories), but whoo! it made a difference to me! :huh:


My exercising hit an abysmal halt.

I made a stupid mistake and was in a car accident at the beginning of last month (stupid, totally my fault, luckly no one hurt except my totalled car). On top of that work has become a living hell. So between feeling stupid and stressed out I didn't find anyplace to feel like exercising (or getting on the pub for that matter...).

But now I think I can start getting back on track again. I feel better and I have a new (to me) car. Maybe if the weather breaks this weekend like they say it will I will go for a mile jog.


Whoa! Rogue! Are you ok?!?! I was wondering where you had gotten to, and just figured you had been extra busy or had a computer crash, but a car! I hope everything is ok now! So... glad you have returned!

Just for fun, I stepped on the scale again this morning and it read down 5.8! Sweet! This exercise stuff is fun!

Tom, what kind of machine do you have?

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I'm fine, nothing hurt but my pride. Thanks for the concern though :huh:

I lost my car (flipped it on it's side), but I just bought a new one this week. I must admit, my new (to me, It's a 2000) lime green VW bug does make me feel much better :huh:


Glad to hear the winds are finally drawing fair for you again, Ms. Mermaid. Welcome back.

Blackjohn, I have a Tectrix Personal Climber (I can't find any sort of model number). You enter your weight, type of workout (interval, peak, custom), and duration, and it will give you stats about your workout. It looks like this. I prefer hiking to the stairstepper, but I have to admit a half hour on the machine is just more efficient, time-wise.

I also have a weight bench with a lat bar (which I used this morning). It looks like this. Mostly I'm doing free weights with dumbbells, but the lat bar exercise is great for the back.

  Rogue Mermaid said:
I'm fine, nothing hurt but my pride. Thanks for the concern though :huh:

I lost my car (flipped it on it's side), but I just bought a new one this week. I must admit, my new (to me, It's a 2000) lime green VW bug does make me feel much better :huh:

Hey, we rangers have to stick together. :huh:

VW bug! Cool! My son#1 loves bugs, both classic and new! If we ever see you at an event, you'll have to let him sit in it!


My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

  LongTom said:
Blackjohn, I have a Tectrix Personal Climber (I can't find any sort of model number). You enter your weight, type of workout (interval, peak, custom), and duration, and it will give you stats about your workout.


I've come to appreciate some of these new high tech work out and weight loss gizmos. I dig this new digital scale we have. It keeps track of how much you weighed when you first stepped on it, what your goal is, and a bunch of other stuff too! Pretty cool!

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Stair step today. Also about a mile hiking around a lake, as I took the kids fishing.

11 pounds!?! Don't make it look so easy, William! :lol: (seriously, though, congratulations.)


Just to put another twist in the aerobics picture, tomorrow I become the proud owner of a new commute. (and all that that implies.) I got a bike today (a folding one, so it can go on the train), and gave if a brief shakedown cruise of 2 or 3 miles. Starting in the morning, I will have some forty minutes of biking every day to call my very own. (For the first time in twenty years. Someone remind me, how long before saddle soreness goes away? Ouch...)

  blackjohn said:
VW bug! Cool! My son#1 loves bugs, both classic and new! If we ever see you at an event, you'll have to let him sit in it!


Absolutely! I love showing it off :lol:


Man! What do they call that torture device where the bicycle seat normally goes? :lol:

Note to self: in future, if the bike comes stock with a "racing seat", do not leave the shop without a gel pad to cover it. Ow. ow. ow.

Other than that, though, the ride to the train station seems tailor made: 3 miles long, slight downhill grade the whole way there (so I don't arrive at work sweaty), which translates to a slight uphill grade the whole way home (so I do get an actual workout in).

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