kass Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Pat, Diosa, No worries. I'm a trained linguist! Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!
Captain Jim Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Patrick before coffee: Be afraid, be very afraid... My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...
kass Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Jim, I could provide a special service whereby I pour some coffee down the customer's gullet before he actually wakes up. If he doesn't swat me flat first, he'll awake in a much better mood! If the camp wants to take up a collection... Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!
Patrick Hand Posted December 20, 2006 Author Posted December 20, 2006 Kinda scarry.... that's me not hung over, but befor th' coffee kicks in.....
William Brand Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 Are we interested in a list of people wishing to attend next year? A tentative roll call if you will?
Patrick Hand Posted December 23, 2006 Author Posted December 23, 2006 Quote Are we interested in a list of people wishing to attend next year? A tentative roll call if you will? Hey... That's why we voted you Quartermaster............
Silkie McDonough Posted December 27, 2006 Posted December 27, 2006 Just wanted to pose a question. What if someone were to want o be a renaissance pirate would they be able to have their own camp also? For instance, I think it would be grand to portray Grace O'Malley but she is earlier than the GAoP (1530-1603). Would something like that be accepted? Not in either of the existing camps but an additional camp within the fort? Pirates have been around for centuries. Julius Ceasar was kidnaped by Pirates and held for ransom. If someone wished to be a 'roman' pirate would they be accepted in the fort?
kass Posted December 27, 2006 Posted December 27, 2006 Obviously the decision is Harry's, but it's been stated quite a few times in this thread and others in this forum that the time period inside the fort is 1680-1725. Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!
callenish gunner Posted December 27, 2006 Posted December 27, 2006 i think what was being interjected was the assumption of some people that pyracy only pertains to the "Golden Age" but that was only my assumption....only symantics but an important point of view
hurricane Posted December 27, 2006 Posted December 27, 2006 Silkie McDonough said: Just wanted to pose a question. What if someone were to want o be a renaissance pirate would they be able to have their own camp also? For instance, I think it would be grand to portray Grace O'Malley but she is earlier than the GAoP (1530-1603). Would something like that be accepted? Not in either of the existing camps but an additional camp within the fort? Pirates have been around for centuries. Julius Ceasar was kidnaped by Pirates and held for ransom. If someone wished to be a 'roman' pirate would they be accepted in the fort? The dates are specific: 1675-1725 (Kass, you're close:). There's no latitude as far as those who want to portray historical piracy in the confines of the fort. Those who want to dress up and pay to attend have no time period to adhere to, but all inside the fort, participating as edutainers, have those dates to adhere to. I think Harry was pretty clear on that aspect. And I think trying to expand on the idea is a "dead horse." -- Hurricane -- Hurricane ______________________________________________________________________ http://piratesofthecoast.com/images/pyracy-logo1.jpg Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011) Scurrilous Rogue Stirrer of Pots Fomenter of Mutiny Bon Vivant & Roustabout Part-time Carnival Barker Certified Ex-Wife Collector Experienced Drinking Companion "I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic." "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com
Harry Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 I'd have to nix the idea on portraying a character out of the time period that's been established. There's no doubt that piracy has been around for centuries and still exists today. But, I'm of the mind that when the general public thinks of pirates, the images that first come to mind are the "swashbucklers" of the late 1600s and early 1700s. That's not to say that a character, when talking with visitors, couldn't mention people and events from the past. After all, stories have been passed along through the ages... Harry Fort Taylor.org ------- Fort Taylor Pyrate Fest MySpace Page Master Hairbone's MySpace Page ------- There is no more equitable judge than a cannon
Silkie McDonough Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 Thanks Harry. I wasn't even proposing that I portray anything but GAoP. I was there this year. I have every intention in being there again in 2007. My kit is being built as GAoP. (...and yes, I know I fell short this year.) What prompted the question was a discussion with a friend. They had mentioned the fact that there have been pirates since there were ships. I had no answer as to why we limit ourselves to the arbitrary years of the GAoP, especially since the title of the festival is "Pirates in Paradise", in that title there is no limit to dates. They asked about the chosen dates pointing out Julius Caesar and Spanish Galleon's full of gold. I'm an artist , not a historian, I have no answers. So, I ask those who know better than me. Additionally I was thinking about the campers that moved in on Saturday 2006. They were decidedly renaissance. Would they be turned away next year? Will "we" (a.k.a. Harry) contact them with the 'three year plan' prior to next year? Information is a good thing to share.
Patrick Hand Posted December 30, 2006 Author Posted December 30, 2006 I'm foing tyo get in soooo much trouble for posting this..... Bur once appon a time ther were women... dorring the Golden Age Of Pyracy...There wer women.... There is a thread in Capt. Twill kinda sorta about this..... Wouldn't it be really cool in there was someway to incorperate the women durring the Golden Age also..... I'm rattling.... happly drunk.... but... What the heck..... a part of the activities at the fort showed that women were a part of pyracy also... not pyrates... but they were ther.... something like " or to show the public..... yah... there were women durring the time period (and I'm not going to go back and just look at what I just posted... stream of thought....... works that way don't it................
Patrick Hand Posted December 30, 2006 Author Posted December 30, 2006 Dang... stream of thought look kinda bad....... But I still think that there were women durring the time period... just not pyrates... It's easy for me to play a "bad scummy crewmember" and it would take some work to figure out who or what a woman would be dirring the time (I think Kass could help) but for the sexy cool femails..... why play a pyrate... when you can still be sexy and cool, and some one that "took" the Pyrates money (not nessicarily a prostitute... but why do you think Pyrate went to Sea again....) Awh heck.... drunk agian.... just thinking..................
Silkie McDonough Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Patrick, you are the only lad who could get away with a post like that and still have the lass' luv ya! :) You must be doing something wrong in your portrayal of "pirate scum".
Patrick Hand Posted December 30, 2006 Author Posted December 30, 2006 Awh.... check out my post in Twill................. that will sture up something..... I still like the idea of haveing something for women to do other than playing pyrates or whores (not that I have nothing against whores...(sorry,,)) Drat... it's easy to play a Pyrate.... but what did the women do back then.... might be a kinda cool exibit for the fort.... "Women durring the GAoP" or something like that....................
Silkie McDonough Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 I think we must first, at least at PiP get a good pirate camp going. THEN we can concentrait on what the women did back then. Quite honestly, women were VERY limited back then with pregnancy, children and related matters. They wouldn't be on ships because they couldn't go far or often. Women were land bound for the most part.
Patrick Hand Posted December 30, 2006 Author Posted December 30, 2006 Silkie... check out my other kinda rumblin in the other thread..... I'm trying to figure out what women did durrrring ( the button stuck... but the Arrr kinda was funny) the Golden Are of Pyracy... other than dress like men and be pyrates.... but heck... I'm not doing good at it........ How do we "play" pyrates (ok for the careening camp) and have women around..... Dang... this year..... awh shoot... it was fun to have you there.... not going ter "boot" you outta camp because you have one of those and not one of these..... Just trying to figure out a way to make it all work.... and not be snotty bout the whole thing......... The "idea" is in the back of my brain.... I just can't get it out to be able to post it........ that's why I'm hoping Kass can kinda save me ass......... There were women durring the Golden Age of Pyracy.... just no one knows about them ..... can we change that?
Patrick Hand Posted December 30, 2006 Author Posted December 30, 2006 Dang... what I wanted to post befor I got side tracked..... other post and such... I've thought about it.... Sea Chest were that size because that was wher you kept everything you owned.... to make a sea chesat smaller for ease of UPS shipping.... dang ...WRONG..... OK... so If I make it.. I can figure out how to ship the thing..... So it's back to the idea.... I wanna Sea Chest... (and they were kinda big).... If I can make it... I can ship it..... (or something like that......)(well... if you make it they will come... but not the same thing.....) If I'm going to do something.... dang..... do it right.... (figure out the shipping latter)
kass Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Patrick Hand said: How do we "play" pyrates (ok for the careening camp) and have women around..... Pat, you said it really well in the thread in TWILL: women were around. They did things. Do those things! Did you know that in many of port towns in England, the entire economy was run by women? Yes, technically the men owned the shops, but they were at sea most of the time, so the women ran them. Basically you had these little "cities of women" that ran well and efficiently. I think we all have that Victorian picture of the helpless, weak woman in our heads and it's hard to get over that. Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!
lorien_stormfeather Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Well said Kass. From what I hear 'bout your coffee house that would be a great addition. Coffee was more popular (and common) than tea during this period, was it not? I always get in trouble with my crew by suggesting that pirates (or sea going gentleman or marines or gentry) drank anything but ale or rum! But it seems to me that serious plottin' for plundering, or plans for pirate hunting would be better acomplished under the influence of caffeine served by lovely women (who of course could also be spies!). Stormfeather is well known to aid and abett piracy (and monkey stealin'), in her own subtle way and looks completely innocent while serving a pot of gunpowder tea and assorted biscuits.
Silkie McDonough Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Far from helpless women in those times! Just not very mobile. Aditionally, if one is flying to a festival it is difficult to take the "props" required to ply her trade along. For me at PiP I would need at least 3 sets of garb for the day. Business woman. Pirate (for battles). Bar wench ...or the like. Okay, I admit it wouldn't be a requirement but it would be nice. I could remain in the fort and fight from the ramparts as a business woman defending the place. So that's two outfits ...with lots of fabric each.
kass Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Hey Murin, I have some great advice for you! The key to packing light is wearing the same things in different ways. For example, your "business woman", "fighter" and "wench" shifts can all be the same shift (or two)-- just worn more buttoned as a man and less as a wench. Your "wench" petticote can be the underpetticote for your "business woman" outfit. Men and women, high class and lower class, wore very similar shoes in this period. And if you wear a sailor's jacket for your "fighter" rather than a frock coat (which is too much coat anyway), that packs very small. Hell, you could even wear your sailor's jacket on the plane with your street clothes! Believe me -- I've flown to events on international flights and trains and had to pack extremely light. The secret is to reuse stuff. Don't think "outfits", think "separates". Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!
Silkie McDonough Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Funny thing Kass, I pack light in real life. I just have to learn how to do it with garb!
Capt Rusty Wild Rice Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 William Red Wake said: Are we interested in a list of people wishing to attend next year? A tentative roll call if you will? I am just now jumping back onto this thread, I have been traveling around a bit since PIP. Count me in again for PIP next year. I have a training that looks like will be at that same time, so I am looking for an alternative so that I can still attend. Anyway I am in California now (Long Beach) as first mate on the Tole Mour. Anyone wanting to help me network out her, drop me a a line.
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