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With all the graphic artists here surely someone else has done some pirates as subjects? C'mon lads n' lasses, show us yer pirates!

If anyone's interested, "Il Pirata" was done from a photograph of me wearing my pirate gear and goth makeup- white face, black lipstick, black eyeliner, brightly rouged cheeks, like a mime. Then the photo was transfered into grayscale in Photoshop, the contrast bumped up considerably and then a lot painting in varying shades of gray, black and white to exaggerate and enhance. It was surprisingly easy. Even doing it for the first time.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas




I just finished one (have a show coming up in December)

a little pen & Ink, haven't colored it yet.

I don't have the web knowlege to post it here :(

I could email the image if you're

interested in seeing it





I'l Pirata??? It's EL Pirata

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

  redhand said:
Il Pirata....isn't that what happens when

ya lose yer sealegs? :(



Pirata does not get ill!

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Ye-Har, great idea. Recently I've been drawing a number of Pirate pieces, and also have a few commissions waitin' fer me of the Pyratical persuasion. Here's one that recently won the "Monthly Gargoyles Contest" for Most artistic. Most of 'em involve Jack o' course... 'cause he be one tasty piece o' manmeat. :(


Jack's enjoyin' somthin' he started in a pub between a couple o' gargoyle wenches. Illustrator and Photoshop.

Why, ye say?

One o' a series of pirate comics. Illustrator.

Hope ye likes 'em! :(

More can be found on me site if yer interested.

Good Plunderin', me lovelies!


"Ah, the city.. with all it's people and their accumulated wealth, yes?"





"Il Pirata" is Italian! :-) The head of Sail San Francisco calls me that, which is why I gave the image the name. I think it is pronounced differently from Spanish to Italian also. The Italian version sounds like peer-rah-ta with a rolling R. Very pretty.

So since you've got me typing in Italian-

Molto bello Dreamy! (very beautiful!)

...OK I admit it, I used the on-line language translator for that last line!! :(

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


  TalesOfTheSevenSeas said:
"Il Pirata" is Italian! :-) The head of Sail San Francisco calls me that, which is why I gave the image the name. I think it is pronounced differently from Spanish to Italian also. The Italian version sounds like peer-rah-ta with a rolling R. Very pretty.

So since you've got me typing in Italian-

Molto bello Dreamy! (very beautiful!)

...OK I admit it, I used the on-line language translator for that last line!! :ph34r:

Como bien. Yo no habla Italiano pero ellos y yo saves como yo dice en Espanol.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Sweet! Pirate art! I LOVE pirate art...in fact it's my favorite subject matter! If you would like to peruse some 'o my rogues, head tomy site!

I'm an artist with a near crippling fascination with all manner of pirate lore.

*NOTE* My site is image intensive and may take a good while to load, so be patient. It's a design flaw on my part, which I'll fix asap.

You'll find the pirate art in my illustration portfolio. :huh:

  JoshuaRed said:
Sweet! Pirate art! I LOVE pirate art...in fact it's my favorite subject matter! If you would like to peruse some 'o my rogues, head tomy site!

I'm an artist with a near crippling fascination with all manner of pirate lore.

*NOTE* My site is image intensive and may take a good while to load, so be patient. It's a design flaw on my part, which I'll fix asap.

You'll find the pirate art in my illustration portfolio. :huh:

Awesome! Love your work. Your site is now one of my favorites.


Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.

  JoshuaRed said:
Thanks all! THere's more on the way.

Course one of my dreams would be to have some work appear in some future issue of NQG...  :)

I hear they take bribes better than others... Kidding...

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


:lol: Arrrr yeaah! I haven't much in the way of pictures, but in other realms... I write music (mostly starting out as vaguely psychedelic dubby hip-hop), I'm not sure if it'd be up any of yer alleys, but the theme to all my music/life is the undertaking of a pirate's life :lol:

I go under the guise of "kazaamBLAM!"

I don't have a website up yet, but on monday night I am designing one with a friend, and hopefully in the next week or two you'll be able to plunder some of me tracks for free. If in the meantime ye want to try one on fer size, try and hook up with me in MSN messenger. I'm only too keen to hook y'all up with the new pirate sounds!

A pirate friend and I hooked up last year and recorded an album with some manky lo-fi pirate numbers on it:

"X marks the treasure

To get to..

Without a scale to measure

You get blue..

Don't need a compass to navigate

this trip scout!

Look down treasure found,

First mate dig it out, dig it out!"

Arr! What a piratical chorus! :lol:

'My own master, on like occasions, would buy a whole pipe of wine and placing it in the street would force everyone that passed him to drink with him, threatening also to pistol them in case they would not do it... and very oftern, with both his hands, he would throw these liquors about the street and wet the clothes of such as walked by, without regarding whether he spoiled their apparel or not, were they men or women.'

  JoshuaRed said:
Nice. I'm big into trip-hop...fusion...acid jazz...etc. I'd like to hear your stuff.

Probably way off topic, but what did you just say?

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


lol this isn't really art its a screen shot from a pirate game i play with me crew mates

This is a pic of my crew mates and i in action at the enemy fort



What game is it? Is it a game played online or what? Can you play it solo or must you play with others?

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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